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[taler-cashless2ecash] branch master updated: fix: wire gateway api

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-cashless2ecash] branch master updated: fix: wire gateway api
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 20:56:59 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joel-haeberli pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cashless2ecash.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 4a4a3b3  fix: wire gateway api
4a4a3b3 is described below

commit 4a4a3b3d17e3eb6133e13cb04ff8a6b982b8a5a7
Author: Joel-Haeberli <>
AuthorDate: Mon May 20 20:56:46 2024 +0200

    fix: wire gateway api
 c2ec/api-auth.go                                   |  27 +++++++++++++
 c2ec/api-wire-gateway.go                           |  24 ++++++++++-
 c2ec/db-postgres.go                                |  29 ++++++++-----
 c2ec/db.go                                         |   5 ++-
 c2ec/db/                                 |   4 +-
 c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway.sql                      |  24 +++++++++++
 c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway_cleanup.sql              |  26 ++++++++++++
 c2ec/                    |   7 +---
 cli/cli.go                                         |  34 ++++++++++++++--
 cli/db.go                                          |   1 +
 .../implementation/a-bank-integration-api.tex      |   1 +
 docs/content/implementation/a-c2ec.tex             |   6 +++
 docs/content/implementation/a-processes.tex        |   1 +
 docs/content/implementation/a-terminal-api.tex     |   5 +++
 docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex         |  19 ++++++++-
 docs/content/implementation/e-security.tex         |   7 ++--
 docs/content/implementation/f-cli.tex              |   3 +-
 docs/content/implementation/f-testing.tex          |   4 +-
 docs/content/implementation/g-deployment.tex       |  45 +++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/thesis.pdf                                    | Bin 2101818 -> 2112850 
 docs/thesis.tex                                    |   2 +
 simulation/c2ec-simulation                         | Bin 8315978 -> 8315978 
 22 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c2ec/api-auth.go b/c2ec/api-auth.go
index cfcb985..29278ab 100644
--- a/c2ec/api-auth.go
+++ b/c2ec/api-auth.go
@@ -85,7 +85,34 @@ func AuthenticateTerminal(req *http.Request) bool {
                return ValidPassword(password, terminal.AccessToken)
+       LogWarn("auth", "basic auth prefix did not match")
+       return false
+func AuthenticateWirewatcher(req *http.Request) bool {
+       auth := req.Header.Get(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER)
+       if basicAuth, found := strings.CutPrefix(auth, BASIC_AUTH_PREFIX); 
found {
+               decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(basicAuth)
+               if err != nil {
+                       LogWarn("auth", "failed decoding basic auth header from 
+                       return false
+               }
+               username, password, err := parseBasicAuth(string(decoded))
+               if err != nil {
+                       LogWarn("auth", "failed parsing username password from 
basic auth")
+                       return false
+               }
+               if strings.EqualFold(username, 
CONFIG.Server.WireGateway.Username) &&
+                       strings.EqualFold(password, 
CONFIG.Server.WireGateway.Password) {
+                       return true
+               }
+       }
+       LogWarn("auth", "basic auth prefix did not match")
        return false
diff --git a/c2ec/api-wire-gateway.go b/c2ec/api-wire-gateway.go
index 9c04482..a0ed175 100644
--- a/c2ec/api-wire-gateway.go
+++ b/c2ec/api-wire-gateway.go
@@ -148,6 +148,12 @@ func wireGatewayConfig(res http.ResponseWriter, req 
*http.Request) {
 func transfer(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+       auth := AuthenticateWirewatcher(req)
+       if !auth {
+               res.WriteHeader(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
+               return
+       }
        jsonCodec := NewJsonCodec[TransferRequest]()
        transfer, err := ReadStructFromBody(req, jsonCodec)
        if err != nil {
@@ -262,7 +268,14 @@ func transfer(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
 //     immediately or after waiting only a fraction of ``long_poll_ms``.
 func historyIncoming(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+       auth := AuthenticateWirewatcher(req)
+       if !auth {
+               res.WriteHeader(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
+               return
+       }
        // read and validate request query parameters
+       timeOfReq := time.Now()
        shouldStartLongPoll := true
        var longPollMilli int
        if longPollMilliPtr, accepted := AcceptOptionalParamOrWriteResponse(
@@ -305,7 +318,7 @@ func historyIncoming(res http.ResponseWriter, req 
*http.Request) {
                time.Sleep(time.Duration(longPollMilli) * time.Millisecond)
-       withdrawals, err := DB.GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start, delta)
+       withdrawals, err := DB.GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start, delta, timeOfReq)
        if err != nil {
                LogError("wire-gateway-api", err)
@@ -346,7 +359,14 @@ func historyIncoming(res http.ResponseWriter, req 
*http.Request) {
 func historyOutgoing(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+       auth := AuthenticateWirewatcher(req)
+       if !auth {
+               res.WriteHeader(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
+               return
+       }
        // read and validate request query parameters
+       timeOfReq := time.Now()
        shouldStartLongPoll := true
        var longPollMilli int
        if longPollMilliPtr, accepted := AcceptOptionalParamOrWriteResponse(
@@ -392,7 +412,7 @@ func historyOutgoing(res http.ResponseWriter, req 
*http.Request) {
                time.Sleep(time.Duration(longPollMilli) * time.Millisecond)
-       transfers, err := DB.GetTransfers(start, delta)
+       transfers, err := DB.GetTransfers(start, delta, timeOfReq)
        if err != nil {
                LogError("wire-gateway-api", err)
diff --git a/c2ec/db-postgres.go b/c2ec/db-postgres.go
index 913bb58..204d058 100644
--- a/c2ec/db-postgres.go
+++ b/c2ec/db-postgres.go
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ const PS_UPDATE_TRANSFER = "UPDATE " + TRANSFER_TABLE_NAME + 
" SET (" +
        " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"'" +
+       " AND " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_TS + ">=$3" +
        " LIMIT $1" +
        " OFFSET $2"
@@ -107,15 +108,17 @@ const PS_CONFIRMED_TRANSACTIONS_ASC_MAX = "SELECT * FROM 
        " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"'" +
        " LIMIT $1" +
-       " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"')-1)" // TODO (-time since request)
+       " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"'" +
+       " AND " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_TS + "<$2)"
        " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"'" +
        " LIMIT $1" +
-       " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"')-1)" // TODO (-time since request)
+       " WHERE " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "='" + string(CONFIRMED) + 
"'" +
+       " AND " + WITHDRAWAL_FIELD_NAME_TS + "<$2)"
@@ -130,14 +133,16 @@ const PS_GET_TRANSFERS_DESC = "SELECT * FROM " + 
        " LIMIT $1" +
-       " WHERE " + TRANSFER_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "=0)-1)" // TODO Timestamp 
based offset (-time since request)
+       " AND " + TRANSFER_FIELD_NAME_TS + ">=$2)"
        " LIMIT $1" +
-       " WHERE " + TRANSFER_FIELD_NAME_STATUS + "=0)-1)" // TODO Timestamp 
based offset (-time since request)
+       " AND " + TRANSFER_FIELD_NAME_TS + ">=$2)"
@@ -492,7 +497,7 @@ func (db *C2ECPostgres) SetRetryCounter(withdrawalId int, 
retryCounter int) erro
 // The query at the postgres database works as specified by the
 // wire gateway api.
-func (db *C2ECPostgres) GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start int, delta int) 
([]*Withdrawal, error) {
+func (db *C2ECPostgres) GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start int, delta int, since 
time.Time) ([]*Withdrawal, error) {
        if delta < 0 {
@@ -518,13 +523,14 @@ func (db *C2ECPostgres) GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start 
int, delta int) ([]*Withdr
        var row pgx.Rows
        var err error
        if start < 0 {
-               // use MAX(id) instead of a concrete id, because start
+               // use latest id instead of a concrete id, because start
                // identifier was negative. Inidicates to read the most
                // recent ids.
                row, err = db.pool.Query(
+                       since.Unix(),
        } else {
                row, err = db.pool.Query(
@@ -746,7 +752,7 @@ func (db *C2ECPostgres) UpdateTransfer(
        return nil
-func (db *C2ECPostgres) GetTransfers(start int, delta int) ([]*Transfer, 
error) {
+func (db *C2ECPostgres) GetTransfers(start int, delta int, since time.Time) 
([]*Transfer, error) {
        query := PS_GET_TRANSFERS_ASC
        if delta < 0 {
@@ -779,6 +785,7 @@ func (db *C2ECPostgres) GetTransfers(start int, delta int) 
([]*Transfer, error)
+                       since.Unix(),
        } else {
                row, err = db.pool.Query(
diff --git a/c2ec/db.go b/c2ec/db.go
index 562f8f2..de93c36 100644
--- a/c2ec/db.go
+++ b/c2ec/db.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package main
 import (
+       "time"
 const PROVIDER_TABLE_NAME = "c2ec.provider"
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ type C2ECDatabase interface {
        // if the delta is negative, previous transactions relative to the
        // starting point are considered. When start is negative, the latest
        // id shall be used as starting point.
-       GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start int, delta int) ([]*Withdrawal, error)
+       GetConfirmedWithdrawals(start int, delta int, since time.Time) 
([]*Withdrawal, error)
        // Get the provider of a terminal by the terminals id
        GetProviderByTerminal(terminalId int) (*Provider, error)
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ type C2ECDatabase interface {
        // if the delta is negative, previous transactions relative to the
        // starting point are considered. When start is negative, the latest
        // id shall be used as starting point.
-       GetTransfers(start int, delta int) ([]*Transfer, error)
+       GetTransfers(start int, delta int, since time.Time) ([]*Transfer, error)
        // Returns the transfer entries in the given state.
        // This can be used for retry operations.
diff --git a/c2ec/db/ b/c2ec/db/
index 7124357..8de05b0 100755
--- a/c2ec/db/
+++ b/c2ec/db/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ACCESS_WITH_PASSWORDS="./access-with-passwords.sql"
 if [ "$#" -eq 6 ]; then
     if [[ ($4 = $5) || ($5 = $6) || ($4 = $6) ]]; then
-        echo "PROBLEM: passwords for db admin, operator and must be 
+        echo "PROBLEM: passwords for db admin, operator and api user must be 
         echo "Usage: $0 <db-username> <db-password> <db-name> <source-root> 
<new-db-admin-pw> <new-db-admin-pw> <new-db-admin-pw>"
         exit 1
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fi
-    "./0001-c2ec_schema.sql"    
+    "./0001-c2ec_schema.sql"
diff --git a/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway.sql b/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway.sql
index e69de29..4f8e7f6 100644
--- a/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway.sql
+++ b/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100001, 
'\xd413de0f93e27a49d2b413d5890b5b6a3a02772641d864d997fe069705a2ce6a', NULL, 
1716042715, '(10,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'pending', 3, '', NULL, 0, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716036939, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716025922, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 0, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716041260, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716025748, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', 'confirmed', 1, '', NULL, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100006, 
1716042376, '(12,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 4, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716041140, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716035957, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100009, 
1716042533, '(10,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'confirmed', 3, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100010, 
'\xffd6d80e38262b984418d37179c868caee3d95be5c61c357348241e1a03c81bd', NULL, 
1716042796, '(5,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 0, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100011, 
1716041931, '(12,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 9, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716036196, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES 
1716041234, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(0,10,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100014, 
1716196849, '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,50,CHF)', '(10,0,CHF)', 'confirmed', 1, 
'simulation-transaction-id-0', NULL, 1, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100015, 
1716042584, '(24,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100016, 
1716041981, '(12,5,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 9, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100017, 
'\xc1c3fc11a4cee3cfc1529067c951bab68499929bb53b315275b9e4a91b251802', NULL, 
1716042823, '(5,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'pending', 3, '', NULL, 0, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100018, 
1716041892, '(12,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 8, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100019, 
'\x62f0adc7917a12d1969258cdc147bdc19ef08aab14ccab1513d67b39967bb6b1', NULL, 
1716043380, '(12,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'pending', 3, '', NULL, 0, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100020, 
1716042271, '(45,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 10, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100021, 
'\x9aa3426610f5b7f9933310071d36384ef3ada5a242e375f09664a30ced6c3d1c', NULL, 
1716042639, '(10,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'pending', 3, '', NULL, 0, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100022, 
1716197262, '(14,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 7, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100023, 
1716197224, '(13,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'aborted', 3, '', NULL, 7, 
+INSERT INTO c2ec.withdrawal VALUES (100024, 
'\x03ab595c6bb2fb59bde0ae255bbf9c780740cd051645d843d992784eac665c80', NULL, 
1716197350, '(5,0,CHF)', '(0,0,"")', '(0,0,"")', 'pending', 3, '', NULL, 0, 
diff --git a/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway_cleanup.sql 
index e69de29..8ae8e80 100644
--- a/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway_cleanup.sql
+++ b/c2ec/db/test_wire_gateway_cleanup.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+DELETE FROM c2ec.withdrawal WHERE withdrawal_row_id IN (
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/c2ec/ b/c2ec/
index 38d1d5a..1c2c921 100644
--- a/c2ec/
+++ b/c2ec/
@@ -14,18 +14,13 @@ taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client -i -b
 taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client -i -b
 taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client -C payto://example/bank/account -a 
EUR:10.00 -b
 taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client -D payto://example/bank/account -a 
EUR:10.00 -b
 taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client -o -b
-### cleanup test data
\ No newline at end of file
+### cleanup test data
diff --git a/cli/cli.go b/cli/cli.go
index e1cfc51..94e73ff 100644
--- a/cli/cli.go
+++ b/cli/cli.go
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ const ACTION_REGISTER_TERMINAL = "rt"
 const ACTION_CONNECT_DB = "db"
 const ACTION_QUIT = "q"
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ func activateTerminal() error {
        return nil
-func withdrawalInformation() error {
+func withdrawalInformationByWopid() error {
        if DB == nil {
                return errors.New("connect to the database first (cmd: db)")
@@ -258,6 +259,30 @@ func withdrawalInformation() error {
                return err
+       return readPrintWithdrawal(rows)
+func withdrawalInformationByProviderTransactionId() error {
+       if DB == nil {
+               return errors.New("connect to the database first (cmd: db)")
+       }
+       ptid := read("Provider Transaction ID: ")
+       rows, err := DB.Query(
+               context.Background(),
+               ptid,
+       )
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       return readPrintWithdrawal(rows)
+func readPrintWithdrawal(rows pgx.Rows) error {
        type TalerAmountCurrency struct {
                Val  int64  `db:"val"`
                Frac int32  `db:"frac"`
@@ -428,7 +453,8 @@ func showHelp() error {
        fmt.Println("deactivate wallee terminal (", ACTION_DEACTIVATE_TERMINAL, 
        fmt.Println("activate wallee terminal (", ACTION_ACTIVATE_TERMINAL, ")")
        fmt.Println("setup simulation (", ACTION_SETUP_SIMULATION, ")")
-       fmt.Println("withdrawal information (", ACTION_WITHDRAWAL_INFOMRATION, 
+       fmt.Println("withdrawal information by wopid (", 
+       fmt.Println("witdhrawal information by provider transaction id", 
        fmt.Println("connect database (", ACTION_CONNECT_DB, ")")
        fmt.Println("show help (", ACTION_HELP, ")")
        fmt.Println("quit (", ACTION_QUIT, ")")
@@ -497,7 +523,9 @@ func dispatchCommand(cmd string) error {
                err = activateTerminal()
-               err = withdrawalInformation()
+               err = withdrawalInformationByWopid()
+               err = withdrawalInformationByProviderTransactionId()
                err = setupSimulation()
diff --git a/cli/db.go b/cli/db.go
index 13d595f..8b7d278 100644
--- a/cli/db.go
+++ b/cli/db.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const ACTIVATE_TERMINAL = "UPDATE c2ec.terminal SET active = 
true WHERE terminal
 const GET_PROVIDER_BY_NAME = "SELECT * FROM c2ec.provider WHERE name=$1"
terminal_id = (SELECT MAX(terminal_id) FROM c2ec.terminal)"
 const GET_WITHDRAWAL_BY_WOPID = "SELECT * FROM c2ec.withdrawal WHERE wopid=$1"
c2ec.withdrawal WHERE provider_transaction_id=$1"
 type Provider struct {
        ProviderId         int64  `db:"provider_id"`
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/a-bank-integration-api.tex 
index 3c2a7d5..e0df378 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/a-bank-integration-api.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/a-bank-integration-api.tex
@@ -33,5 +33,6 @@ The \textit{/withdrawal-operation/[WOPID]} endpoint returns 
the status of withdr
 This endpoint is used by the Wallet to register the reserve public key 
generated by the Wallet, which will eventually hold the digital cash at the 
Exchange. This reserve public key is unique and the API will return a conflict 
response if a withdrawal with the reserve public key specified in the request 
already exists. This is also the case if a mapping for the given \textit{WOPID} 
was already created.
 \textbf{Aborting a withdrawal (/withdrawal-operation/[WOPID]/abort)}
 This endpoint simply allows the abortion of the withdrawal. This will change 
the status of the withdrawal to the \textit{aborted} state.
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/a-c2ec.tex 
index 33d6db1..e9b98ae 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/a-c2ec.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/a-c2ec.tex
@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ Following a short list of events and from whom they are 
triggered and who listen
+\subsection{Abortion Handling}
+A withdrawal might be aborted through the terminal or the wallet. These cases 
are implemented through the respective \textit{abort} endpoint in the 
bank-integration API \autoref{sec-implementation-bank-integration-api-abort} 
and terminals API \autoref{sec-implementation-terminal-api-abort}. If in doubt 
whether to abort the withdrawal or not, it should be aborted. In case of 
abortion and failure cases, the security of the money is weighted higher than 
the user-experience. If the user must [...]
+The withdrawal can only be aborted, when it is not yet confirmed by the 
attestation process (described in 
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/a-processes.tex 
index 0046383..5e8f984 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/a-processes.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/a-processes.tex
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 This section describes the different processes running in the background 
transitioning the state of a withdrawal. These transitions are triggered by the 
 because of requests received by one of the components through the respective 
 The attestation of a transaction is crucial, since this is the action which 
allows the exchange to create a reserve and can proof to the provider and 
customer, that the transaction was successful and therefore can put the 
liability for the money on the provider. The attestation process is implemented 
using a provider client interface and a provider transaction interface. This 
allows the process to be the same for each individual provider and new 
providers can be added easily by providing [...]
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/a-terminal-api.tex 
index 5689b81..e34cd4f 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/a-terminal-api.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/a-terminal-api.tex
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ When the terminal setup the withdrawal successful and 
received the \textit{WOPID
 Once the terminal authorized the transaction at the providers backend and 
received the notification, that the transaction was processed at the providers 
backend, the terminal can trigger the attestation of the transaction by calling 
this endpoint. This is also the point where the terminal can know the fees of 
the provider (if any) and send them to the C2EC component.
+\textbf{Trigger Attestation (/withdrawals/[WOPID]/abort)}
+As long as the withdrawal was not authorized, it can be aborted by the 
terminal through this API. If the withdrawal was already authorized, the 
abortion will not work and the refund process might be needed to gain back the 
authorized money.
 \textbf{Taler Integration (/taler-integration/*)}
 Under the \textit{/taler-integration/} sub-path the Bank-Integration API is 
reachable. Endpoints under this subpath are used by the Wallet to register 
parameters of a withdrawal and ask for the status of a withdrawal operation. 
The endpoints of the Bank-Integration API are described in 
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex 
index ed0de06..98d04e0 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ This screen in 
\autoref{fig-terminal-screen-register-parameters} displays a QR c
 \subsubsection{Authorization Screen}
-The authorization screen will use Wallee's \textit{Android Till SDK} 
\cite{wallee-till-sdk} to authorize the amount at the Wallee backend. The 
response handler of the SDK will delegate the response to the implementation of 
the terminal, which allows triggering the attestation of the payment by C2EC 
using the Terminals API. When the authorization process is not started and the 
transaction therefore is created at the backend system of Wallee, the screen 
displayed at \autoref{fig-terminal-s [...]
+The authorization screen will use Wallee's \textit{Android Till SDK} 
\cite{wallee-till-sdk} to authorize the amount at the Wallee backend. The 
response handler of the SDK will delegate the response to the implementation of 
the terminal, which allows triggering the attestation of the payment by C2EC 
using the Terminals API. When the authorization process is not started and the 
transaction therefore is created at the backend system of Wallee, the screen 
\autoref{fig-terminal-screen-authori [...]
@@ -75,5 +75,22 @@ When the transaction was processed successfully, the summary 
of the transaction
+\subsection{Abortion Handling}
+During the flow various steps can fail or lead to the abortion of the 
withdrawal. Therefore these edge cases must be considered and handled the right 
way. Generally we can split the abortion handling on the terminal side into two 
different phases. The implementation of the Wallee POS Terminal therefore 
follows a strict \textit{abort on failure} strategy. This means that if 
anything goes wrong the withdrawal is aborted and must be started again. 
Generally the abortion handling strategy is [...]
+\subsubsection{Abortion before authorization}
+The first phase are abortions \textit{before} the payment is authorized. In 
this case the withdrawal operation can be aborted using the \textit{abort} 
operation described in \autoref{sec-implementation-terminal-api}. Every problem 
which cannot be recovered or not further processed must therefore lead to the 
abortion of the withdrawal. 
+\subsubsection{Abortion after authorization}
+When the transaction was authorized, the process is a little bit more complex. 
The customer has two possibilities. The first one is automatically covered with 
the given implementation, while the second is not guaranteed and needs manual 
interaction of the customer with the Taler Exchange operator.
+\textbf{Wait for automatic refund due to closing of the reserve}
+The Taler Exchange configures a duration for which a reserve is kept open (and 
therefore can be withdrawn). When the configured duration exceeds the reserve 
is closed autmatically and the money transferred back to the customer. In the 
case of Wallee payments, this is realized through a refund request at the 
provider backend upon receiving a transfer request at the wire-gateway API 
\autoref{sec-implementation-wire-gateway-api} of the C2EC component.
+\textbf{Manual request to refund money}
+Depending on the operator of the Taler Exchange it might be possible to 
somehow manually trigger a refund and get back the money spent for the 
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index 57358f1..7530e61 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/e-security.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/e-security.tex
@@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ The database is very important as it decides wether to 
allow a withdrawal or not
 \subsubsection{Storing credentials}
-Even if a database leak occurs, it shall be very hard for the attacker to 
access the API using the credentials stored in the database. This is why 
credentials are stored using PBKDF \textit{argon2} 
\cite{password-competition-argon2}. \textit{Argon2} is the winner of the 
password hashing competition initiated by the cryptographer Jean-Philippe 
Aumasson \cite{password-competition-argon2}. It is a widely adopted best 
practice approach for hashing passwords. Storing the hash of the credentia [...]
+Even if a database leak occurs, it shall be very hard for the attacker to 
access the API using the credentials stored in the database. This is why 
credentials are stored using the PBKDF \textit{argon2} 
\cite{password-competition-argon2}. \textit{Argon2} is the winner of the 
password hashing competition initiated by the cryptographer Jean-Philippe 
Aumasson \cite{password-competition-argon2}. It is a widely adopted best 
practice approach for hashing passwords. Storing the hash of the crede [...]
 \subsubsection{Access data through correct user}
-The database user executing a database query must have enough rights to 
execute its duties but not more. Therefore different database users are created 
for different tasks within the database.
+The database user executing a database query must have enough rights to 
execute its duties but not more. Therefore different database users are created 
for different tasks within the database. The described setup and installation 
process in \autoref{sec-deployment} will automatically generate the users and 
grant them the correct rights, when the respective variables are specified.
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ The database user executing a database query must have enough 
rights to execute
 \subsection{Authenticating at the Wallee ReST API}
-The Wallee API specifies four Wallee specific headers which are used to 
authenticate against the API. It defines its own authentication standard and 
flow. The flow builds on a MAC (message authentication code) which is built on 
a version, user identifier, and a timestamp. For the creation of the MAC the 
HMAC (hash based message authentication code) SHA-512 is leveraged which takes 
the so called \textit{application-user-key} (which is basically just an 
access-token, which the user receive [...]
+The Wallee API specifies four Wallee specific headers which are used to 
authenticate against the API. It defines its own authentication standard and 
flow. The flow builds on a message authentication code (MAC) which is built on 
a version, user identifier, and a timestamp. For the creation of the MAC the 
hash based message authentication code (HMAC) SHA-512 is leveraged which takes 
the so called \textit{application-user-key} (which is basically just an 
access-token, which the user receive [...]
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/f-cli.tex 
index 4242b57..e0ac713 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/f-cli.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/f-cli.tex
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 The management of providers and terminals is not part of the thesis but since 
writing and issueing SQL statements is cumbersome and error-prone a small cli 
was implemented to abstract managment tasks. The cli tool was also shows the 
concepts a future implementation of the provider managment can use to integrate 
with the present features. The cli can be extended with more actions to allow 
the management of other providers and its terminals. Also the cli allows to 
setup the simulation term [...]
-The cli was implemented to be usable and as it was out of scope of the thesis, 
the focus was on the functionality and tasks needed for the thesis. This 
included features to manage wallee provider and terminals and the simulation. 
Additionally the tool implements commands to activate and deactivate a 
terminal, which makes the task much easier than writing and executing SQL by 
hand. Also it eliminates mistakes by reducing problems to bugs in the 
implementation of the cli.
+The cli was implemented to be usable and as it was out of scope of the thesis, 
the focus was on the functionality and tasks needed for the thesis and to allow 
an easy management of the terminals. This included features to manage wallee 
provider and terminals and the simulation. Additionally the tool implements 
commands to activate and deactivate a terminal, which makes the task much 
easier than writing and executing SQL by hand. Also it eliminates mistakes by 
reducing problems to bugs in [...]
 \subsection{Adding a Wallee provider}
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ To deactivate the terminal, the command \textit{dt} must be 
issued. It will ask
 \subsection{Setting up the Simulation}
 The Simulation provider and terminal allow to simulate transactions and 
interactions of the terminal with the API of C2EC. Therefore the command 
\textit{sim} will setup the needed provider and terminal including the 
credentials of the simulation terminal, which must be saved and supplied to the 
operator through a secure channel. These credentials allow to test the 
Terminals API using the simulation terminal. The simulation client will not be 
available in productive environments to reduce [...]
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diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/f-testing.tex 
index f226abd..f002972 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/f-testing.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/f-testing.tex
@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
 Since the program leverages concurrency and operates in a distributed way, it 
is difficult to test besides unit testing. Therefore a simulation client and 
simulation program was implemented which allows to test the C2EC component 
while simulating the different involved parties like the terminal, wallet and 
the providers backend system. This setup allows to test and therefore proof the 
functionality of the system.
-Besides the automated tests, using the above mentioned simulation, manual test 
were executed and done.
+The Simulation can be used for regression testing and therefore can be run 
before introducing new features in order to check, that existing functionality 
will not be broken.
+Besides the automated tests, using the above mentioned simulation, unit tests 
were implemented for parsing, formatting and encoding functions. Additionally 
nanual test were fulfilled to ensure the system behaves correctly and without 
problems. To test the wire-gateway API, the 
\textit{taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client} facility was used supplied by GNU 
Taler to verify the correct functioning of the API.
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/g-deployment.tex 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4f3e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/g-deployment.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+For the deployment the it is recommended to use a Debian Linux machine. To 
prepare the deployment of C2EC following steps must be done:
+    \item Machine which has bash, go and postgres installed must be prepared.
+    \item Three \textit{different} passwords (each must be different and be 
stored in a secure location, like a password manager for example)
+    \item For the setup the username and password of postgresql superuser must 
be known.
+    \item The name for the database must be known and the database must exist 
at the target database system.
+    \item The installation location of C2EC must be created
+    \item The \textit{setup} script in the root directory of cashless2cash 
must be altered with the values mentioned above.
+For the deployment of the Wallee POS Terminal app, the following steps are 
necessary to prepare the usage of the cashless withdrawals leveraging Wallee:
+    \item A running deployment of C2EC must be accessible.
+    \item Wallee must be a registered provider at the C2EC instance.
+    \item The Terminal must be registered at C2EC.
+Once the steps from the preparation were succesfully done, the 
\textit{setup}-script can now be run. It will initiate the database and setup 
the users (as described in \autoref{sec-security-db-users}) with the correct 
permissions. It will further generate the executables for C2EC, the cli and the 
simulation inside the specified \texttt{C2EC\_HOME}. The setup script contains 
sensitive credentials and shall be deleted after using it. Maybe it can be 
stored in a save location like a passwor [...]
+\subsubsection{Setting up Wallee as provider}
+To allow withdrawals using Wallee as provider, the correct access tokens must 
be created at the Wallee backend. Therefore a new application user must be 
created and the \textit{application user key} must be saved to a password 
manager. Then Wallee must be registered at C2EC using the cli (described in 
\autoref{sec-implementation-cli}) and the \textit{rp} command. There the 
space-id, user-id of the application user and the \textit{application user key} 
must be provided. The cli will regis [...]
+When Wallee was registered as provider, one must register a terminal to allow 
access to the Taler Terminals API of C2EC. Therefore also the cli with its 
\textit{rt} command can be used. It will generate the terminal user id and the 
access token. Both these values should be stored in a save location like the 
password manager
+\subsubsection{Setting up the simulation}
+When the simulation shall be installed the \textit{prod}-flag in the C2EC 
configuration should be disabled, in order to allow the simulation provider to 
be registered at startup. This is a security measure, that testing facilities 
are not reachable in productive use of the system.
+When the provider and the terminal was successfully registered, the 
configuration located inside the \texttt{C2EC\_HOME} must be adjusted to the 
correct values. Once this is done, the C2EC process can be started using 
\texttt{./c2ec [PATH-TO-CONFIGFILE]}.
+\subsection{Migration and releases}
+When a new version of the system shall be installed, the new executable can be 
built by issueing \texttt{make build}. After migrating the database using 
\texttt{make migrate} the newly built executable can be started.
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Binary files a/docs/thesis.pdf and b/docs/thesis.pdf differ
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index 00c6579..096aacf 100644
--- a/docs/thesis.tex
+++ b/docs/thesis.tex
@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@
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index 756fdf5..2491488 100755
Binary files a/simulation/c2ec-simulation and b/simulation/c2ec-simulation 

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