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[Gnue-dev] nstti status update

From: Gontran Zepeda
Subject: [Gnue-dev] nstti status update
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 00:17:25 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

I've been working on the Not So Tiny Text Interface (nstti), a set of
wrapper classes to the curses library module, this month and I would like
to present a status update to gnue-dev.

I mucked around a bit in the nstti classes, cleaning up, adding some
documentation strings and reading up.  Worked with the test script making
changes to the base classes to my satisfaction, and ambitiously began
working on the found in forms/src/uidrivers/nstti/

Long story short, I've realised that nstti base classes aren't feature
complete ;).  No problem, will simply add and enhance widgetry as needed
to implement the UIdriver.  Some work to do there imo.

There remain some ui design issues wrt how users may best interact with a
curses ui.  I hope to take hints from many excellent curses applications
currently widespread, and would appreciate names of any favourites from
all of you.  Maybe I could mock up a couple and create a poll for the

There is currently mouse event support on xterms.  I'm thinking nstti may
work on win32 via cygwin shell, probably no mouse though. Testing that
will be on the TODO list soon.

Just to have something to show (progress is being made :): Running
forms/samples/helloworld2.gfd, I've got the about box working -- (not in
cvs yet)

I'm taking a holiday beginning end of the month, then moving, so will,
unfortunately, not be very active after that until sometime in July.

In the mean time, gnue 0wnz me.

UnderEmployed in Phoenix,

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