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[open-cobol-list] HP Cobol intrinsics

From: Robert Keane
Subject: [open-cobol-list] HP Cobol intrinsics
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 18:56:08 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071023)

I have come across an HP Cobol program along with a little documentation about the process to make a Cobol program operate as a CGI program.

The following is a quote from the docs:
"The two main "tricks" used are (a) to call the READX and PRINT intrinsics for accessing the stdin and stdout socket or pipe and (b) to call a few subroutines from the Posix C library to read some important Posix environmemt variables preset by the httpd parent process."

The READX and PRINT intrinsics operate, according to the doc, like ACCEPT and DISPLAY but do not (re)open the $stdin and $stdout and therefor break the setup prepared by the parent httpd process.

The C library calls are to "getenv", "strlen" and "strncpy".

My question is, does OC have anything like the HP intrinsics READX and PRINT?


Robert Keane

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