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Re: US court says software is owned, not licensed

From: amicus_curious
Subject: Re: US court says software is owned, not licensed
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 12:54:47 -0400

"David Kastrup" <> wrote in message 
"amicus_curious" <> writes:

"David Kastrup" <> wrote in message

Now I would not put it past you to try to set up a business centered
around this purportive loophole.  But nobody in his right mind would
care to do important business with you anyway.  You come across as
far too willing to take unnecessary risks.  Your compulsive desire to
prove yourself clever and the rest of the world stupid is simply too
dangerous in a business partner.

Very few have ever succeeded in any business centered around open
source software.
More than those in any business centered against open source software.
Most of the openings against open source software appear to be in Usenet
trolling.  The former is a billion dollar market.  The latter does not
appear to feed more than a handful of people.  And they occupy
identities like busy Potemkin villagers.

What use do you anticipate for pulling something that stupid out of thin air? You folk seem to think that a mere sneer is an adequate response to anything that you cannot answer otherwise. That is why you are still in last place.

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