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[Gnucap-devel] The new "dispatcher" and plugins

From: al davis
Subject: [Gnucap-devel] The new "dispatcher" and plugins
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 22:25:46 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

The goal here is to move all of the models and devices out of 
the simulator core, and to allow them to be added and changed 
by users, without recompiling, relinking, or any 
other "difficult" method.  They are now "plugins", which can be 
changed at any time, now considered to be data, like the 
circuit you are simulating.

A variant of modelgen, which will be called "gnucap-verilog" 
will convert Verilog-AMS into C++, which you will then use your 
C++ compiler to convert into a shared object file.  
Then "attach" it.  Now you can use it.

There will be 3 ways to use such file.  

One is to compile them in.  To do this, just list it in the 
Makefile.  To not compile it in, just remove it.  The current 
plan is that the primitives (resistors, etc.) will be compiled 
in, but that is not a requirement.

The second method is to compile to a shared-object file, which 
will be stored in a public library area, such 
as /usr/share/gnucap/lib .  When the files are stored here, 
then can be treated as if they were compiled in, but actually 
will be linked when needed.  The plan is that some models, most 
likely the ones people expect every simulator to have, will be 
supplied this way.  They will be provided with the simulator.

An extension to the second method adds another directory, such 
as /usr/local/gnucap/lib, where unsupported models can be 
installed.  They too will be accessed transparently, but not 
supplied with the simulator.  A collection of these will be 
maintained on the gnucap web site, and distributed as a 
separate tarball.  We will accept these without testing.

The third method is manual attachment.  You would compile it and 
install it yourself.  The file can be anywhere.  This method 
allows you to develop models interactively.  Just re-attach to 
use the new one.

The attached files are completely self contained.  Their symbol 
names are not exported, so there will be no clash between 
modules.  The only data that must be unique is the name used to 
register it.

There is no difference in the files, other than the way they are 

So..  how does it work???

There is a global dispatcher.  Actually, there are 3 of them.  
They are construted before the program signs on, and contain 
pointers to prototypes of anything you might call up.

The 3 dispatchers are for models (MODEL_CARD), devices (CARD), 
and functions (COMPONENT_COMMON).  There will be one more for 
commands, but that is not in this version.

When a module is linked, a prototype of each model, device, or 
function is constructed as a static, and a pointer to it is 
entered in the dispatcher.

Because it is in global space, where only object declarations 
are allowed, not executable code, it is necessary to "noun" the 
action of attachment.  This is done with an "INSTALL" object, 
which uses its constructor to wrap the pointer to install it.

This whole thing is built around the C++ "std::map" class, part 
of the standard library.  It provides associative arrays.

There is a significant catch, which probably seems obvious:  The 
dispatcher must be constructed before you can put anything in 
it.  This causes a link order dependency.

In "" we find:

DISPATCHER<MODEL_CARD> model_dispatcher;

ok ... "model_dispatcher" is an object of 
It is global.

In a file being attached,containing a model, we find:

// A declaration of the dispatcher, so we can use it:
extern DISPATCHER<MODEL_CARD> model_dispatcher;

// A prototype of the model being installed.
// The name does not matter,
// except that we will use it in the next statement.
static MODEL_DIODE p1;

// Now install it.
// The name "p_D" doesn't matter.  It is not seen anywhere else.
p_D(&model_dispatcher, "D", &p1);
// "p_D" here is a INSTALL wrapper object. 
// It is not used anywhere again, except when it is destructed.
// The string "D" is what this model will be known as.
// "&p1" is taking the address of the prototype,
// which now corresponds to the string.

We can now call up this model using the string "D",
as in ".model my_diode D is=1e-18"

To compile such a module..  If it will be compiled in, nothing 
special is required.  If it will be a separate module, it must 
be compiled into a "shared object" file, with position 
independent code.  You might do something like this:

"g++ -fPIC -shared -o"

Now to attach it at run time:  "attach ./".

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