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[gnuastro-commits] master 83e74d09 38/39: astscript-zeropoint: the name

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 83e74d09 38/39: astscript-zeropoint: the name of some options are modified
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:18:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 83e74d09796498841461318cbe2f5b30e741c059
Author: Sepideh Eskandarlou <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    astscript-zeropoint: the name of some options are modified
    Until now, some options were not clear. For instance, with '--reference'
    option it was difficult realize this is for images reference or catalog
    reference. On the other hand, '--catalog' option belonged to the reference
    catalog but it was not clear too.
    With this commit, the name of this options changed to the '--refimgs' and
    '--refcat' and now they clear for users.
 bin/script/ | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 doc/gnuastro.texi       | 36 ++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index 7a0c5847..ed08169f 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ jobs=1
@@ -92,17 +92,17 @@ catalog.
 $scriptname options:
   -h, --hdu=STR/INT            HDU/Extension name or number of the input file.
-  -c, --catalog=STR            Reference catalog considered as the reference.
-  -C, --cataloghdu=STR/INT     HDU/Extension name of number of the ref. 
+  -c, --refcat=STR             Reference catalog considered as the reference.
+  -C, --refcathdu=STR/INT      HDU/Extension name of number of the ref. 
   -r, --racolumn=STR           Right Ascension (R.A.) column name of the ref. 
   -d, --deccolumn=STR          Declination (Dec) column name of the ref. 
   -m, --magcolumn=STR          Magnitude column name of the ref. catalog.
   -M, --magnituderange=FLT,FLT Range of the magnitude to be considered.
   -s, --matchradius=FLT        Matching distance with the ref. catalog.
-  -R, --reference=STR[,STR]    Image(s) considered as the reference(s).
+  -R, --refimgs=STR[,STR]    Image(s) considered as the reference(s).
   -z, --referencezp=FLT[,FLT]  Zero point(s) of the reference image(s).
-  -H, --referencehdu=STR/INT   HDU/Extension name(s) or number(s) the ref. 
+  -H, --refimgsdu=STR/INT   HDU/Extension name(s) or number(s) the ref. images.
   -a, --aperarcsec=FLT[,FLT]   Aperture radius (in arco seconds) for 
   -K, --keepzpap               Keep the zero point from each aperture in a 
different HDU.
   -j, --jobs=INT               Number of threads; maximum jobs with no arg.
@@ -262,12 +262,12 @@ do
        -h|--hdu)                hdu="$2";                                     
check_v "$1" "$hdu";  shift;shift;;
        -h=*|--hdu=*)            hdu="${1#*=}";                                
check_v "$1" "$hdu";  shift;;
        -h*)                     hdu=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-h//');            
check_v "$1" "$hdu";  shift;;
-       -c|--catalog)            catalog="$2";                                 
check_v "$1" "$catalog";  shift;shift;;
-       -c=*|--catalog=*)        catalog="${1#*=}";                            
check_v "$1" "$catalog";  shift;;
-       -c*)                     catalog=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-c//');        
check_v "$1" "$catalog";  shift;;
-       -C|--cataloghdu)         cataloghdu="$2";                              
check_v "$1" "$cataloghdu";  shift;shift;;
-       -C=*|--cataloghdu=*)     cataloghdu="${1#*=}";                         
check_v "$1" "$cataloghdu";  shift;;
-       -C*)                     cataloghdu=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-C//');     
check_v "$1" "$cataloghdu";  shift;;
+       -c|--refcat)             refcat="$2";                                  
check_v "$1" "$refcat";  shift;shift;;
+       -c=*|--refcat=*)         refcat="${1#*=}";                             
check_v "$1" "$refcat";  shift;;
+       -c*)                     refcat=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-c//');         
check_v "$1" "$refcat";  shift;;
+       -C|--refcathdu)          refcathdu="$2";                               
check_v "$1" "$refcathdu";  shift;shift;;
+       -C=*|--refcathdu=*)      refcathdu="${1#*=}";                          
check_v "$1" "$refcathdu";  shift;;
+       -C*)                     refcathdu=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-C//');      
check_v "$1" "$refcathdu";  shift;;
        -r|--racolumn)           racolumn="$2";                                
check_v "$1" "$racolumn";  shift;shift;;
        -r=*|--racolumn=*)       racolumn="${1#*=}";                           
check_v "$1" "$racolumn";  shift;;
        -r*)                     racolumn=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-r//');       
check_v "$1" "$racolumn";  shift;;
@@ -284,15 +284,15 @@ do
        -M|--magnituderange)     magnituderange="$2";                          
check_v "$1" "$magnituderange";  shift;shift;;
        -M=*|--magnituderange=*) magnituderange="${1#*=}";                     
check_v "$1" "$magnituderange";  shift;;
        -M*)                     magnituderange=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-M//'); 
check_v "$1" "$magnituderange";  shift;;
-       -R|--reference)         reference="$2";                                
check_v "$1" "$reference";  shift;shift;;
-       -R=*|--reference=*)     reference="${1#*=}";                           
check_v "$1" "$reference";  shift;;
-       -R*)                    reference=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-R//');       
check_v "$1" "$reference";  shift;;
+       -R|--refimgs)           refimgs="$2";                                  
check_v "$1" "$refimgs";  shift;shift;;
+       -R=*|--refimgs=*)       refimgs="${1#*=}";                             
check_v "$1" "$refimgs";  shift;;
+       -R*)                    refimgs=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-R//');         
check_v "$1" "$refimgs";  shift;;
        -z|--referencezp)       referencezp="$2";                              
check_v "$1" "$referencezp";  shift;shift;;
        -z=*|--referencezp=*)   referencezp="${1#*=}";                         
check_v "$1" "$referencezp";  shift;;
        -z*)                    referencezp=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-z//');     
check_v "$1" "$referencezp";  shift;;
-       -H|--referencehdu)      referencehdu="$2";                             
check_v "$1" "$referencehdu";  shift;shift;;
-       -H=*|--referencehdu=*)  referencehdu="${1#*=}";                        
check_v "$1" "$referencehdu";  shift;;
-       -H*)                    referencehdu=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-H//');    
check_v "$1" "$referencehdu";  shift;;
+       -H|--refimgshdu)        refimgshdu="$2";                               
check_v "$1" "$refimgshdu";  shift;shift;;
+       -H=*|--refimgsdu=*)     refimgshdu="${1#*=}";                          
check_v "$1" "$refimgshdu";  shift;;
+       -H*)                    refimgshdu=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-H//');      
check_v "$1" "$refimgshdu";  shift;;
        -a|--aperarcsec)        aperarcsec="$2";                               
check_v "$1" "$aperarcsec";  shift;shift;;
        -a=*|--aperarcsec=*)    aperarcsec="${1#*=}";                          
check_v "$1" "$aperarcsec";  shift;;
        -a*)                    aperarcsec=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-a//');      
check_v "$1" "$aperarcsec";  shift;;
@@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ minrainput=$(echo $allradecinput  | awk '{print $1}')
 maxrainput=$(echo $allradecinput  | awk '{print $2}')
 mindecinput=$(echo $allradecinput | awk '{print $3}')
 maxdecinput=$(echo $allradecinput | awk '{print $4}')
-if [ x"$catalog" != x ]; then
+if [ x"$refcat" != x ]; then
     # Find the overlaping area between catalog and image.
-    asttable $catalog --inpolygon=$racolumn,$deccolumn \
+    asttable $refcat --inpolygon=$racolumn,$deccolumn \
              --polygon="$minrainput,$mindecinput \
                         : $minrainput,$maxdecinput \
                         : $maxrainput,$mindecinput \
@@ -456,14 +456,14 @@ if [ x"$catalog" != x ]; then
 elif [ x"$reference" != x ]; then
     # Compute how many references images are used.
-    nums=$(echo $reference \
+    nums=$(echo $refimgs \
               | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) printf "%s ", i}')
     for n in $nums; do
         # Extract the reference images name and their HDU.
-        img=$(echo $reference | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
-        hduimg=$(echo $referencehdu | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
+        img=$(echo $refimgs | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
+        hduimg=$(echo $refimgshdu | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
         # Find the overlaping area between the catalog and the image.
@@ -522,12 +522,12 @@ aper=$(echo $aperarcsec | sed 's|,| |g')
 echo "aper-arcsec = $aper" >> $config
 # If a catalog is provided as the reference.
-if [ x"$catalog" != x ]; then
+if [ x"$refcat" != x ]; then
     # Basic parameters.
     echo "reftype = cat" >> $config
-    echo "ref1 = $catalog" >> $config
-    echo "hduref1 = $cataloghdu" >> $config
+    echo "ref1 = $refcat" >> $config
+    echo "hduref1 = $refcathdu" >> $config
     echo "refnumber = 1" >> $config
     echo "ra = $racolumn" >> $config
     echo "dec = $deccolumn" >> $config
@@ -539,14 +539,14 @@ else
     echo "reftype = img" >> $config
     # Compute how many references images are used.
-    num=$(echo $reference \
+    num=$(echo $refimgs \
                | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) printf "%s ", i}')
     echo "refnumber = $num" >> $config
     # For each image, write its variables.
     for n in $num; do
-        img=$(echo $reference | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
-        hdu=$(echo $referencehdu | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
+        img=$(echo $refimgs | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
+        hdu=$(echo $refimgshdu | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
         zp=$(echo $referencezp | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{printf "%s", $'$n'}')
         echo "ref$n = $img" >> $config
         echo "hduref$n = $hdu" >> $config
diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index af11a56e..bc5467e9 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -29698,10 +29698,10 @@ Keep only the essential options that are including 
the information of the input
 $ astscript-zeropoint --help
 $ astscript-zeropoint zp/jplus-nc.fits --hdu=INPUT-NO-SKY \
-                      --reference=zp/sdss1.fits,zp/sdss2.fits \
+                      --refimgs=zp/sdss1.fits,zp/sdss2.fits \
                       --output=zp/jplus-zeropoint.fits \
                       --referencezp=22.5,22.5 \
-                      --referencehdu=0,0 \
+                      --refimgshdu=0,0 \
 @end example
@@ -29786,12 +29786,12 @@ Also, use the useful @option{--keepzpap} option to 
keep the result of matching t
 $ astscript-zeropoint zp/jplus-nc.fits --hdu=INPUT-NO-SKY \
-                      --reference=zp/sdss1.fits,zp/sdss2.fits \
+                      --refimgs=zp/sdss1.fits,zp/sdss2.fits \
                       --referencezp=22.5,22.5 \
                       --aperarcsec=2,3,4,5,6 \
                       --magnituderange=16,18 \
-                      --referencehdu=0,0 \
+                      --refimgshdu=0,0 \
 @end example
@@ -29833,12 +29833,12 @@ To see the final result for the zero point, please, 
re-run the script with the n
 $ astscript-zeropoint zp/jplus-nc.fits --hdu=INPUT-NO-SKY \
-                      --reference=zp/sdss1.fits,zp/sdss2.fits \
+                      --refimgs=zp/sdss1.fits,zp/sdss2.fits \
                       --magnituderange=16.4,17.8 \
                       --referencezp=22.5,22.5 \
                       --aperarcsec=2,3,4,5,6 \
-                      --referencehdu=0,0 \
+                      --refimgshdu=0,0 \
 @end example
@@ -29888,8 +29888,8 @@ In what follow, only the related options to the 
reference catalog will be shown.
 $ astscript-zeropoint zp/jplus-nc.fits --hdu=INPUT-NO-SKY \
-                      --catalog=zp/sdss-catalog.fits \
-                      --cataloghdu=1 \
+                      --refcat=zp/sdss-catalog.fits \
+                      --refcathdu=1 \
                       --magcolumn=rmag \
                       --racolumn=RA_ICRS \
                       --deccolumn=DE_ICRS \
@@ -29924,8 +29924,8 @@ We can select an interval with lower fluctuations for 
example around 16.8 to 17.
 $ astscript-zeropoint zp/jplus-nc.fits --hdu=INPUT-NO-SKY \
-                      --catalog=zp/sdss-catalog.fits \
-                      --cataloghdu=1 \
+                      --refcat=zp/sdss-catalog.fits \
+                      --refcathdu=1 \
                       --magcolumn=rmag \
                       --racolumn=RA_ICRS \
                       --deccolumn=DE_ICRS \
@@ -29969,8 +29969,8 @@ This script can be used with the following general 
 ## Based on the reference images zero point of the input image will
 $ astscript-zeropoint image.fits --hdu=1 \
-                      --reference=ref-img1.fits,ref-img2.fits \
-                      --referencehdu=1,1 \
+                      --refimgs=ref-img1.fits,ref-img2.fits \
+                      --refimgshdu=1,1 \
                       --referencezp=22.5,22.5 \
                       --aperarcsec=1.5,2,2.5,3 \
                       --magnituderange=16,18 \
@@ -29981,8 +29981,8 @@ $ astscript-zeropoint image.fits --hdu=1 \
 ## Based on the catalog which has magnitude column zero point of the
    image will obtained.
 $ astscript-zeropoint image.fits --hdu=1 \
-                      --catalog=cat.fits \
-                      --cataloghdu=1 \
+                      --refcat=cat.fits \
+                      --refcathdu=1 \
                       --aperarcsec=1.5,2,2.5,3 \
                       --magnituderange=16,18 \
@@ -29997,12 +29997,12 @@ This script takes the following options:
 The HDU/extension of the input image to use.
 @item -c STR
-@itemx --catalog=STR
+@itemx --refcat=STR
 Reference catalog which based on it, the zeropoint of the input image will be 
 This catalog should be have ra, dec and magnitude of the stars.
 @item -C STR/INT
-@itemx --cataloghdu=STR/INT
+@itemx --refcathdu=STR/INT
 The HDU/extension of the reference catalog will be calculated.
 @item -r STR
@@ -30018,7 +30018,7 @@ Declination column name of the reference catalog.
 Magnitude column name of the reference catalog.
 @item -R STR,[STR]
-@itemx --reference=STR,[STR]
+@itemx --refimgs=STR,[STR]
 Reference image or images which based on the zeropoint of the input image will 
be estimated.
 @item -s FLT
@@ -30033,7 +30033,7 @@ Zeropoint of the reference image or images.
 The number of this should be the same as the number of referene image(s).
 @item -H STR/INT
-@itemx --referencehdu=STR/INT
+@itemx --refimgshdu=STR/INT
 HDU/Extension name of number of the reference files.
 The number of this should be the same as the number of referene image(s).

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