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Re: [Gnue-dev] GNUe-Integrator

From: Jason Cater
Subject: Re: [Gnue-dev] GNUe-Integrator
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 13:32:19 -0600

That's my exact intention of GNUe Integrator.  My immediate need is the
"load data from cvs file" and "export data to cvs". 

I haven't actually read the Integrator proposals, but I imagine it's
non-technical fluff.   My vision of Integrator is pretty much what you

I've already started on a gmd format for Integrator. 

-- Jason

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:58:20 +0100
Jan Ischebeck <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to discuss GNUe integrator, because I probably will need it
> soon. 
> IMHO the proposal just speaks of integrator as a program which moves
> data from one kind of database schema into another, but IMHO GNUe
> integrator should be able to do more. F.e. read data from a flat file,
> or all other kind of "data sources" in a broader sense. Please
> comment, which stuff integrator should/could do and which it definitly
> should not do.
> * import data from databases 
> * export data to databases
> * modify data in a rule engine
> * keep two tables in different databases in sync 
> * export data to different formats (flat file, csv file, ...,)
> * load data from different formats (flat file, csv, XML ....)
> * load data from a logfile (always just load the new added part)
> Jan
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