On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Sorin Gherman <
address@hidden> wrote:
> I see, that makes a lot of sense, thanks again! As the game progresses, the
> load time for each new move will increase, I assume.
> So I agree now, keeping one process per game would benefit the CPU usage.
> Problem is that currently I don't have the notion of a "game" on the server
> side, but only on the client side.
> Also, there is no clear way to know that a game is over, and kill the
> associated gnugo process, without introducing some time limits for the user:
> have to close their game after N minutes of inactivity.
> Currently, without time limits, a user can, say take a lunch break and
> resume their game afterwards.
Perhaps you can implement some sort of caching strategy; if the game