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[taler-donau] branch master updated (71d683b -> cab4eda)

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-donau] branch master updated (71d683b -> cab4eda)
Date: Tue, 07 May 2024 16:48:03 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

johannes-casaburi pushed a change to branch master
in repository donau.

    from 71d683b  Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
     new 8349a68  rework thesis context
     new cab4eda  Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .../chapters/donau_overview/donau_overview.tex     |  13 ++++++++++---
 doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex         |  14 +++++++-------
 doc/thesis/thesis.pdf                              | Bin 866484 -> 866928 bytes
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/donau_overview/donau_overview.tex 
index 2ade8ef..540707e 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/donau_overview/donau_overview.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/donau_overview/donau_overview.tex
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
 \section{The Concept}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+For the Donau to work there needs to be one or more charities and donors. The 
Donau is operated by the tax authority while maintaining a list of verified 
charites the donor can donate money to. Each charity maintains a backend 
solution that allows it to communicate with the Donau and donor. When donating 
to a charity the donor sends the payment together with a signing request (done 
automatically with the payment) to the charity. The charity must verify that 
the payment was successful and [...]
 The Donau\footnote{short for donation authority} environment includes three 
stakeholders. Donors, charities and the tax authority. The donation receipt is 
no longer issued by the charity, but by the tax authority. This makes the 
validation of the receipts easy. If the tax authority signs the receipts, it 
can also check them unambiguously. The tax authority operates the centerpiece, 
the Donau (short for donation authority). The Donau is a server which 
automatically issues donation receipts.
+>>>>>>> 71d683b37651803315638dc90c40cfeb94c4f887
-To prevent the Donau from finding out who the donor has donated to, the 
charity automatically requests the donation receipt from the Donau directly 
after the donation. In order to link the donation to the donor so that the 
donation receipt cannot be used by someone else, the donor's unrecognizable tax 
identification number is also sent to the Donau via charity at the same time. 
The donation receipts issued by the charity contains this blinded id number 
(see chapter x.x blinded signatures).
+Upon receiving the signed signing request from the charity, the Donau must 
verify the charity signature and check for any legal restrictions imposed by 
law, such as a yearly donation limit. After successful verification the Donau 
creates a donation receipt which is sent to the Donor. The receipt gets saved 
on the donors device for later. This process repeats for every donation. At the 
end of the year the donor may have accumulated a bunch of these donation 
-Of course, not everyone can pretend to be a charity. Each charity must be 
registered by the Donau in advance and specify a donation limit per year, which 
cannot be exceeded.
+When it is time for the tax declaration (usually at the end of the year) the 
donor has to request a final statement from the Donau, summarizing all the 
donation receipts in a single donation statement in the form of a QR-Code. This 
step not only protects the privacy of the donor by combining the amounts of the 
donation receipts in a single total amount but also makes it easier for the tax 
authority to then verify the donation by checking a single QR-Code which is 
seperate. The donation s [...]
+The tax authority will not have any information to what charity the donor has 
donated money. All that the tax authority knows is that the donation was made 
to one of the approved charites and the total amount of all donations made 
throughout the year. This way the donor could make an anonymous donation and 
still have enough proof to deduct the amount form taxes. By keeping track of 
how much money a charity has received in donations per year and how much a 
donor has donated throughout the [...]
+% TODO: explain figure, more details like blind signatures?
-Before the donor can submit the donation receipts in order to claim the tax 
deduction, the donor must have the donation receipts compiled by the Donau into 
a donation statement. The statement contains simply the total donation amount, 
the corresponding year and the tax id. The donation statement can then be 
submitted by the donor to the tax authority with the tax return. The tax 
authority therefore only need to check manually one donation statement instead 
of multiple donation receipts.  [...]
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex 
index c0ba1d4..e212d14 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-Donations can often be deducted from taxes. To do so, donors must submit 
donation receipts to the tax authorities. This is not only tedious for the 
donors, who have to keep and collect the donation receipts, but also for the 
tax authorities, who have to ensure the authenticity of the receipts. It is 
often not possible or involves disproportionate effort to validate the donation 
receipts. Furthermore, donation receipts are usually handled in plain text. 
Donations receipts are often sensit [...]
+To anonymously donate to a charity and have that donation be deducted from 
taxes is often not possible. Large enough donations done anonymously using cash 
may need to be verified (if requested) when attempting to deduct the donation 
from taxes. The donor would then have to present some sort of evidence in form 
of a receipt which would deanonymize his donation to the charity. Furthermore, 
this process can be time consuming, involving a disproportionate amount of 
effort for the tax authorities.
-The aim of this bachelor thesis is to assess the current situation in the area 
of donation deduction and to formulate and implement a program solution for the 
problems described in the motivation section.
-The system aims to address these main problems:
+The aim of this bachelor thesis is to assess the current situation in the area 
of donation deduction and to formulate and implement a solution for the 
problems described above. The main goals are the following:
- \item privacy friendliness
- \item a simple and fast validation process
- \item user friendliness
+  \item The Donau should enable donors to donate anonymously and still be able 
to deduct the amount from the taxes.
+  \item These donations should be verfiable by simply scanning a QR-Code
+  \item Great usability for both the donor and tax authorities to make the 
process as easy as possible.
+  \item Eliminate tax fraud with donations that where not actually made
-The whole system must be implemented as free software and be payment system 
independent. Another goal is to integrate the functionality into the GNU Taler 
payment system as an example.
diff --git a/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf b/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf
index 82f7778..96c9984 100644
Binary files a/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf and b/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf differ

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