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Re: Yet Another Tech Industry Whore-Out: Mozilla

From: Snit
Subject: Re: Yet Another Tech Industry Whore-Out: Mozilla
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:35:41 -0700
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

On 7/14/13 5:29 PM, in article 135l6lbtht3ql.trjz631q7118$,
"flatfish+++" <> wrote:

> On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:54:11 -0700, Snit wrote:
>> On 7/14/13 4:19 PM, in article udjihinn5to4.1kapr76vew0hm$,
>> "flatfish+++" <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 22:59:31 +0000 (UTC), Red Blade wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 10:54:24 -0700, Snit wrote:
>>>>> Obama is an American born citizen, born in Hawaii.
>>>> It doesn't matter. From my original post:
>>>> Red Blade wrote:
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Supreme Court ruled in the 1800s that natural-born citizen required two
>>>>>> American-born parents and the case was dismissed, etc).
>>>>> Obama is not a Muslim.
>>>> He is a Muslim sympathizer and that's bad enough.
>>> Bingo....
>>> And he and his wife hate America.
>> Er? How so? 
> By their statements and actions.


> Obama goes to Europe and apologizes.

For what?


If you have a source which shows an apology I would like to know for what.
And sometimes an apology is the right thing to do.

> Michelle states for the first time in her life she is proud to be an
> American.
> Huh?
> Come on already it's quite obvious.

An off the cuff remark that has been taken out of context. She was in
reference to the previous administrations absurdities which no American
should be proud of (in general, not saying there is nothing Bush did was

>>> He is a globalist who wants to drag the USA down to the same level as
>>> 3rd world countries so we are all the same.
>> Um, what? Where did you get that from?
> You need to take off the liberal rose colored glasses and look
> carefully at his actions.

I am asking for support and you are returning insults.

> There are plenty of sites dissecting his words and actions.
> He doesn't want the US to remain a super power.


> He wants us all to toss our bombs in the water and everyone become
> friends, share and enjoy the one world nation.


> That's all well and fine however nations like China are building
> bombs and tactical weapons as fast as they can.
> He with the most powerful army and economy will remain the leader.

The US spends more on our military than any other 10 countries combined. I
do not think we are skimping there!

> Look at Reagan compared to Obama.
> Reagan was a strong president.

He also started pushing the Republicans to where they are now... an insane

> Obama is a weak one who likes to blame others for his failures.
> Reagan inherited a mess and fixed it.
> Obama simply complains.
> BTW..
> I didn't say anything about the Republicans.
> It's irrelevant.
> For the record I don't have any love for them either.
> They are helping Obama ruin the country, domestic policy wise.

I have no problem with you not liking Obama... would just be interesting to
see if you could back your accusations.

Proof of Brad Wiggins AKA cc AKA Bill Bateman's lies and bad faith:

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