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[taler-taler-ios] branch master updated (5459aa4 -> 8475ec0)
From: |
gnunet |
Subject: |
[taler-taler-ios] branch master updated (5459aa4 -> 8475ec0) |
Date: |
Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:19:43 +0100 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
marc-stibane pushed a change to branch master
in repository taler-ios.
from 5459aa4 Wording of QR code dialog
new 03de05b Debugging
new 7f43395 Bump version to 0.9.4 (6)
new b8635ef templateParams
new d2a363c Pay-Template
new 7dc10f6 Use AmountInputV
new 8475ec0 Bump version to 0.9.4 (7)
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 32 ++-
TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift | 4 +-
TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Payment.swift | 14 +-
TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/AmountInputV.swift | 114 +++++++++++
TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/SubjectInputV.swift | 122 ++++++++++++
TalerWallet1/Views/Peer2peer/SendAmount.swift | 48 +++--
TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/SettingsView.swift | 28 +--
.../Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateV.swift | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateView.swift | 126 ------------
.../Views/Sheets/Payment/PaymentView.swift | 23 ++-
TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/URLSheet.swift | 9 +-
.../Views/Transactions/TransactionRowView.swift | 61 ++++--
TestFlight/WhatToTest.en-US.txt | 11 ++
13 files changed, 611 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/AmountInputV.swift
create mode 100644 TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/SubjectInputV.swift
create mode 100644 TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateV.swift
delete mode 100644 TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateView.swift
diff --git a/TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index 1cdfa20..a2faa33 100644
--- a/TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
4E3EAE452A990778009F1BE8 /* P2PReadyV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EB3136029FEE79B007D68BC /* P2PReadyV.swift */;
4E3EAE462A990778009F1BE8 /* TextFieldAlert.swift in Sources */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EB095482989CBFE0043A8A1 /*
TextFieldAlert.swift */; };
4E3EAE472A990778009F1BE8 /* QuiteSomeCoins.swift in Sources */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBA82AC2A3F580500E5F39A /*
QuiteSomeCoins.swift */; };
- 4E3EAE482A990778009F1BE8 /* PayTemplateView.swift in Sources */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBA56402A7FF5200084948B /*
PayTemplateView.swift */; };
4E3EAE492A990778009F1BE8 /* ManualWithdrawDone.swift in Sources
*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EB431662A1E55C700C5690E /*
ManualWithdrawDone.swift */; };
4E3EAE4B2A990778009F1BE8 /* ShareSheet.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E753A072A0B6A5F002D9328 /* ShareSheet.swift */;
4E3EAE4C2A990778009F1BE8 /* AmountRowV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EB095492989CBFE0043A8A1 /* AmountRowV.swift */;
@@ -227,7 +226,6 @@
4EB3136129FEE79B007D68BC /* P2PReadyV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EB3136029FEE79B007D68BC /* P2PReadyV.swift */;
4EB431672A1E55C700C5690E /* ManualWithdrawDone.swift in Sources
*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EB431662A1E55C700C5690E /*
ManualWithdrawDone.swift */; };
4EBA563F2A7FD9390084948B /* SuperScriptDigits.swift in Sources
*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBA563E2A7FD9390084948B /*
SuperScriptDigits.swift */; };
- 4EBA56412A7FF5200084948B /* PayTemplateView.swift in Sources */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBA56402A7FF5200084948B /*
PayTemplateView.swift */; };
4EBA82AB2A3EB2CA00E5F39A /* TransactionButton.swift in Sources
*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBA82AA2A3EB2CA00E5F39A /*
TransactionButton.swift */; };
4EBA82AD2A3F580500E5F39A /* QuiteSomeCoins.swift in Sources */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBA82AC2A3F580500E5F39A /*
QuiteSomeCoins.swift */; };
4EBC0F012B7B3CD600C0CB19 /* DepositIbanV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EBC0F002B7B3CD600C0CB19 /* DepositIbanV.swift
*/; };
@@ -247,6 +245,12 @@
4EE171882B49635800BF9FF5 /* MarkdownUI in Frameworks */ = {isa
= PBXBuildFile; productRef = 4EE171872B49635800BF9FF5 /* MarkdownUI */; };
4EE171902B49FE2B00BF9FF5 /* OrderedCollections in Frameworks */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 4EE1718F2B49FE2B00BF9FF5 /*
OrderedCollections */; };
4EE171922B49FE4E00BF9FF5 /* OrderedCollections in Frameworks */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 4EE171912B49FE4E00BF9FF5 /*
OrderedCollections */; };
+ 4EEC118D2B83DE4800146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC118C2B83DE4700146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift
*/; };
+ 4EEC118E2B83DE4800146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC118C2B83DE4700146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift
*/; };
+ 4EEC11932B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC11922B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift
*/; };
+ 4EEC11942B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC11922B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift
*/; };
+ 4EEC11962B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC11952B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift
*/; };
+ 4EEC11972B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift in Sources */ =
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC11952B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift
*/; };
4EEC157329F8242800D46A03 /* QRGeneratorView.swift in Sources */
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC157229F8242800D46A03 /*
QRGeneratorView.swift */; };
4EEC157629F8ECBF00D46A03 /* CodeScanner in Frameworks */ = {isa
= PBXBuildFile; productRef = 4EEC157529F8ECBF00D46A03 /* CodeScanner */; };
4EEC157829F9032900D46A03 /* Sheet.swift in Sources */ = {isa =
PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4EEC157729F9032900D46A03 /* Sheet.swift */; };
@@ -411,7 +415,6 @@
4EB3136029FEE79B007D68BC /* P2PReadyV.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= P2PReadyV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EB431662A1E55C700C5690E /* ManualWithdrawDone.swift */ = {isa
= PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path =
ManualWithdrawDone.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EBA563E2A7FD9390084948B /* SuperScriptDigits.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path =
SuperScriptDigits.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- 4EBA56402A7FF5200084948B /* PayTemplateView.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= PayTemplateView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EBA82AA2A3EB2CA00E5F39A /* TransactionButton.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= TransactionButton.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EBA82AC2A3F580500E5F39A /* QuiteSomeCoins.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path =
QuiteSomeCoins.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EBC0F002B7B3CD600C0CB19 /* DepositIbanV.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= DepositIbanV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -423,6 +426,9 @@
4ECB62812A0BB01D004ABBB7 /* SelectDays.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= SelectDays.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4ED2F94A2A278F5100453B40 /* ThreeAmountsV.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= ThreeAmountsV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EDBDCD82AB787CB00925C02 /* CallStack.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= CallStack.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 4EEC118C2B83DE4700146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= AmountInputV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 4EEC11922B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= SubjectInputV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 4EEC11952B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= PayTemplateV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EEC157229F8242800D46A03 /* QRGeneratorView.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= QRGeneratorView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EEC157729F9032900D46A03 /* Sheet.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= Sheet.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4EEC157929F9427F00D46A03 /* QRSheet.swift */ = {isa =
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path
= QRSheet.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -698,7 +704,7 @@
children = (
4EB0952D2989CBFE0043A8A1 /* PaymentView.swift
4E6EF56A2B65A33300AF252A /* PaymentDone.swift
- 4EBA56402A7FF5200084948B /*
PayTemplateView.swift */,
+ 4EEC11952B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift
path = Payment;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@@ -758,6 +764,8 @@
4EF840A62A0B85F400EE0D47 /* CopyShare.swift */,
4ECB62812A0BB01D004ABBB7 /* SelectDays.swift */,
4EA551242A2C923600FEC9A8 /*
CurrencyInputView.swift */,
+ 4EEC118C2B83DE4700146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift
+ 4EEC11922B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift
4E2D8DD42B45822A00234039 /* AmountV.swift */,
4E53A33629F50B7B00830EC2 /* CurrencyField.swift
4EEC157229F8242800D46A03 /*
QRGeneratorView.swift */,
@@ -1068,6 +1076,7 @@
4E3EAE202A990778009F1BE8 /* MainView.swift in
Sources */,
4E3EAE212A990778009F1BE8 /* Buttons.swift in
Sources */,
4E3EAE222A990778009F1BE8 /*
TransactionButton.swift in Sources */,
+ 4EEC118D2B83DE4800146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift
in Sources */,
4E3EAE232A990778009F1BE8 /*
BalancesSectionView.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE242A990778009F1BE8 /*
QRGeneratorView.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE252A990778009F1BE8 /*
WithdrawAcceptDone.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1090,11 +1099,13 @@
4E605DAF2AADDD13002FB9A7 /*
UIScreen+screenSize.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE312A990778009F1BE8 /* SendAmount.swift in
Sources */,
4E3EAE332A990778009F1BE8 /*
EqualIconWidthDomain.swift in Sources */,
+ 4EEC11932B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift
in Sources */,
4E3EAE342A990778009F1BE8 /*
SuperScriptDigits.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE352A990778009F1BE8 /* P2pPayURIView.swift
in Sources */,
4E3EAE362A990778009F1BE8 /* Model+Payment.swift
in Sources */,
4E3EAE372A990778009F1BE8 /* SettingsView.swift
in Sources */,
4E3EAE382A990778009F1BE8 /* PaymentView.swift
in Sources */,
+ 4EEC11962B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift
in Sources */,
4E3EAE392A990778009F1BE8 /*
WithdrawURIView.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE3A2A990778009F1BE8 /* CopyShare.swift in
Sources */,
4E3EAE3B2A990778009F1BE8 /*
TalerWallet1App.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1111,7 +1122,6 @@
4E3EAE462A990778009F1BE8 /*
TextFieldAlert.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE472A990778009F1BE8 /*
QuiteSomeCoins.swift in Sources */,
4E2D8DD52B45822A00234039 /* AmountV.swift in
Sources */,
- 4E3EAE482A990778009F1BE8 /*
PayTemplateView.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE492A990778009F1BE8 /*
ManualWithdrawDone.swift in Sources */,
4E3EAE4B2A990778009F1BE8 /* ShareSheet.swift in
Sources */,
4EC4008F2AE8019700DF72C7 /*
ExchangeRowView.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1179,6 +1189,7 @@
4EB095682989CBFE0043A8A1 /* MainView.swift in
Sources */,
4EB0956A2989CBFE0043A8A1 /* Buttons.swift in
Sources */,
4EBA82AB2A3EB2CA00E5F39A /*
TransactionButton.swift in Sources */,
+ 4EEC118E2B83DE4800146CFF /* AmountInputV.swift
in Sources */,
4EB095602989CBFE0043A8A1 /*
BalancesSectionView.swift in Sources */,
4EEC157329F8242800D46A03 /*
QRGeneratorView.swift in Sources */,
4E5A88F72A3B9E5B00072618 /*
WithdrawAcceptDone.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1201,11 +1212,13 @@
4E605DB02AADDD13002FB9A7 /*
UIScreen+screenSize.swift in Sources */,
4E40E0BE29F25ABB00B85369 /* SendAmount.swift in
Sources */,
4E8E25332A1CD39700A27BFA /*
EqualIconWidthDomain.swift in Sources */,
+ 4EEC11942B83FB7A00146CFF /* SubjectInputV.swift
in Sources */,
4EBA563F2A7FD9390084948B /*
SuperScriptDigits.swift in Sources */,
4E578E942A4822D500F21F1C /* P2pPayURIView.swift
in Sources */,
4EB095542989CBFE0043A8A1 /* Model+Payment.swift
in Sources */,
4EB0954F2989CBFE0043A8A1 /* SettingsView.swift
in Sources */,
4EB095552989CBFE0043A8A1 /* PaymentView.swift
in Sources */,
+ 4EEC11972B840F1100146CFF /* PayTemplateV.swift
in Sources */,
4EB095612989CBFE0043A8A1 /*
WithdrawURIView.swift in Sources */,
4EF840A72A0B85F400EE0D47 /* CopyShare.swift in
Sources */,
4EB094ED298979620043A8A1 /*
TalerWallet1App.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1222,7 +1235,6 @@
4EB0956B2989CBFE0043A8A1 /*
TextFieldAlert.swift in Sources */,
4EBA82AD2A3F580500E5F39A /*
QuiteSomeCoins.swift in Sources */,
4E2D8DD62B45822A00234039 /* AmountV.swift in
Sources */,
- 4EBA56412A7FF5200084948B /*
PayTemplateView.swift in Sources */,
4EB431672A1E55C700C5690E /*
ManualWithdrawDone.swift in Sources */,
4E753A082A0B6A5F002D9328 /* ShareSheet.swift in
Sources */,
4EC400902AE8019700DF72C7 /*
ExchangeRowView.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1323,7 +1335,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@@ -1365,7 +1377,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@@ -1524,7 +1536,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@@ -1566,7 +1578,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
index e52add4..0f05cab 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
@@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ public let SHEET_WITHDRAW_CONFIRM = SHEET_WITHDRAW_ACCEPT + 1
// 133 waiti
// openURL (Link, NFC or scan QR) ==> pays merchant
public let SHEET_PAYMENT = SHEET_WITHDRAWAL + 10 // 140 Pay
public let SHEET_PAY_TEMPLATE = SHEET_PAYMENT + 1 // 141 Pay
Merchant Template
-public let SHEET_PAY_ACCEPT = SHEET_PAY_TEMPLATE + 1 // 142 Pay
Template Amount
Template Subject
// MARK: P2P Pay Invoice
// p2p pull debit - openURL (Link or scan QR)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Payment.swift
index b211c51..970ee7b 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Payment.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Payment.swift
@@ -147,15 +147,22 @@ fileprivate struct PreparePayForUri:
WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
var talerPayUri: String
+struct TemplateParams: Codable {
+ let amount: Amount? // Total amount payable
+ let summary: String? // Human-readable short summary of
the contract
/// A request to get an exchange's payment contract terms.
fileprivate struct PreparePayForTemplate: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
typealias Response = PreparePayResult
func operation() -> String { "preparePayForTemplate" }
- func args() -> Args { Args(talerPayTemplateUri: talerPayTemplateUri) }
+ func args() -> Args { Args(talerPayTemplateUri: talerPayTemplateUri,
templateParams: templateParams) }
var talerPayTemplateUri: String
+ var templateParams: TemplateParams
struct Args: Encodable {
var talerPayTemplateUri: String
+ var templateParams: TemplateParams
// MARK: -
@@ -187,9 +194,10 @@ extension WalletModel {
return response
- func preparePayForTemplateM(_ talerPayTemplateUri: String) // M for
+ func preparePayForTemplateM(_ talerPayTemplateUri: String, amount:
Amount?, summary: String?) // M for MainActor
async throws -> PreparePayResult {
- let request = PreparePayForTemplate(talerPayTemplateUri:
+ let templateParams = TemplateParams(amount: amount, summary: summary)
+ let request = PreparePayForTemplate(talerPayTemplateUri:
talerPayTemplateUri, templateParams: templateParams)
let response = try await sendRequest(request, ASYNCDELAY)
return response
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/AmountInputV.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c4d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/AmountInputV.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-23 Taler Systems S.A.
+ * See LICENSE.md
+ */
+import SwiftUI
+import taler_swift
+import SymLog
+struct AmountInputV: View {
+ private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
+ let stack: CallStack
+ // the scanned URL
+ let url: URL?
+ let amountAvailable: Amount? // TODO:
+ @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount
+ let amountLabel: String
+ let wantsSummary: Bool // if true we call
SubjectInputV next
+ @Binding var summary: String
+ @Binding var insufficient: Bool
+ @Binding var feeAmount: Amount?
+ let shortcutAction: ((_ amount: Amount) -> Void)?
+ let buttonAction: () -> Void
+ @EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
+ @EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
+ @Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme
+ @Environment(\.colorSchemeContrast) private var colorSchemeContrast
+ @State private var preparePayResult: PreparePayResult? = nil
+ @State private var feeStr: String = EMPTYSTRING
+ var feeLabel: String { feeStr.count > 0 ? String(localized: "+ \(feeStr)
+ func preparePayForTemplate() async {
+ if let url {
+ do {
+ let ppCheck = try await
model.preparePayForTemplateM(url.absoluteString, amount: amountToTransfer,
summary: summary)
+ let amount = ppCheck.amountRaw
+ let currency = amount.currencyStr
+ let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
+ insufficient = ppCheck.status == .insufficientBalance
+ feeAmount = templateFee(ppCheck: ppCheck)
+ if let feeAmount {
+ feeStr = feeAmount.string(currencyInfo)
+ } else { feeStr = EMPTYSTRING }
+ let amountVoiceOver = amount.string(currencyInfo)
+ announce(this: "\(amountVoiceOver), \(feeLabel)")
+ preparePayResult = ppCheck
+ } catch { // TODO: error
+ symLog.log(error.localizedDescription)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var body: some View {
+ let currency = amountToTransfer.currencyStr
+ let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
+ let insufficientLabel = String(localized: "You don't have enough
+ let available = amountAvailable?.string(currencyInfo) ?? nil
+ let disabled = insufficient || amountToTransfer.isZero
+ VStack(alignment: .trailing) {
+ if let available {
+ Text("Available:\t\(available)")
+ .talerFont(.title3)
+ .padding(.bottom, 2)
+ // .accessibility(sortPriority: 3)
+ }
+ CurrencyInputView(amount: $amountToTransfer,
+ available: amountAvailable,
+ title: amountLabel,
+ shortcutAction: shortcutAction)
+// .accessibility(sortPriority: 2)
+ Text(insufficient ? insufficientLabel
+ : feeLabel)
+ .talerFont(.body)
+ .foregroundColor(insufficient ? .red
+ : (feeAmount?.isZero ?? true) ?
WalletColors().secondary(colorScheme, colorSchemeContrast)
+ : .red)
+// .accessibility(sortPriority: 1)
+ .padding(4)
+ Group {
+ if let url {
+ let destination = LazyView {
+ PaymentView(stack: stack.push(),
+ url: url,
+ template: true,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ summary: $summary)
+ }
+ NavigationLink(destination: destination) {
+ Text("Next")
+ }
+ .buttonStyle(TalerButtonStyle(type: .prominent))
+ .disabled(disabled)
+ } else {
+ Button("Next") {
+ buttonAction()
+ }
+ .buttonStyle(TalerButtonStyle(type: .prominent))
+ .disabled(disabled)
+ }
+ }
+// .accessibility(sortPriority: 0)
+ .task(id: amountToTransfer.value) {
+ symLog.log(".task")
+ await preparePayForTemplate()
+ }
+ }.padding(.horizontal)
+ .onAppear() {
+ // symLog.log("onAppear")
+ DebugViewC.shared.setSheetID(SHEET_PAY_TEMPL_AMOUNT)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/SubjectInputV.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3634226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/HelperViews/SubjectInputV.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-23 Taler Systems S.A.
+ * See LICENSE.md
+ */
+import SwiftUI
+import taler_swift
+import SymLog
+struct SubjectInputV<TargetView: View>: View {
+ private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
+ let stack: CallStack
+ // the scanned URL
+ let url: URL?
+ let amountAvailable: Amount? // TODO:
+ @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount
+ let amountLabel: String
+ @Binding var summary: String
+ @Binding var insufficient: Bool
+ @Binding var feeAmount: Amount?
+ let feeIsNotZero: Bool? // nil = no fees at all, false = no
fee for this tx
+ let currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo
+ var targetView: TargetView
+// let destination: Destination
+ @EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
+ @EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
+ @Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme
+ @Environment(\.colorSchemeContrast) private var colorSchemeContrast
+ @AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
+ @State private var preparePayResult: PreparePayResult? = nil
+ @State private var feeStr: String = EMPTYSTRING
+ @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool
+ var feeLabel: String { feeStr.count > 0 ? String(localized: "+ \(feeStr)
+ func preparePayForTemplate() async {
+ if let url {
+ do {
+ let ppCheck = try await
model.preparePayForTemplateM(url.absoluteString, amount: amountToTransfer,
summary: summary)
+ let amount = ppCheck.amountRaw
+ let currency = amount.currencyStr
+ let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
+ insufficient = ppCheck.status == .insufficientBalance
+ feeAmount = templateFee(ppCheck: ppCheck)
+ if let feeAmount {
+ feeStr = feeAmount.string(currencyInfo)
+ } else { feeStr = EMPTYSTRING }
+ let amountVoiceOver = amount.string(currencyInfo)
+ announce(this: "\(amountVoiceOver), \(feeLabel)")
+ preparePayResult = ppCheck
+ } catch { // TODO: error
+ symLog.log(error.localizedDescription)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var body: some View {
+ let currency = amountToTransfer.currencyStr
+ let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
+ let insufficientLabel = String(localized: "You don't have enough
+ let available = amountAvailable?.string(currencyInfo) ?? nil
+ let disabled = insufficient || summary.count == 0
+ VStack(alignment: .leading) {
+ if let available {
+ Text("Available:\t\(available)")
+ .talerFont(.title3)
+ .padding(.bottom, 2)
+// .accessibility(sortPriority: 3)
+ }
+ if !minimalistic {
+ Text("Enter subject:") // Purpose
+ .talerFont(.title3)
+ .accessibilityAddTraits(.isHeader)
+ .accessibilityRemoveTraits(.isStaticText)
+ .padding(.top)
+ }
+ Group { if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
+ TextField(minimalistic ? "Subject" : EMPTYSTRING, text:
$summary, axis: .vertical)
+ .focused($isFocused)
+ .lineLimit(2...)
+ } else {
+ TextField("Subject", text: $summary)
+ .focused($isFocused)
+ // .lineLimit(2...5) // lineLimit' is
only available in iOS 16.0 or newer
+ } } // Group for iOS16+ & iOS15
+ .talerFont(.title2)
+ .foregroundColor(WalletColors().fieldForeground) // text color
+ .background(WalletColors().fieldBackground)
+ .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder)
+ .onAppear {
+ symLog.log("dispatching kbd...")
+ DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.7) {
+ isFocused = true // make first responder - raise
+ symLog.log("...kbd isFocused")
+ }
+ }
+ let subLabel = insufficient ? insufficientLabel
+ : feeLabel
+ Text(subLabel)
+ .talerFont(.body)
+ .foregroundColor(insufficient ? .red
+ : (feeAmount?.isZero ?? true) ?
WalletColors().secondary(colorScheme, colorSchemeContrast)
+ : .red)
+ // .accessibility(sortPriority: 1)
+ .padding(4)
+ NavigationLink("Next", destination: targetView)
+ .buttonStyle(TalerButtonStyle(type: .prominent))
+ .disabled(disabled)
+// .accessibility(sortPriority: 0)
+ }.padding(.horizontal)
+ .onAppear() {
+// symLog.log("onAppear")
+ DebugViewC.shared.setSheetID(SHEET_PAY_TEMPL_SUBJECT)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Peer2peer/SendAmount.swift
index 7b534b3..ba468e8 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Peer2peer/SendAmount.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Peer2peer/SendAmount.swift
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ struct SendAmount: View {
@State private var feeAmount: Amount? = nil
@State private var feeStr: String = EMPTYSTRING
@State private var buttonSelected = false
+ @State private var shortcutSelected = false
@State private var amountShortcut = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
// Update currency when used
@State private var exchange: Exchange? = nil // wg. hasNoFees
@@ -47,6 +48,9 @@ struct SendAmount: View {
private func shortcutAction(_ shortcut: Amount) {
amountShortcut = shortcut
+ shortcutSelected = true
+ }
+ private func buttonAction() {
buttonSelected = true
private func feeIsNotZero() -> Bool? {
@@ -74,7 +78,6 @@ struct SendAmount: View {
// let _ = print("available: \(available)")
let _ = symLog.log("currency: \(currency), available: \(available)")
let amountVoiceOver = amountToTransfer.string(currencyInfo)
- let insufficientLabel = String(localized: "You don't have enough
let insufficientLabel2 = String(localized: "but you only have
\(available) to send.")
let inputDestination = LazyView {
@@ -97,30 +100,25 @@ struct SendAmount: View {
summary: $summary,
expireDays: $expireDays)
- let disabled = insufficient || amountToTransfer.isZero
- ScrollView { VStack(alignment: .trailing) {
- Text("Available:\t\(available)")
- .talerFont(.title3)
- .padding(.bottom, 2)
- CurrencyInputView(amount: $amountToTransfer,
- available: amountAvailable,
- title: minimalistic ? String(localized:
- : String(localized: "Amount
to send:"),
- shortcutAction: shortcutAction)
- Text(insufficient ? insufficientLabel
- : feeLabel)
- .talerFont(.body)
- .foregroundColor(insufficient ? .red
- : (feeAmount?.isZero ?? true) ?
WalletColors().secondary(colorScheme, colorSchemeContrast)
- : .red)
- .padding(4)
- NavigationLink(destination: inputDestination) { Text("Next") }
- .buttonStyle(TalerButtonStyle(type: .prominent))
- .disabled(disabled)
- .background(NavigationLink(destination: shortcutDestination,
isActive: $buttonSelected)
- { EmptyView() }.frame(width: 0).opacity(0).hidden()
- )
- }.padding(.horizontal) } // ScrollVStack
+ ScrollView {
+ AmountInputV(stack: stack.push(), url: nil,
+ amountAvailable: amountAvailable,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ amountLabel: minimalistic ? String(localized: "Amount:")
+ : String(localized: "Amount to
+ wantsSummary: true,
+ summary: $summary,
+ insufficient: $insufficient,
+ feeAmount: $feeAmount,
+ shortcutAction: shortcutAction,
+ buttonAction: buttonAction)
+ .background(NavigationLink(destination: shortcutDestination,
isActive: $shortcutSelected)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width: 0).opacity(0).hidden()
+ )
+ .background(NavigationLink(destination: inputDestination,
isActive: $buttonSelected)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width: 0).opacity(0).hidden()
+ )
+ } // ScrollVStack
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
// .scrollBounceBehavior(.basedOnSize) needs iOS 16.4
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/SettingsView.swift
index 28e82eb..8e2ba06 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/SettingsView.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/SettingsView.swift
@@ -98,16 +98,10 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
SettingsItem(name: aboutStr, id1: "about",
description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "More info about this app...")) {}
-#if DEBUG
- if showDevelopItems {
- Text("https://bank.taler.grothoff.org/")
- Text("https://bank.taler.fdold.eu/")
- Text("https://bank.head.taler.net/")
- Text("https://bank.test.taler.net/")
- Text("https://bank.demo.taler.net/")
- Text("https://bank.taler.ar/")
+ SettingsToggle(name: String(localized: "Minimalistic"), value:
$minimalistic, id1: "minimal",
+ description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "Omit text where possible")) {
+ hideDescriptions = minimalistic //withAnimation {
hideDescriptions = minimalistic }
if controller.hapticCapability.supportsHaptics {
SettingsToggle(name: String(localized: "Haptics"), value:
$useHaptics, id1: "haptics",
description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "Vibration Feedback"))
@@ -129,21 +123,27 @@ struct SettingsView: View {
// description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "If you don't want to set it globally in Settings.app"))
// .id("increaseContrast")
SettingsToggle(name: String(localized: "Show Warnings"),
value: $shouldShowWarning, id1: "warnings",
- description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "For Delete, Fail & Abort buttons"))
+ description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "For Delete, Fail & Abort buttons"))
// SettingsFont(title: String(localized: "Font:"), value:
talerFontIndex, action: redraw)
// .id("font")
SettingsStyle(title: String(localized: "Liststyle:"),
myListStyle: $myListStyle)
- SettingsToggle(name: String(localized: "Minimalistic"), value:
$minimalistic, id1: "minimal",
- description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String(localized: "Omit text where possible")) {
- hideDescriptions = minimalistic //withAnimation {
hideDescriptions = minimalistic }
- }
if diagnosticModeEnabled {
SettingsToggle(name: String("Developer Mode"), value:
$developerMode, id1: "devMode",
description: hideDescriptions ? nil : String("More
information intended for debugging")) {
withAnimation(Animation.linear.delay(0.8)) {
showDevelopItems = developerMode }
+#if DEBUG
+ if showDevelopItems {
+ Text("https://bank.taler.grothoff.org/")
+ Text("https://bank.taler.fdold.eu/")
+ Text("https://bank.head.taler.net/")
+ Text("https://bank.test.taler.net/")
+ Text("https://bank.demo.taler.net/")
+ Text("https://bank.taler.ar/")
+ }
if showDevelopItems { // show or hide the following items
SettingsItem(name: String("Withdraw \(DEMOCURRENCY)"),
id1: "demo1with",
description: hideDescriptions ? nil :
String("Get money for testing")) {
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateV.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8073cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateV.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-23 Taler Systems S.A.
+ * See LICENSE.md
+ */
+import SwiftUI
+import taler_swift
+import SymLog
+func templateFee(ppCheck: PreparePayResult?) -> Amount? {
+ do {
+ if let ppCheck {
+ // Outgoing: fee = effective - raw
+ if let effective = ppCheck.amountEffective {
+ let fee = try effective - ppCheck.amountRaw
+ return fee
+ }
+ }
+ } catch {}
+ return nil
+// Will be called either by the user scanning a QR code or tapping the
provided link,
+// both from the shop's website. We show the payment details
+struct PayTemplateV: View {
+ private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
+ let stack: CallStack
+ // the scanned URL
+ let url: URL
+ @EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
+ @EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
+ @AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
+ @AppStorage("myListStyle") var myListStyle: MyListStyle = .automatic
+ let navTitle = String(localized: "Customize Order", comment:"pay merchant")
+ @State private var insufficient = false
+ @State private var preparePayResult: PreparePayResult? = nil
+ @State private var currencyName: String? = nil
+ @State private var amountToTransfer = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
// Update currency when used
+ @State private var amountShortcut = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
// Update currency when used
+ @State private var shortcutSelected = false
+ @State private var buttonSelected1 = false
+ @State private var buttonSelected2 = false
+ @State private var summary: String = EMPTYSTRING // templateParam
+ @State private var wantsSummary: Bool = false
+ @State private var feeAmount: Amount? = nil
+ @State private var feeStr: String = EMPTYSTRING
+ var feeLabel: String { feeStr.count > 0 ? String(localized: "+ \(feeStr)
+ private func shortcutAction(_ shortcut: Amount) {
+ amountShortcut = shortcut
+ shortcutSelected = true
+ }
+ private func buttonAction1() {
+ buttonSelected1 = true
+ }
+ private func buttonAction2() {
+ buttonSelected2 = true
+ }
+ func acceptAction(preparePayResult: PreparePayResult) {
+ Task { // runs on MainActor
+ do {
+ let confirmPayResult = try await
+// symLog.log(confirmPayResult as Any)
+ if confirmPayResult.type != "done" {
+ controller.playSound(0)
+ // TODO: show error
+ }
+ } catch {
+ controller.playSound(0)
+ // TODO: error
+ symLog.log(error.localizedDescription)
+ }
+ dismissTop()
+ }
+ }
+ func queryURL() -> Bool {
+ if let queryParameters = url.queryParameters {
+ if let amountStr = queryParameters["amount"] {
+ currencyName = amountStr
+ amountToTransfer = Amount.zero(currency: amountStr)
+ }
+ if let summaryStr = queryParameters["summary"] {
+ summary = summaryStr
+ wantsSummary = true
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ func preparePayForTemplate() async {
+ do {
+ let ppCheck = try await
model.preparePayForTemplateM(url.absoluteString, amount: amountToTransfer,
summary: summary)
+ let amount = ppCheck.amountRaw
+ let currency = amount.currencyStr
+ let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
+ insufficient = ppCheck.status == .insufficientBalance
+ feeAmount = templateFee(ppCheck: ppCheck)
+ if let feeAmount {
+ feeStr = feeAmount.string(currencyInfo)
+ } else { feeStr = EMPTYSTRING }
+ let amountVoiceOver = amount.string(currencyInfo)
+ announce(this: "\(amountVoiceOver), \(feeLabel)")
+ preparePayResult = ppCheck
+ } catch { // TODO: error
+ symLog.log(error.localizedDescription)
+ }
+ }
+ var body: some View {
+ if let preparePayResult {
+ let effective = preparePayResult.amountEffective
+ let baseURL = preparePayResult.contractTerms.exchanges.first?.url
+ let raw = preparePayResult.amountRaw
+ let currency = raw.currencyStr
+ let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
+ let amountLabel = minimalistic ? String(localized: "Amount:")
+ : String(localized: "Amount to
+ let finalDestinationI = LazyView {
+ PaymentView(stack: stack.push(),
+ url: url,
+ template: true,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ summary: $summary)
+ }
+ let inputDestination = LazyView {
+ SubjectInputV(stack: stack.push(), url: url,
+ amountAvailable: nil,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ amountLabel: amountLabel,
+ summary: $summary,
+ insufficient: $insufficient,
+ feeAmount: $feeAmount,
+ feeIsNotZero: true, // feeIsNotZero(),
+ currencyInfo: currencyInfo,
+ targetView: finalDestinationI)
+ }
+ let finalDestinationS = LazyView {
+ PaymentView(stack: stack.push(),
+ url: url,
+ template: true,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountShortcut,
+ summary: $summary)
+ }
+ let shortcutDestination = LazyView {
+ SubjectInputV(stack: stack.push(), url: url,
+ amountAvailable: nil,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountShortcut,
+ amountLabel: amountLabel,
+ summary: $summary,
+ insufficient: $insufficient,
+ feeAmount: $feeAmount,
+ feeIsNotZero: true, // feeIsNotZero(),
+ currencyInfo: currencyInfo,
+ targetView: finalDestinationS)
+ }
+ Group {
+ if let currencyName { // template included a currency name =>
let the user input an amount
+ let amountInput = AmountInputV(stack: stack.push(), url: url,
+ amountAvailable: nil,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ amountLabel: amountLabel,
+ wantsSummary: wantsSummary,
+ summary: $summary,
+ insufficient: $insufficient,
+ feeAmount: $feeAmount,
+ shortcutAction: shortcutAction,
+ buttonAction: buttonAction1)
+ ScrollView {
+ if wantsSummary {
+ amountInput
+ .background(NavigationLink(destination:
shortcutDestination, isActive: $shortcutSelected)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width:
+ .background( NavigationLink(destination:
inputDestination, isActive: $buttonSelected1)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width:
+ } else {
+ amountInput
+ .background(NavigationLink(destination:
finalDestinationS, isActive: $shortcutSelected)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width:
+ .background(NavigationLink(destination:
finalDestinationI, isActive: $buttonSelected1)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width:
+ }
+ } // ScrollVStack
+ } else if wantsSummary { // check summary
+ ScrollView {
+ inputDestination
+ .background(NavigationLink(destination:
finalDestinationI, isActive: $buttonSelected2)
+ { EmptyView() }.frame(width:
+ )
+ }
+ } else {
+ PaymentView(stack: stack.push(),
+ url: url,
+ template: true,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ summary: $summary)
+ }
+ }.onAppear() {
+ symLog.log("onAppear")
+ DebugViewC.shared.setSheetID(SHEET_PAY_TEMPLATE)
+ }.navigationTitle(navTitle)
+ } else {
+ LoadingView(url: url, message: nil)
+ .task {
+ symLog.log(".task")
+ let hasParams = queryURL()
+ await preparePayForTemplate()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateView.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 81c81f2..0000000
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PayTemplateView.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-23 Taler Systems S.A.
- * See LICENSE.md
- */
-import SwiftUI
-import taler_swift
-import SymLog
-// Will be called either by the user scanning a QR code or tapping the
provided link,
-// both from the shop's website. We show the payment details
-struct PayTemplateView: View {
- private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
- let stack: CallStack
- let navTitle = String(localized: "Confirm Payment", comment:"pay merchant")
- // the scanned URL
- let url: URL
- @EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
- @EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
- @AppStorage("myListStyle") var myListStyle: MyListStyle = .automatic
- func acceptAction(preparePayResult: PreparePayResult) {
- Task { // runs on MainActor
- do {
- let confirmPayResult = try await
- // symLog.log(confirmPayResult as Any)
- if confirmPayResult.type != "done" {
- controller.playSound(0)
- // TODO: show error
- }
- } catch {
- controller.playSound(0)
- // TODO: error
- symLog.log(error.localizedDescription)
- }
- dismissTop()
- }
- }
- @State var preparePayResult: PreparePayResult? = nil
- func query(url: URL) -> String? {
- if let query = url.query {
- let array = query.components(separatedBy: "&")
- }
- return nil
- }
- var body: some View {
- if let preparePayResult {
- let effective = preparePayResult.amountEffective
- List {
- let baseURL =
- let raw = preparePayResult.amountRaw
- let currency = raw.currencyStr
- let topTitle = String(localized: "Amount to pay:")
- let topAbbrev = String(localized: "Pay:", comment: "mini")
- if let effective {
- // TODO: already paid
- let fee = try! Amount.diff(raw, effective) // TODO:
different currencies
- ThreeAmountsV(stack: stack.push(),
- topTitle: topTitle,
- topAbbrev: topAbbrev,
- topAmount: raw, fee: fee,
- bottomTitle: String(localized: "Amount to
- bottomAbbrev: String(localized: "Effective:",
comment: "mini"),
- bottomAmount: effective,
- large: false, pending: false, incoming:
- baseURL: baseURL,
- status: nil,
- summary: nil,
- merchant: nil)
- // TODO: payment: popup with all possible exchanges, check
- } else if let balanceDetails = preparePayResult.balanceDetails
{ // Insufficient
- Text("You don't have enough \(currency)")
- .talerFont(.body)
- ThreeAmountsV(stack: stack.push(),
- topTitle: topTitle,
- topAbbrev: topAbbrev,
- topAmount: raw, fee: nil,
- bottomTitle: String(localized: "Amount
- bottomAbbrev: String(localized: "Available:",
comment: "mini"),
- bottomAmount: balanceDetails.balanceAvailable,
- large: false, pending: false, incoming:
- baseURL: baseURL,
- status: nil,
- summary: nil,
- merchant: nil)
- } else {
- // TODO: Error - neither effective nor balanceDetails
- Text("Error")
- .talerFont(.body)
- }
- }
- .listStyle(myListStyle.style).anyView
- .safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) {
- if let effective {
- Button(navTitle, action: { acceptAction(preparePayResult:
preparePayResult) })
- .buttonStyle(TalerButtonStyle(type: .prominent))
- .padding(.horizontal)
- } else {
- Button("Cancel", action: { dismissTop() })
- .buttonStyle(TalerButtonStyle(type: .bordered))
- .padding(.horizontal)
- }
- }
- .navigationTitle(navTitle)
- .onAppear() {
- symLog.log("onAppear")
- DebugViewC.shared.setSheetID(SHEET_PAY_TEMPLATE)
- }
- } else {
- LoadingView(url: url, message: nil)
- .task {
- do {
- symLog.log(".task")
- let result = try await
- preparePayResult = result
- } catch { // TODO: error
- symLog.log(error.localizedDescription)
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PaymentView.swift
index 196648f..e8d7634 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PaymentView.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/Payment/PaymentView.swift
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ struct PaymentView: View {
// the scanned URL
let url: URL
+ let template: Bool
+ @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount
+ @Binding var summary: String
@EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
@AppStorage("myListStyle") var myListStyle: MyListStyle = .automatic
@@ -93,8 +96,15 @@ struct PaymentView: View {
.task { // this runs only once
do { // TODO: cancelled
- let result = try await
- preparePayResult = result
+ if template {
+ let result = try await
+ amount:
+ summary:
+ preparePayResult = result
+ } else {
+ let result = try await
+ preparePayResult = result
+ }
} catch { // TODO: error
@@ -107,6 +117,7 @@ struct PaymentView: View {
// MARK: -
+#if false
struct PaymentURIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let merchant = Merchant(name: "Merchant")
@@ -153,6 +164,12 @@ struct PaymentURIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
let url = URL(string: "taler://pay/some_amount")!
- PaymentView(stack: CallStack("Preview"), url: url, preparePayResult:
+// @State private var amount: Amount? = nil // templateParam
+// @State private var summary: String? = nil // templateParam
+ PaymentView(stack: CallStack("Preview"),
+ url: url, template: false, amountToTransfer: nil, summary:
+ preparePayResult: details)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/URLSheet.swift
index 4c0af31..3492db8 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/URLSheet.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Sheets/URLSheet.swift
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ struct URLSheet: View {
var urlToOpen: URL
@EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
- @State private var amountToTransfer = Amount.zero(currency: "")
+ @State private var amountToTransfer = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
+ @State private var summary = EMPTYSTRING
var body: some View {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
@@ -29,13 +29,14 @@ struct URLSheet: View {
case .withdrawExchange:
WithdrawExchangeV(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
case .pay:
- PaymentView(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
+ PaymentView(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen,
+ template: false, amountToTransfer:
$amountToTransfer, summary: $summary)
case .payPull:
P2pPayURIView(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
case .payPush:
P2pReceiveURIView(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
case .payTemplate:
- PayTemplateView(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
+ PayTemplateV(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
case .refund:
RefundURIView(stack: stack.push(), url: urlToOpen)
default: // Error view
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/TransactionRowView.swift
index 388df60..dea1331 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/TransactionRowView.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/TransactionRowView.swift
@@ -95,6 +95,14 @@ struct TransactionRowView: View {
+#if DEBUG
+ let debug = false
+ let red = debug ? Color.red : Color.clear
+ let green = debug ? Color.green : Color.clear
+ let blue = debug ? Color.blue : Color.clear
+ let orange = debug ? Color.orange : Color.clear
let layout1 = HStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack(spacing: -4) {
@@ -112,13 +120,22 @@ struct TransactionRowView: View {
HStack(spacing: 8) {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
- iconBadge//.border(.blue)
+ iconBadge
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(blue)
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Spacer(minLength: 2)
- }//.border(.green)
- amountV//.border(.red)
- }//.border(.orange)
+ }
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(green)
+ amountV
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(red)
+ }
let layout3 = VStack(spacing: 0) {
@@ -137,21 +154,41 @@ struct TransactionRowView: View {
let layout4 = VStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack(spacing: -4) {
- iconBadge//.border(.green)
- Spacer(minLength: 2
- )
- amountV//.border(.green)
- }//.border(.orange)
+ iconBadge
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(green)
+ Spacer(minLength: 2)
+ amountV
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(green)
+ }
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(orange)
Group {
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
ViewThatFits(in: .horizontal) {
- layout1//.border(.green)
+ layout1
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(green)
- layout3//.border(.red)
- layout4//.border(.blue)
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(orange)
+ layout3
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(red)
+ layout4
+#if DEBUG
+ .border(blue)
} else { layout4 } // view for iOS 15
diff --git a/TestFlight/WhatToTest.en-US.txt b/TestFlight/WhatToTest.en-US.txt
index f3621c9..99cdbbb 100644
--- a/TestFlight/WhatToTest.en-US.txt
+++ b/TestFlight/WhatToTest.en-US.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+Version 0.9.4 (7)
+• New feature: Pay-Templates
+Version 0.9.4 (6)
+• New task scheduler in wallet-core
+- Accessibility improvements
Version 0.9.4 (5)
• New feature: Deposit
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- [taler-taler-ios] branch master updated (5459aa4 -> 8475ec0),
gnunet <=
- [taler-taler-ios] 03/06: templateParams, gnunet, 2024/02/20
- [taler-taler-ios] 04/06: Pay-Template, gnunet, 2024/02/20
- [taler-taler-ios] 05/06: Use AmountInputV, gnunet, 2024/02/20
- [taler-taler-ios] 02/06: Bump version to 0.9.4 (6), gnunet, 2024/02/20
- [taler-taler-ios] 06/06: Bump version to 0.9.4 (7), gnunet, 2024/02/20
- [taler-taler-ios] 01/06: Debugging, gnunet, 2024/02/20