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[taler-marketing] branch master updated: cut down a bit

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-marketing] branch master updated: cut down a bit
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:12:20 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

grothoff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository marketing.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 92f5348  cut down a bit
92f5348 is described below

commit 92f534807a9f68f5fdebadffea4fa84668d3a5dd
Author: Christian Grothoff <>
AuthorDate: Wed Dec 6 21:12:13 2023 +0900

    cut down a bit
 presentations/comprehensive/moztw-crypto.tex | 105 ---------------------------
 1 file changed, 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/presentations/comprehensive/moztw-crypto.tex 
index 7adc727..f93de1b 100644
--- a/presentations/comprehensive/moztw-crypto.tex
+++ b/presentations/comprehensive/moztw-crypto.tex
@@ -2191,111 +2191,6 @@ Searching for functions \uncover<2->{with the following 
         credits reappear.}
-\begin{frame}{Adaptive confirmation}
-    \begin{center}
-        \begin{tikzpicture}[
-                block/.style={rectangle,draw=black,fill=black!10,minimum 
-                conf/.style={draw=black!60!green,fill=black!60!green!10},
-                nconf/.style={dotted},
-                conft/.style={text=black!60!green},
-                confl/.style={draw=black!60!green},
-                ar/.style={-stealth}
-            ]
-            % Common
-            \node(0){};
-            \node[block,conf,right=5mm of 0](1){};
-            \node[block,conf,right=5mm of 1](2){};
-            \draw[ar] (0) -- (1);
-            \draw[ar] (1) -- (2);
-            % Current
-            \node[block,conf,right=5mm of 2](3){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 3](4){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 4](5){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 5](6){};
-            \draw[ar] (2) -- (3);
-            \draw[ar] (3) -- (4);
-            \draw[ar] (4) -- (5);
-            \draw[ar] (5) -- (6);
-            % Fork
-            \node[block,nconf,above=7mm of 3](3p){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 3p](4p){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 4p](5p){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 5p](6p){};
-            \node[block,nconf,right=5mm of 6p](7p){};
-            \draw[ar] (2.east) -- (3p.west);
-            \draw[ar] (3p) -- (4p);
-            \draw[ar] (4p) -- (5p);
-            \draw[ar] (5p) -- (6p);
-            \draw[ar] (6p) -- (7p);
-            % Indication
-            \node[right=5mm of 7p]{\emph{fork}};
-            \node[right=17mm of 6]{\emph{active}};
-            % Confirmation
-            \path (0) -- (1) node[conft,midway, below=6mm] (M) {Max};
-            \path (2) -- (3) node[conft,midway, below=6mm] (N) {New};
-            \path (3) -- (4) node[conft,midway, below=6mm] (I) {Initial};
-            \node[above=25mm of M] (Mp) {};
-            \node[above=25mm of N] (Np) {};
-            \node[above=25mm of I] (Ip) {};
-            \draw[confl,thick,dotted](M) -- (Mp);
-            \draw[confl](N) -- (Np);
-            \draw[confl,thick,dotted](I) -- (Ip);
-        \end{tikzpicture}
-    \end{center}
-    If we experience a reorganization once, its dangerously likely for another
-    one of a similar scope to happen again. Depolymerizer learns from 
-    by increasing its confirmation delay.
-\begin{frame}{DLT Adapter}{Architecture}
-    \begin{block}{Event system}
-        \begin{itemize}
-            \item \textbf{Watcher} watch and notify for new blocks with credits
-            \item \textbf{Wire Gateway} notify requested debits
-            \item \textbf{Worker} operates on notifications updating state
-        \end{itemize}
-    \end{block}
-\begin{frame}{DLT Adapter state machine}
-    \begin{columns}
-        \column{0.5\paperwidth}
-        \begin{figure}
-            \begin{tikzpicture}[
-                    rect/.style={rectangle, draw=black, minimum height=6mm, 
minimum width=50mm},
-                ]
-                \node[rect](wo1) {Wait for notifications};
-                \node[rect, below=4mm of wo1](wo2) {Reconcile local DB with 
-                \node[rect, below=4mm of wo2](wo3) {Trigger debits};
-                \node[rect, below=4mm of wo3](wo4) {Reissue stuck debits};
-                \node[rect, below=4mm of wo4](wo5) {Bounce malformed credits};
-                \draw[-stealth] (wo1) -- (wo2);
-                \draw[-stealth] (wo2) -- (wo3);
-                \draw[-stealth] (wo3) -- (wo4);
-                \draw[-stealth] (wo4) -- (wo5);
-                \draw[-stealth] (wo5) .. controls ([xshift=-0.4cm] wo5.west) 
and ([xshift=-0.4cm] wo1.west) .. (wo1);
-            \end{tikzpicture}
-            \caption{Worker loop}
-        \end{figure}
-        \column{0.47\paperwidth}
-        \begin{block}{DLT reconcialisation}
-            \begin{itemize}
-                \item List new and removed transactions since last 
-                \item Check for confirmed credits removal
-                \item Register new credits
-                \item Recover lost debits
-            \end{itemize}
-        \end{block}
-    \end{columns}
 \begin{frame}{Related work}
     \begin{block}{Centralization - Coinbase off-chain sending}

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