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Re: hello

From: Lars Mehnen
Subject: Re: hello
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 10:17:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Youl get a lot of working examples here:

kind regards


Am 07.04.24 um 07:00 schrieb Adrian Enns:
Hello Cobol-Community,

I am Adrian and new to Cobol Programming. The Community around Cobol does not make that much noise, so I searched a little bit and found this list and the Forum on sourceforge. There are no good 'awesome cobol' links (most links are dead) and the github topic is just 221 Repos (ie. Python is around 283,928).

There are some good resources and documentation (Thanks to gnucobol). Also I found good feedback through Exercism.

Do there exist any conferences, meetups or are there any enthusiasts around cobol?

I appreciate your Feedback and wish you a happy sunday.

Best regards

Prof.(FH) DI DR. Lars Mehnen
Dep: Computer Science
University of Applied Science Technikum Wien
A-1200 Vienna
Tel: 43 1 333 40 77 - 5868

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