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[Gnumed-announce] GNUmed 1.1.0 Release available

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-announce] GNUmed 1.1.0 Release available
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:19:11 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hello all,

I am glad to be able to announce the immediate availability
of the GNUmed 1.1.0 Feature Release.

Downloads available from:

Client installation:

 Easily installable packages for your platform of choice
 will be available shortly.

 Meanwhile you can run the client from a downloaded tarball
 or use the net based client installer:

 which you need to download, make executable, and run.

 More information available here:

Database installation / upgrade:

 Note that this release, as usual, DOES require a database
 upgrade from v15 to v16 if you already have a database and
 wish to retain the patient data you documented therein. For
 uprading you can use the script provided in the tarball:

        .../server/bootstrap/ 15 16

 Alternatively, you can use the network upgrader:

 which you need to download, make executable and run.

 ******** NOTE **********************************************
  Upgrading from v15 to v16 will fail if there are duplicate
  streets, regions, and/or communities in your database (say,
  "Berlin" and "BERLIN").

  When that happens to you - DO NOT PANIC. The upgrade can
  be re-run anytime (as usual). Get in touch with us to get
  instructions on how to de-duplicate. Meanwhile you can keep
  on using your existing v15 database with the old 0.9 client.
  Make sure to upgrade to the 0.9.11 client, too, because
  that will provide facilities to identify those duplicate
 ******** NOTE **********************************************

 If you wish to install a fresh database (without upgrading
 an existing one) you can use the install script:


 or, again, the network based installer:

 Note that both ways WILL DELETE existing databases !

 More information on installation or upgrading is found here:



 NEW: use os.startfile() for printing where available
 NEW: PDF printing via Acrobat Reader/gsprint.exe/os.startfile/IEx/MacPreview
 NEW: use dem.remove_person(integer) DB function from
 NEW: add man pages for more server-side shell scripts
 NEW: multi-phrase phrasewheel support
 NEW: right-clicking problem in SOAP note plugin shows episode/issue edit area
 NEW: cleanup tmp dir on shutdown if not running with --debug
 NEW: do not import mx.DateTime in anymore
 NEW: LaTeX template for printing German "GKV-Rezept based" forms [thanks 
 NEW: hook "after_code_link_modified"
 NEW: family history handling
 NEW: PDF-form based forms handling via pdftk
 NEW: coding of episodes, issues, RFE/AOE, procedures, family history
 NEW: minimal management of communication channel types
 NEW: support for data packs installable from within the client
 NEW: warn on/inform about access to medical chart of staff member
 NEW: add Ginkgo CADx to list of minimally supported DICOM viewers
 NEW: placeholder $<encounter_list::format template::length>$ to access list of 
 NEW: visual progress note creation directly from image capture device
 NEW: 4 new visual progress note templates [thanks J.Busser]
 NEW: implement explicitely creating episodes from EMR tree or menu
 NEW: implement organizations management
 NEW: placeholder $<patient_address::type//formatting template::length>$
 NEW: placeholder $<adr_region::type::length>$
 NEW: placeholder $<adr_country::type::length>$
 NEW: placeholder $<patient_comm::type::length>$
 NEW: placeholder $<external_id::type//issuer::length>$
 NEW: placeholder $<primary_praxis_provider>$
 NEW: report generator placeholder $<ID_active_patient>$
 NEW: bleeding score: HEMORRĀ²HAGES
 NEW: vaccination indication "influenza (H3N2)"

 IMPROVED: substance intake EA: one line with tooltip for components info field
 IMPROVED: substance intake EA: field naming and title
 IMPROVED: config file comments
 IMPROVED: context menu titles
 IMPROVED: allergy manager: close button, confirm button naming
 IMPROVED: larger lower border in gnuplot templates so year gets displayed 
 IMPROVED: detection of external executables
 IMPROVED: default medication list template layout
 IMPROVED: make inbox listen to/reload on doc/doc-review/identity changes
 IMPROVED: typos in patient search field [thanks J.Busser]
 IMPROVED: check for both "lowriter" and "oowriter" when using OOo/LO [thanks 
 IMPROVED: set database options at bootstrap, only check at connection setup
 IMPROVED: fix tab order in SOAP plugin [thanks S.Leibner]
 IMPROVED: EMR tree: disable Journal/Synopsis selection for nodes where it does 
not apply
 IMPROVED: clarified license to "GPL v2 or later"
 IMPROVED: demographics tooltips: in-database emergency contact, in-praxis 
primary provider
 IMPROVED: substance intake grid: show advice column
 IMPROVED: document archive: configure UUID generation
 IMPROVED: document archive: new review modes (only if not by responsible/only 
if none)
 IMPROVED: comm channel type PRW: filter out match candidate dupes [thanks 
 IMPROVED: document tree: more informative node formatting
 IMPROVED: prescription: auto-sign if the current provider is the intended 
reviewer for the patient
 IMPROVED: vaccination list formatting on episodes/encounters
 IMPROVED: faster generation of PDFs from LaTeX templates
 IMPROVED: waiting list: multi-line comment and item-based list tooltip
 IMPROVED: document metadata editing: no more always-on-top, safer parts moving 
[thanks J.Busser]
 IMPROVED: waiting list: keep selection on item when moving it within the list 
[thanks J.Busser]
 IMPROVED: inbox: goto-patient as default action if pk_patient is not NULL 
[thanks J.Busser]
 IMPROVED: DOB related identity handling
 IMPROVED: new patient EA: include in-praxis primary provider [thanks J.Busser]
 IMPROVED: during connect check whether database was properly bootstrapped
 IMPROVED: new patient EA: include address type selection
 IMPROVED: behaviour of [kidney] button in substance intake grid
 IMPROVED: new patient EA: saner address search / address fields interaction


 IMPROVED: backup script and config file comments [thanks J.Busser]
 IMPROVED: restore script: properly set data file permissions [thanks S.Reus]
 IMPROVED: restore script: use "-o pipefail" to detect complex pipe failures
 IMPROVED: database fingerprinter can now dump schema structure, too
 IMPROVED: restore script: make sure <postgres> can access work dir sub dir

 NEW: clin.remove_old_empty_encounters()
 NEW: dem.remove_person(integer)
 NEW: several medication related data packs [thanks J.Busser]
 NEW: add database schema fingerprint logs to server files

Please download, install, and report problems !

GPG key ID E4071346 @
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD  4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346

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