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[taler-donau] branch master updated: adapt intro

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-donau] branch master updated: adapt intro
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 15:53:20 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lukas-matyja pushed a commit to branch master
in repository donau.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 516adf7  adapt intro
516adf7 is described below

commit 516adf7e3804025ee58072e78aa733afcf5f99a1
Author: Matyja Lukas Adam <>
AuthorDate: Sat May 11 15:54:30 2024 +0200

    adapt intro
 doc/thesis/chapters/crypto/crypto.tex      |   4 +++-
 doc/thesis/chapters/intro/abstract.tex     |   2 +-
 doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex |   6 +++---
 doc/thesis/chapters/overview/overview.tex  |  20 ++++++++++----------
 doc/thesis/thesis.pdf                      | Bin 1468569 -> 1468479 bytes
 5 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/crypto/crypto.tex 
index c6a305d..ec90cb6 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/crypto/crypto.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/crypto/crypto.tex
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-\section{blinded signatures}
+\section{Blinded Signatures}
+\subsection{RSA Blind Signature Scheme}
+\subsection{Clause Blind Schnorr Signature Scheme}
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/abstract.tex 
index 52c86d4..13e98c2 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/abstract.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/abstract.tex
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 This bachelor thesis describes and implements a theoretical concept of a 
donation authority system. The donation authority (Donau) is free software with 
a focus on privacy and anonymity and part of the GNU Taler project. It depends 
on the code of the GNU Taler environment, but is completely independent of the 
Taler payment system. An interview with a local tax authority was held to 
determine the current state of how donations are verified as well as the 
usability and possible adoption of [...]
-The Donau is operated by the tax authority and maintains a list of verified 
non-profit charities. The charities as well as the donors must be able to 
communicate with each other for the system to work. Upon making a donation to 
one of the charities the donor receives a so called "Donation receipt" which 
will be stored locally on the donor's device. Throughout this process neither 
the charity nor the Donau will optain any identifiable information thus making 
it anonymous. To make the dona [...]
+The Donau is operated by the tax authority and maintains a list of verified 
non-profit charities. The charities as well as the donors must be able to 
communicate with each other for the system to work. Upon making a donation to 
one of the charities the donor receives a so called "donation receipt" which 
will be stored locally on the donor's device. Throughout this process neither 
the charity nor the Donau will optain any identifiable information thus making 
it anonymous. To make the dona [...]
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex 
index e212d14..fca87d3 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/intro/introduction.tex
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-To anonymously donate to a charity and have that donation be deducted from 
taxes is often not possible. Large enough donations done anonymously using cash 
may need to be verified (if requested) when attempting to deduct the donation 
from taxes. The donor would then have to present some sort of evidence in form 
of a receipt which would deanonymize his donation to the charity. Furthermore, 
this process can be time consuming, involving a disproportionate amount of 
effort for the tax authorities.
+Donations can often be deducted from taxes. To do so, the donor may need to 
present some sort of evidence in form of a receipt. Donations receipts are 
often sensitive data, which may not want to be shared. To anonymously donate to 
a charity and bind the donation to the donor for tax deduction is not possible. 
Furthermore, the process of checking receipts can be time consuming and 
involves a disproportionate amount of effort for the tax authorities. It can 
also be annoying for donor, whic [...]
 The aim of this bachelor thesis is to assess the current situation in the area 
of donation deduction and to formulate and implement a solution for the 
problems described above. The main goals are the following:
   \item The Donau should enable donors to donate anonymously and still be able 
to deduct the amount from the taxes.
-  \item These donations should be verfiable by simply scanning a QR-Code
+  \item These donations should be verfiable by simply scanning a QR-Code.
   \item Great usability for both the donor and tax authorities to make the 
process as easy as possible.
-  \item Eliminate tax fraud with donations that where not actually made
+  \item Eliminate tax fraud with fake, expired or third-party donations.
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/overview/overview.tex 
index c7dfe1d..81e9332 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/overview/overview.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/overview/overview.tex
@@ -7,25 +7,25 @@ The Donau\footnote{short for donation authority} environment 
includes three stak
     \node (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=0.1\textwidth]{stickman}};
     \node at (0,-1.8) {Donor};
-    \draw [-latex] (1,0) -- (7,0);
+    \draw (1,0) -- (7,0);
     \node (image) at (8.5,0) {\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{charity}};
     \node at (8.5,-1.1) {Charity};
-    \draw [-latex] (7,-1) -- (5,-2.5);
+    \draw (7,-1) -- (5,-2.5);
     \node (image) at (4,-3) {
     \node at (4,-4.1) {Tax Authority};
-    \draw [-latex] (1,-1) -- (3,-2.5);
+    \draw (1,-1) -- (3,-2.5);
 \caption{stakeholders} \label{fig:stakeholders}
 \subsection{Issuing Donation Receipts}
-When donating to a charity the donor sends the payment together with a receipt 
request to the charity. In order to link the donation to the donor so that the 
donation receipt cannot be used by someone else, the donor's unique tax 
identification number is part of the receipt request. The tax id number does 
not cause a problem for anonymity as the hole receipt with the id number is 
blinded (see section 2.x). In the picture \ref{fig:issue receipt request} 
\pageref{fig:issue receipt request} [...]
+When donating to a charity the donor sends the payment together with a receipt 
request to the charity. In order to link the donation to the donor so that the 
donation receipt cannot be used by someone else, the donor's unique tax 
identification number is part of the receipt request. The tax id number does 
not cause a problem for anonymity as the hole receipt with the id number is 
blinded (see section 2.x). In the picture \ref{fig:issue receipt request} 
\pageref{fig:issue receipt request} [...]
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ When donating to a charity the donor sends the payment 
together with a receipt r
 \caption{issue receipt request} \label{fig:issue receipt request}
-Upon receiving the signed issue request from the charity, the Donau must 
verify the charity signature and check for any legal restrictions, such as a 
yearly donation limit \textbf{source!}. After successful verification the Donau 
creates a blinded donation receipt which is sent via charity to the Donor (see 
figure: \ref{fig:issue receipt response} \pageref{fig:issue receipt response}). 
The donor now unblinds the signature from the Donau to make it valid for the 
unblinded receipt (see sec [...]
+Upon receiving the signed issue request from the charity, the Donau must 
verify the charity signature and checks that the yearly donation limit of a 
chairty is not exceeded. After successful verification the Donau creates a 
blinded donation receipt which is sent via charity to the Donor (see figure: 
\ref{fig:issue receipt response} \pageref{fig:issue receipt response}). The 
donor now unblinds the signature from the Donau to make it valid for the 
unblinded receipt (see section 2.x). The u [...]
@@ -72,23 +72,23 @@ Upon receiving the signed issue request from the charity, 
the Donau must verify
 \subsection{Summarize the Receipts}
-When it is time for the tax declaration (usually at the beginning of the next 
year) the donor has to request a final donation statement signature from the 
Donau, summarizing all the donation receipts of a year (see figure: 
\ref{fig:summarize receipts} \pageref{fig:summarize receipts}). This step 
combines the amounts of the donation receipts in a single total amount. This 
protects the privacy of the donor because the individual donation amounts could 
be enough information to link with spe [...]
+When it is time for the tax declaration (usually at the beginning of the next 
year) the donor has to request a final donation statement signature from the 
Donau, summarizing all the donation receipts of a year (see figure: 
\ref{fig:summarize receipts} \pageref{fig:summarize receipts}). This step 
combines the amounts of the donation receipts in a single total amount. This 
protects the privacy of the donor because the individual donation amounts could 
be enough information to link with spe [...]
     \node (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=0.1\textwidth]{stickman}};
-    \node[rectangle, text width=1.5cm, align=center,font=\tiny, draw=black!80, 
thick, inner sep=2pt, fill=white] at (3,0.9) {AHVN13: 7560001010000};
+    \node[rectangle, text width=1.65cm, align=center,font=\tiny, 
draw=black!80, thick, inner sep=2pt, fill=white] at (3,0.9) {AHVN13: 
     \node (image) at (3,0.9) {\includegraphics[width=0.04\textwidth]{red_wax}};
     \node at (3,0.9) {\small{9}};
-    \node[rectangle, text width=1.5cm, align=center,font=\tiny, draw=black!80, 
thick, inner
+    \node[rectangle, text width=1.65cm, align=center,font=\tiny, 
draw=black!80, thick, inner
     sep=2pt, fill=white] at (4,0.8) {AHVN13: 7560001010000};
     \node (image) at (4,0.8) {\includegraphics[width=0.04\textwidth]{red_wax}};
     \node at (4,0.8) {\small{1}};
-    \node[rectangle, text width=1.5cm, align=center,font=\tiny, draw=black!80, 
thick, inner
+    \node[rectangle, text width=1.65cm, align=center,font=\tiny, 
draw=black!80, thick, inner
     sep=2pt, fill=white] at (5,0.7) {AHVN13: 7560001010000};
     \node (image) at (5,0.7) {\includegraphics[width=0.04\textwidth]{red_wax}};
     \node at (5,0.7) {\small{5}};
@@ -138,6 +138,6 @@ The tax auditors will not have any information to what 
charity the donor has don
 \subsection{Incorporating the Donau}
-Every donor is related to only one specific Donau of his location where he is 
able to issue and submit donation receipts for deducting taxes. If a charity 
wants to be accepted in the multiple tax areas, it has to be registered by all 
the corresponding Donaus. To do so, the charities has to apply to the tax 
authority. The region for which a Donau responsible depends on the tax area of 
the tax authority and their reglementation of what is charitable. A Donau is 
maybe responsible for a geog [...]
+Every donor is related to only one specific Donau of his location where he is 
able to issue and submit donation receipts for deducting taxes. If a charity 
wants to be accepted in the multiple tax areas, it has to be registered by all 
the corresponding Donaus. To do so, the charities has to apply to the tax 
authorities. The region for which a Donau is responsible depends on the tax 
area of the tax authority and their reglementation of what is charitable. A 
Donau is maybe responsible for a [...]
diff --git a/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf b/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf
index e82b580..465648e 100644
Binary files a/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf and b/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf differ

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