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[PATCH v1 1/4] website: status: add 0.1 RC4 with the 4 image types.

From: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
Subject: [PATCH v1 1/4] website: status: add 0.1 RC4 with the 4 image types.
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 15:39:42 +0100

Before we had columns for installation and upgrade. These got replaced
to add the 4 image types as space was missing for all of them: it
would have made the markdown lines over 80 characters and it may also
create tables whose width is too big to be readable.

The installation and upgrade instructions were not added in an
additional table because:

- so far nobody tested trying to find instructions on the GNU Boot
  website to install GNU Boot,

- we plan to (re)write install and upgrade instructions to make them
  easier to use than what is currently scattered around the website.

Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
 website/pages/ | 215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 website/pages/    | 202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 339 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/website/pages/ b/website/pages/
index 815b1b55..5469fcb7 100644
--- a/website/pages/
+++ b/website/pages/
@@ -2,6 +2,177 @@
 title: Estado de GNU Boot
+Estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC4
+| Vendedor,        | GRUB con     | GRUB con     | SeaBIOS con  | SeaBIOS con  
+| Producto         | gráficos     | texto        | gráficos     | texto        
+|                  | alta         | baja         | alta         | baja         
+|                  | resolución   | resolución   | resolución   | resolución   
+| Acer, G43T-AM3   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Apple,           | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| MacBook 1.1      |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Apple,           | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| MacBook 2.1      |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Apple, iMac 5,2  | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Asus,            |                                                           
+| Chromebook C201  | No se puede instalar debido a que faltan imágenes.        
+| Asus, KCMA-D8    | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Asus, KFSN4-DRE  | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Asus, KGPE-D16   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Gigabyte,        |                                                           
+| D945GCLF2D       | Fallado: #66463, #66487                                   
+| Gigabyte,        | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| GA-G41M-ES2L     |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Intel, D410PT    | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Intel, D510MO    | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Intel, D945GCLF  | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad R400    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad R500    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad T400    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad T400S   |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad T500    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad T60     |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| with intel GPU   |              |              |              |              
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad W500    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad X200    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|  ThinkPad X200S  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad X200T   |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad X301    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad X60     |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ThinkPad X60T    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Lenovo,          | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|  ThinkPad X60s   |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Libiquity,       | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| Taurinus X200    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Qemu,            | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| PC (i440FX)      |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| D16              |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| T400             |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| T400s            |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| T500             |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| X200             |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| X200s            |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| Technoethical,   | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| X200 Tablet      |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| (X200T)          |              |              |              |              
+| Vikings,         | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ASUS KCMA D8     |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| mainboard and    |              |              |              |              
+| workstation      |              |              |              |              
+| Vikings,         | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+| ASUS KGPE D16    |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+| mainboard        |              |              |              |              
+| Vikings, X200    | No probado   | No probado   | Fallado:     | Fallado:     
+|                  |              |              | #66487       | #66487       
+* No probado: Los mantenedores de GNU Boot no conocen a nadie que haya
+  probado GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 en esa computadora. Si tiene GNU Boot en esta
+  computadora, informe si funciona o no (por ejemplo, abriendo un informe
+  de error).
+* Fallado: #<número de error>: Alguien probó GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 en esa
+  computadora y no arrancó o no arrancó completamente ninguna
+  distribución de GNU con Linux. Se debe confirmar que sea un problema
+  software y no hardware hardware como módulos de RAM rotos.
+  Se debe describir el problema en un rapporto de incidencias que es
+  disponible en<número de
+  error> (esto es el rastreador de errores de GNU Boot).
+* Probado: Alguien probó GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 en esa computadora e informó a
+  GNU Boot que al menos arrancó bien.
+* Usuarios diarios: algunas personas que se pusieron en contacto con los
+  mantenedores de GNU Boot y se ofrecieron como voluntarios para enviar
+  informes de errores a cerca de si la instalación de GNU Boot hacía que
+  la computadora fuera inutilizable o muy difícil de usar (como una
+  corrupción de la memoria que imposibilita el inicio de ciertas
+  distribuciones de GNU con Linux o bloquea la computadora
+  aleatoriamente). Si desea ayudar a GNU Boot con esto, comuníquese con
+  los mantenedores a través de un informe de error.
+Instrucciones de instalación:
+* No probado: Nadie probó las instrucciones de instalación de GNU Boot
+  para esta computadora.
+* Probado: Las instrucciones de instalación funcionaron bien.
+* Faltante: No hay instrucciones de instalación para este dispositivo y
+  necesitamos ayuda de los contribuyentes para agregarlas.
 Estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC3
@@ -94,44 +265,8 @@ Estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC3
 | Vikings       | X200           | No probado      | No probado  | No probado  
-* No probado: Los mantenedores de GNU Boot no conocen a nadie que haya
-  probado GNU Boot 0.1 RC1 en esa computadora. Si tiene GNU Boot en esta
-  computadora, informe si funciona o no (por ejemplo, abriendo un informe
-  de error).
-* Fallado: #<número de error>: Alguien probó GNU Boot 0.1 RC1 en esa
-  computadora y no arrancó o no arrancó completamente ninguna
-  distribución de GNU con Linux. Se debe confirmar que sea un problema
-  software y no hardware hardware como módulos de RAM rotos.
-  Se debe describir el problema en un rapporto de incidencias que es
-  disponible en<número de
-  error> (esto es el rastreador de errores de GNU Boot).
-* Probado: Alguien probó GNU Boot 0.1 RC1 en esa computadora e informó a
-  GNU Boot que al menos arrancó bien.
-* Usuarios diarios: algunas personas que se pusieron en contacto con los
-  mantenedores de GNU Boot y se ofrecieron como voluntarios para enviar
-  informes de errores a cerca de si la instalación de GNU Boot hacía que
-  la computadora fuera inutilizable o muy difícil de usar (como una
-  corrupción de la memoria que imposibilita el inicio de ciertas
-  distribuciones de GNU con Linux o bloquea la computadora
-  aleatoriamente). Si desea ayudar a GNU Boot con esto, comuníquese con
-  los mantenedores a través de un informe de error.
-Instrucciones de instalación:
-* No probado: Nadie probó las instrucciones de instalación de GNU Boot
-  para esta computadora.
-* Probado: Las instrucciones de instalación funcionaron bien.
-* Faltante: No hay instrucciones de instalación para este dispositivo y
-  necesitamos ayuda de los contribuyentes para agregarlas.
+Consulte el estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 arriba para conocer el
+significado de los distintos campos.
 Estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC2
@@ -228,7 +363,7 @@ algunas computadoras en el RC2 para reducir el riesgo de 
los probadores.
 | Vikings       | X200           | Probado         | No probado  | No probado  
-Consulte el estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 arriba para conocer el
+Consulte el estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 arriba para conocer el
 significado de los distintos campos.
 Estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC1
@@ -319,7 +454,7 @@ Estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC1
 | Vikings       | X200           | Probado         | No probado  | No probado  
-Consulte el estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 arriba para conocer el
+Consulte el estado de GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 arriba para conocer el
 significado de los distintos campos.
 Estado de "Upstream" (Contracorriente)
diff --git a/website/pages/ b/website/pages/
index f2dd1a16..69a7edba 100644
--- a/website/pages/
+++ b/website/pages/
@@ -2,6 +2,166 @@
 title: GNU Boot status
+GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 status
+| Vendor, product  | GRUB with    | GRUB with    | SeaBIOS with | SeaBIOS with 
+|                  | high         | text-only    | high         | text-only    
+|                  | resolution   | low          | resolution   | low          
+|                  | graphics     | resolution   | graphics     | resolution   
+| Acer, G43T-AM3   | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Apple,           |              |              |              |              
+| MacBook 1.1      | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Apple,           |              |              |              |              
+| MacBook 2.1      | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Apple, iMac 5,2  | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Asus,            |                                                           
+| Chromebook C201  | Can't install due to missing images                       
+| Asus, KCMA-D8    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Asus, KFSN4-DRE  | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Asus, KGPE-D16   | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Gigabyte,        |                                                           
+| D945GCLF2D       | Fail: #66463, #66487                                      
+| Gigabyte,        |              |              |              |              
+| GA-G41M-ES2L     | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Intel, D410PT    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Intel, D510MO    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Intel, D945GCLF  | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad R400    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad R500    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad T400    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad T400S   | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad T500    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad T60     |              |              |              |              
+| with intel GPU   | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad W500    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad X200    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+|  ThinkPad X200S  | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad X200T   | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad X301    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad X60     | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+| ThinkPad X60T    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Lenovo,          |              |              |              |              
+|  ThinkPad X60s   | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Libiquity,       |              |              |              |              
+| Taurinus X200    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Qemu,            |              |              |              |              
+| PC (i440FX)      | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |
+| D16              | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |              |              |              |              
+| T400             | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |              |              |              |              
+| T400s            | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |              |              |              |              
+| T500             | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |              |              |              |              
+| X200             | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |              |              |              |              
+| X200s            | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Technoethical,   |              |              |              |              
+| X200 Tablet      |              |              |              |              
+| (X200T)          | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Vikings,         |              |              |              |              
+| ASUS KCMA D8     |              |              |              |              
+| mainboard and    |              |              |              |              
+| workstation      | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Vikings,         |              |              |              |              
+| ASUS KGPE D16    |              |              |              |              
+| mainboard        | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+| Vikings, X200    | Untested     | Untested     | Fail: #66487 | Fail: #66487 
+* Untested: The GNU Boot maintainers are not aware of anybody who
+  tested GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 on that computer. If you have GNU Boot on
+  this computer please report if it works or not (for instance by
+  opening a bug report).
+* Fail: #<bug number>: Someone tested GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 on that
+  computer and it either doesn't boot at all, can't boot any fully
+  free GNU/Linux distribution. It should also be confirmed that this
+  is a software issue and not a problem with the hardware like broken
+  RAM modules. The issue should also be described in a bug report that
+  is available at<bug number>
+  (this is the GNU Boot bug tracker).
+* Tested: Someone tested GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 on that computer and
+  reported to the GNU Boot that it at least booted fine.
+* Daily users: Some people contacted the GNU Boot maintainers and
+  volunteered to send bug reports if installing GNU Boot made the
+  computer unusable or very hard to use (like a memory corruption that
+  makes it impossible to boot certain GNU/Linux distributions or
+  crashes the computer randomly). If you want to help GNU Boot
+  with that, please contact the maintainers through a bug report.
+Installation instructions:
+* Untested: Nobody tested the GNU Boot installation instructions for
+  this computer.
+* Tested: The installation instructions worked well.
+* Missing: There are no installation instructions for this device and
+  we need help from contributors to add them.
 GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 status
@@ -93,42 +253,8 @@ GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 status
 | Vikings       | X200               | Untested     | Untested    | Untested   
-* Untested: The GNU Boot maintainers are not aware of anybody who
-  tested GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 on that computer. If you have GNU Boot on
-  this computer please report if it works or not (for instance by
-  opening a bug report).
-* Fail: #<bug number>: Someone tested GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 on that
-  computer and it either doesn't boot at all, can't boot any fully
-  free GNU/Linux distribution. It should also be confirmed that this
-  is a software issue and not a problem with the hardware like broken
-  RAM modules. The issue should also be described in a bug report that
-  is available at<bug number>
-  (this is the GNU Boot bug tracker).
-* Tested: Someone tested GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 on that computer and
-  reported to the GNU Boot that it at least booted fine.
-* Daily users: Some people contacted the GNU Boot maintainers and
-  volunteered to send bug reports if installing GNU Boot made the
-  computer unusable or very hard to use (like a memory corruption that
-  makes it impossible to boot certain GNU/Linux distributions or
-  crashes the computer randomly). If you want to help GNU Boot
-  with that, please contact the maintainers through a bug report.
-Installation instructions:
-* Untested: Nobody tested the GNU Boot installation instructions for
-  this computer.
-* Tested: The installation instructions worked well.
-* Missing: There are no installation instructions for this device and
-  we need help from contributors to add them.
+See the status of GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 above for the meaning of the
+various fields.
 GNU Boot 0.1 RC2 status
@@ -224,7 +350,7 @@ the RC2 to reduce the risk of testers.
 | Vikings       | X200               | Tested       | Untested    | Untested   
-See the status of GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 above for the meaning of the
+See the status of GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 above for the meaning of the
 various fields.
 GNU Boot 0.1 RC1 status
@@ -314,7 +440,7 @@ GNU Boot 0.1 RC1 status
 | Vikings       | X200               | Tested       | Untested    | Untested   
-See the status of GNU Boot 0.1 RC3 above for the meaning of the
+See the status of GNU Boot 0.1 RC4 above for the meaning of the
 various fields.
 Upstream status

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