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[taler-exchange] branch master updated: fix #6919: add new tables to bas
From: |
gnunet |
Subject: |
[taler-exchange] branch master updated: fix #6919: add new tables to basedbs |
Date: |
Sun, 18 Jul 2021 13:31:19 +0200 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
grothoff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository exchange.
The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
new 67559ad6 fix #6919: add new tables to basedbs
67559ad6 is described below
commit 67559ad6261e6d272df6665c8c0e124fd795a6eb
Author: Christian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>
AuthorDate: Sun Jul 18 13:31:17 2021 +0200
fix #6919: add new tables to basedbs
src/auditor/auditor-basedb.sql | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
src/auditor/revoke-basedb.sql | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
2 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/auditor/auditor-basedb.sql b/src/auditor/auditor-basedb.sql
index e46ffeff..9a8d5875 100644
--- a/src/auditor/auditor-basedb.sql
+++ b/src/auditor/auditor-basedb.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 10.5 (Debian 10.5-1)
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 10.5 (Debian 10.5-1)
+-- Dumped from database version 13.3 (Debian 13.3-1)
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 13.3 (Debian 13.3-1)
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
@@ -29,20 +30,6 @@ CREATE SCHEMA _v;
COMMENT ON SCHEMA _v IS 'Schema for versioning data and functionality.';
--- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: -
--- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: -
-COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';
-- Name: assert_patch_is_applied(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -271,7 +258,7 @@ COMMENT ON FUNCTION _v.unregister_patch(in_patch_name text,
OUT versioning integ
SET default_tablespace = '';
-SET default_with_oids = false;
+SET default_table_access_method = heap;
-- Name: patches; Type: TABLE; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -3506,6 +3493,88 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE public.wire_out_wireout_uuid_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE public.wire_out_wireout_uuid_seq OWNED BY
+-- Name: work_shards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE public.work_shards (
+ shard_serial_id bigint NOT NULL,
+ last_attempt bigint NOT NULL,
+ start_row bigint NOT NULL,
+ end_row bigint NOT NULL,
+ completed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ job_name character varying NOT NULL
+-- Name: TABLE work_shards; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON TABLE public.work_shards IS 'coordinates work between multiple
processes working on the same job';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.shard_serial_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.shard_serial_id IS 'unique serial number
identifying the shard';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.last_attempt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.last_attempt IS 'last time a worker
attempted to work on the shard';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.start_row; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.start_row IS 'row at which the shard
scope starts, inclusive';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.end_row; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.end_row IS 'row at which the shard scope
ends, exclusive';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.completed; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.completed IS 'set to TRUE once the shard
is finished by a worker';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.job_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.job_name IS 'unique name of the job the
workers on this shard are performing';
+-- Name: work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema:
public; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq OWNED BY
-- Name: aggregation_tracking aggregation_serial_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema:
public; Owner: -
@@ -3828,6 +3897,13 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.wire_fee ALTER COLUMN
wire_fee_serial SET DEFAULT nextva
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.wire_out ALTER COLUMN wireout_uuid SET DEFAULT
+-- Name: work_shards shard_serial_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.work_shards ALTER COLUMN shard_serial_id SET DEFAULT
-- Data for Name: patches; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -5489,6 +5565,14 @@ COPY public.wire_out (wireout_uuid, execution_date,
wtid_raw, wire_target, excha
+-- Data for Name: work_shards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COPY public.work_shards (shard_serial_id, last_attempt, start_row, end_row,
completed, job_name) FROM stdin;
-- Name: aggregation_tracking_aggregation_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET;
Schema: public; Owner: -
@@ -5811,6 +5895,13 @@ SELECT
pg_catalog.setval('public.wire_fee_wire_fee_serial_seq', 1, true);
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.wire_out_wireout_uuid_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq', 1, false);
-- Name: patches patches_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -6691,6 +6782,22 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.wire_out
ADD CONSTRAINT wire_out_wtid_raw_key UNIQUE (wtid_raw);
+-- Name: work_shards work_shards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.work_shards
+ ADD CONSTRAINT work_shards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (job_name, start_row);
+-- Name: work_shards work_shards_shard_serial_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT;
Schema: public; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.work_shards
+ ADD CONSTRAINT work_shards_shard_serial_id_key UNIQUE (shard_serial_id);
-- Name: aggregation_tracking_wtid_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
@@ -7048,6 +7155,13 @@ CREATE INDEX reserves_out_execution_date ON
public.reserves_out USING btree (exe
CREATE INDEX wire_fee_gc_index ON public.wire_fee USING btree (end_date);
+-- Name: work_shards_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
+CREATE INDEX work_shards_index ON public.work_shards USING btree (job_name,
completed, last_attempt);
-- Name: aggregation_tracking aggregation_tracking_deposit_serial_id_fkey;
Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
diff --git a/src/auditor/revoke-basedb.sql b/src/auditor/revoke-basedb.sql
index 734037a7..3acf7dc3 100644
--- a/src/auditor/revoke-basedb.sql
+++ b/src/auditor/revoke-basedb.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 10.5 (Debian 10.5-1)
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 10.5 (Debian 10.5-1)
+-- Dumped from database version 13.3 (Debian 13.3-1)
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 13.3 (Debian 13.3-1)
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
@@ -29,20 +30,6 @@ CREATE SCHEMA _v;
COMMENT ON SCHEMA _v IS 'Schema for versioning data and functionality.';
--- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: -
--- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: -
-COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';
-- Name: assert_patch_is_applied(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -271,7 +258,7 @@ COMMENT ON FUNCTION _v.unregister_patch(in_patch_name text,
OUT versioning integ
SET default_tablespace = '';
-SET default_with_oids = false;
+SET default_table_access_method = heap;
-- Name: patches; Type: TABLE; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -3506,6 +3493,88 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE public.wire_out_wireout_uuid_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE public.wire_out_wireout_uuid_seq OWNED BY
+-- Name: work_shards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE public.work_shards (
+ shard_serial_id bigint NOT NULL,
+ last_attempt bigint NOT NULL,
+ start_row bigint NOT NULL,
+ end_row bigint NOT NULL,
+ completed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ job_name character varying NOT NULL
+-- Name: TABLE work_shards; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON TABLE public.work_shards IS 'coordinates work between multiple
processes working on the same job';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.shard_serial_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.shard_serial_id IS 'unique serial number
identifying the shard';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.last_attempt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.last_attempt IS 'last time a worker
attempted to work on the shard';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.start_row; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.start_row IS 'row at which the shard
scope starts, inclusive';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.end_row; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.end_row IS 'row at which the shard scope
ends, exclusive';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.completed; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.completed IS 'set to TRUE once the shard
is finished by a worker';
+-- Name: COLUMN work_shards.job_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COMMENT ON COLUMN public.work_shards.job_name IS 'unique name of the job the
workers on this shard are performing';
+-- Name: work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema:
public; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq OWNED BY
-- Name: aggregation_tracking aggregation_serial_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema:
public; Owner: -
@@ -3828,6 +3897,13 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.wire_fee ALTER COLUMN
wire_fee_serial SET DEFAULT nextva
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.wire_out ALTER COLUMN wireout_uuid SET DEFAULT
+-- Name: work_shards shard_serial_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.work_shards ALTER COLUMN shard_serial_id SET DEFAULT
-- Data for Name: patches; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -5492,6 +5568,14 @@ COPY public.wire_out (wireout_uuid, execution_date,
wtid_raw, wire_target, excha
+-- Data for Name: work_shards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: -
+COPY public.work_shards (shard_serial_id, last_attempt, start_row, end_row,
completed, job_name) FROM stdin;
-- Name: aggregation_tracking_aggregation_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET;
Schema: public; Owner: -
@@ -5814,6 +5898,13 @@ SELECT
pg_catalog.setval('public.wire_fee_wire_fee_serial_seq', 1, true);
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.wire_out_wireout_uuid_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.work_shards_shard_serial_id_seq', 1, false);
-- Name: patches patches_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: _v; Owner: -
@@ -6694,6 +6785,22 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.wire_out
ADD CONSTRAINT wire_out_wtid_raw_key UNIQUE (wtid_raw);
+-- Name: work_shards work_shards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public;
Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.work_shards
+ ADD CONSTRAINT work_shards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (job_name, start_row);
+-- Name: work_shards work_shards_shard_serial_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT;
Schema: public; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.work_shards
+ ADD CONSTRAINT work_shards_shard_serial_id_key UNIQUE (shard_serial_id);
-- Name: aggregation_tracking_wtid_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
@@ -7051,6 +7158,13 @@ CREATE INDEX reserves_out_execution_date ON
public.reserves_out USING btree (exe
CREATE INDEX wire_fee_gc_index ON public.wire_fee USING btree (end_date);
+-- Name: work_shards_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
+CREATE INDEX work_shards_index ON public.work_shards USING btree (job_name,
completed, last_attempt);
-- Name: aggregation_tracking aggregation_tracking_deposit_serial_id_fkey;
Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
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- [taler-exchange] branch master updated: fix #6919: add new tables to basedbs,
gnunet <=