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[open-cobol-list] Keyword parameters (was : CALL SYSTEM OR CALL "SYSTEM"

From: Bill Klein
Subject: [open-cobol-list] Keyword parameters (was : CALL SYSTEM OR CALL "SYSTEM"
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 11:09:18 -0600

> -----Original Message-----
> Bill, do you really want to accept
> the  UPPER-CASE extension ?
> What's wrong with LOCALE-UPPER-CASE ?
> (and everthing that has either a keyowrd or a
>   optional param)
> In fact I object to using Cobol keywords
> as params.
> A language should be implemtable as a subset
> of the language.
> Roger
  I understand your "objection" and you could (should?) submit a paper to J4
on it.  (Or better yet, get DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) - German
Standards Body - to submit a paper on it to WG4.)

On the other hand,  it is my belief that the "general consensus" is that
using keyword parameters is BETTER than adding new intrinsic functions.  My
best guess is that you stand little or no chance in getting this changed now
- but if you don't try, it won't even get considered (or reconsidered)

Think of the "keyword" as a parameter (temporary data item) passed by
CONTENT - if that helps <G>


I am CC'ing Karl Kiesel who could help you (if you want to) provide input to
DIN (or the German delegation to WG4)

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