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[taler-cashless2ecash] branch master updated: docs: enhance introduction

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-cashless2ecash] branch master updated: docs: enhance introduction and architecture
Date: Sat, 25 May 2024 17:02:33 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joel-haeberli pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cashless2ecash.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 19bb782  docs: enhance introduction and architecture
19bb782 is described below

commit 19bb7824c5fa6bc73ffe299ede23d22c8cafaac3
Author: Joel-Haeberli <>
AuthorDate: Sat May 25 17:02:25 2024 +0200

    docs: enhance introduction and architecture
 docs/content/architecture/c2ec.tex         | 114 ++++-------------------------
 docs/content/architecture/overview.tex     |  63 ++++++++--------
 docs/content/architecture/wallee.tex       |   2 +-
 docs/content/architecture/wallet.tex       |  14 ----
 docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex |  14 ++--
 docs/content/introduction/goal.tex         |  17 ++++-
 docs/content/introduction/introduction.tex |  22 +++---
 docs/pictures/diagrams/c2ec.png            | Bin 96069 -> 89825 bytes
 docs/pictures/diagrams/system_overview.png | Bin 99686 -> 77078 bytes
 docs/thesis.pdf                            | Bin 2112850 -> 2112071 bytes
 docs/thesis.tex                            |   1 -
 poster/cashless2ecash_poster.pdf           | Bin 808840 -> 808840 bytes
 poster/cashless2ecash_poster.tex           |   3 +-
 simulation/c2ec-simulation                 | Bin 8315978 -> 8315978 bytes
 specs/c2ec.plantuml                        |  30 ++++----
 specs/system_overview.odg                  | Bin 28733 -> 27766 bytes
 16 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/content/architecture/c2ec.tex 
index b2ea4cc..a82962f 100644
--- a/docs/content/architecture/c2ec.tex
+++ b/docs/content/architecture/c2ec.tex
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-The C2EC (\textbf{c}ashless\textbf{2ec}ash) component is the central 
coordination component in the cashless withdrawal of digital cash using Taler. 
It initializes the parameters and mediates between the different stakeholders 
of a withdrawal, which finally allows the customer to withdraw digital cash 
from a reserve owned by the \textit{Exchange}. Therefore C2EC provides API 
which can be integrated and used by the \textit{Terminal}, \textit{Wallet} and 
the \textit{Exchange}.
+The \textbf{c}ashless\textbf{2ec}ash (C2EC) component is the central 
coordination component in the cashless withdrawal of digital cash using Taler. 
It initializes the parameters and mediates between the different stakeholders 
of a withdrawal, which finally allows the customer to withdraw digital cash 
from a reserve owned by the \textit{Exchange}. Therefore C2EC provides API 
which can be integrated and used by the \textit{Terminal}, \textit{Wallet} and 
the \textit{Exchange}.
 The API of the C2EC (cashless2ecash) component handles the flow from the 
creation of a C2EC mapping to the creation of the reserve. For the integration 
into the Taler ecosystem, C2EC must implement the Taler Wirewatch Gateway API 
\cite{taler-wire-gateway-api} and the Taler Bank Integration API 
@@ -38,79 +38,32 @@ All components involved in the withdrawal process must 
interact with the C2EC co
 \subsubsection{Terminals API}
-That terminal can initiate and serve withdrawals in Taler, the Terminals API 
\cite{taler-terminal-api} is implemented, which mirrors all actions of a 
terminal at the C2EC component.
+That terminal can initiate and serve withdrawals in Taler, the Terminals API 
\cite{taler-terminal-api} is implemented, which mirrors all actions of a 
terminal at the C2EC component. This covers following endpoints:
-  \item \textbf{Method:} GET
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /config
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Return the protocol version and configuration 
information about the C2EC API.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK. The exchange responds with 
a \texttt{TerminalsConfig} object.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} Terminals who want to use the API and therefore 
want to load the config of the instance.
-  \item \textbf{Method:} POST
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /withdrawals
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Register a withdrawal operation at C2EC.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK. The \textit{WOPID} 
generated by C2EC. On any other status code, terminate the withdrawal.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} Terminals who want to initiate a withdrawal 
-\textbf{Status of the withdrawal operation}
-  \item \textbf{Method:} GET
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /withdrawals/\$WOPID
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Query information about a withdrawal operation, 
identified by the \texttt{WOPID}.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK and body containing a 
\texttt{BankWithdrawalOperationStatus} object or 404 Not found.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} The API is used by the \textit{Terminal} and 
\textit{Taler Wallet} to retrieve information about the current state of the 
withdrawal operation. The API allows long-polling and can therefore be used by 
the consumer to be updated if the status of the withdrawal operation changes.
-\textbf{Check transaction}
-  \item \textbf{Method:} POST
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /withdrawals/\$WOPID/check
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Notifies C2EC about an executed payment for a 
specific withdrawal.
-  \item \textbf{Request:} The request body contains a 
\texttt{WithdrawalConfirmationRequest} object.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 204 No content, 400 Bad request, 
404 Not found, or 500 Internal Server error.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} The API is used by the \textit{Terminal} to notify 
the C2EC component that a payment was made and to give the C2EC component 
information about the payment itself (e.g. the provider specific transaction 
identifier or optional fees).
+  \item Config (/config)
+  \item Withdrawal setup (/withdrawals)
+  \item Status of the withdrawal (/withdrawals/\$WOPID)
+  \item Confirmation Request (/withdrawals/\$WOPID/check)
+  \item Terminal side abort (/withdrawals/\$WOPID/abort)
-An important aspect of the withdrawal flow using third party providers are the 
fees. When the withdrawal operation is not supplied by some exchanges as 
standard service, the provider possibly wants to charge fees to the customer in 
order to make a profit. The provider might decide to delegate those fees to the 
customer and therefore fees can be sent to the C2EC component through the 
\textit{check} API specified above. It's also possible that the service of 
withdrawing cash through a thir [...]
+An important aspect of the withdrawal flow using established third party 
providers are the fees. When the withdrawal operation is not supplied by some 
exchanges as standard service, the provider possibly wants to charge fees to 
the customer in order to make a profit and cover its costs. It is likely that 
these costs are rolled over to the customer in form of fees. This means that a 
terminal must have the capability to inform the Terminals API about fees. This 
can be achieved through the  [...]
-  Die Händler zahlen jedoch für den Cashback-Service bereits Gebühren an
+  \textit{de:}Die Händler zahlen jedoch für den Cashback-Service bereits 
Gebühren an
   die Banken. Aktuell sind es laut EHI im Schnitt 0,14 Prozent, insgesamt
   waren das 2023 rund 17,2 Millionen Euro. \cite[Crefeld, ZEIT]{zeit-cashback}
-\textbf{Terminal abortion}
-  \item \textbf{Method:} DELETE
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /withdrawals/\$WOPID/abort
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Aborts the withdrawal specified by the 
-  \item \textbf{Request:} The request body contains a 
\texttt{WithdrawalConfirmationRequest} object.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 204 No content, 400 Bad request, 
404 Not found, or 500 Internal Server error.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} The API is used by the \textit{Terminal} to notify 
the C2EC component that a payment was made and to give the C2EC component 
information about the payment itself (e.g. the provider specific transaction 
identifier or optional fees).
 \subsubsection{Taler Bank Integration API}
 Withdrawals by the \textit{Wallet} with a C2EC are based on withdrawal 
operations which register a reserve public key at the C2EC component. The 
provider must first create a unique identifier for the withdrawal operation 
(the \texttt{WOPID}) to interact with the withdrawal operation (as described in 
\autoref{sec-architecture-c2ec-setup-wopid}) and eventually withdraw digital 
cash using the \textit{Wallet}. The withdrawal operation API is an 
implementation of the \textit{Bank Integration  [...]
-  \item \textbf{Method:} GET
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /config
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Return the protocol version and configuration 
information about the C2EC API.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK. The exchange responds with 
a \texttt{C2ECConfig} object.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} Wallets who want to use the API and therefore want 
to load the config of the instance.
 \subsection{Taler Wirewatch Gateway API}
 The Taler Wirewatch Gateway \cite{taler-wire-gateway-api} must be implemented 
in order to capture incoming transactions and allow the withdrawal of digital 
cash. The specification of the Taler Wirewatch Gateway can be found in the 
official Taler documentation \cite{taler-wire-gateway-api}.
@@ -119,43 +72,6 @@ The wirewatch gateway helps the Exchange communicate with 
the C2EC component usi
 For C2EC not all endpoints of the Wire Gateway API are needed. Therefore the 
endoints which are not needed will be implemented but always return http status 
code 400 with explanatory error details as specified by the specification.
-  \item \textbf{Method:} GET
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /config
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Returns a \texttt{WireConfig} object with 
configuration information about the Wirewatch Gateway API of the C2EC component.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK and the wirewatch gateway 
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} Components who want to use the API and therefore 
want to load the config of the instance.
-  \item \textbf{Method:} POST
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /transfer
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Allows the \textit{Exchange} to make a 
transaction. This API is used in case of a refund. The transfer will therefore 
be pointed towards a provider specific payto-address 
(\texttt{payto://wallee-transaction} in case of Wallee). 
-  \item \textbf{Request:} The request contains a \texttt{TransferRequest} 
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK. The exchange responds with 
a \texttt{TransferResponse} object.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} The \textit{Exchange Wirewatch} who wants to 
transfer money using C2EC.
-\textbf{History of incoming transactions}
-  \item \textbf{Method:} GET
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /history/incoming
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Returns a list of transactions which were 
recently created in the C2EC component. In case of C2EC, this are withdrawal 
operations which are confirmed and a reserve can therefore be created by the 
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK. The exchange responds with 
a \texttt{C2ECConfig} object.
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} The \textit{Exchange Wirewatch} who will create 
the reserve which then can be withdrawn by the \textit{Taler Wallet}.
-\textbf{History of outgoing transactions}
-  \item \textbf{Method:} GET
-  \item \textbf{Endpoint:} /history/outgoing
-  \item \textbf{Description:} Returns a list of transfers which were executed 
by the C2EC component.
-  \item \textbf{Response:} HTTP status code 200 OK and a list of outgoing 
-  \item \textbf{Consumers:} The \textit{Exchange Wirewatch} who will create 
the reserve which then can be withdrawn by the \textit{Taler Wallet}.
 \subsection{C2EC Entities}
@@ -174,7 +90,7 @@ Entity displayed in \autoref{fig-erd-withdrawal} represents 
the withdrawal proce
-The structure of the three entities forms a tree which is rooted at the 
terminal provider. Each provider can have many terminals and each terminal can 
have many withdrawals. The reverse does not apply. A withdrawal does always 
belong to exactly one terminal and a terminal is always linked to exactly one 
provider. These relations are installed by using foreign keys, which link the 
sub-entities (Terminal and Withdrawal) to their corresponding owners (Provider 
and Terminal). A provider owns [...]
+The structure of the three entities form a tree which is rooted at the 
terminal provider. Each provider can have many terminals and each terminal can 
have many withdrawals. The reverse does not apply. A withdrawal does always 
belong to exactly one terminal and a terminal is always linked to exactly one 
provider. These relations are installed by using foreign keys, which link the 
sub-entities (Terminal and Withdrawal) to their corresponding owners (Provider 
and Terminal). A provider owns  [...]
@@ -184,12 +100,12 @@ The structure of the three entities forms a tree which is 
rooted at the terminal
 \section{Payto wallee-transaction extension}
-RFC 8905 \cite{rfc8905} specifies a URI scheme (complying with RFC 3986 
\cite{rfc3986}), which allows to address a creditor with theoretically any 
protocol that can be used to pay someone (such as IBAN, BIC etc.) in a 
standardized way. Therefore it introduces a registry which holds the specific 
official values of the standard. The registry is supervised by the GANA (GNUnet 
Assigned Numbers Authority) \cite{gnunet-gana}.
+RFC 8905 \cite{rfc8905} specifies a URI scheme (complying with RFC 3986 
\cite{rfc3986}), which allows to address a creditor with theoretically any 
protocol that can be used to pay someone (such as IBAN, BIC etc.) in a 
standardized way. It introduces a registry which holds the specific official 
values of the standard. The registry is supervised by the GANA (GNUnet Assigned 
Numbers Authority) \cite{gnunet-gana}.
-In case a refund becomes necessary, which might occur if a credit card 
transaction does not succeed, a new \textit{target type} called 
\textit{wallee-transaction} is registered. It takes a transaction identifier as 
\textit{target identifier} which identifies the transaction for which a refund 
process shall be triggered. The idea is that the handler of the payto URI is 
able to deduct the transaction from the payto-uri and trigger the refund 
+In case a refund becomes necessary, which might occur if a transaction does 
not succeed or a reserve is not withdrawn within the specified time, a new 
\textit{target type} called \textit{wallee-transaction} is registered. It takes 
a transaction identifier as \textit{target identifier} which identifies the 
transaction for which a refund process shall be triggered. The idea is that the 
handler of the payto URI is able to deduct the transaction from the payto-uri 
and trigger the refund process.
 \subsection{Payto refund using Wallee}
 Wallee allows to trigger refunds using the Refund Service of the Wallee 
backend. The service allows to trigger a refund given a transaction identifier. 
Therefore the C2EC component can trigger the refund using the refund service if 
needed. The payto-uri retrieved as debit account by the wire gateway API, is 
leveraged to delegate the refund process to the Wallee Backend using the Refund 
Service and parsing the transaction identifier of the payto-uri.
-The flow is extensible and other providers like Wallee might be added. They 
must therefore register their own refund payto-uri (if needed) with the GANA 
and then the refund process can be implemented likewise.
+The flow is extensible and other providers like Wallee might be added. They 
might want to register their own refund payto-uri (if needed) with the GANA and 
then the refund process can be implemented likewise.
diff --git a/docs/content/architecture/overview.tex 
index 39d5b8f..0a05188 100644
--- a/docs/content/architecture/overview.tex
+++ b/docs/content/architecture/overview.tex
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-The component diagram shows the components involved by the withdrawal using 
the terminal. Besides the credit card owned by the user, two systems are 
involved and within each system two components are required to fulfill the 
task. The Taler ecosystem which represents the Taler Wallet and the Taler 
Exchange (C2EC is a part of the Exchange) involved in the withdrawal process. 
In the Terminal system, the terminal and the backend system of the terminal 
manufacturer are leveraged in the process.
+The component diagram shows the components involved by the withdrawal using 
the terminal. Besides the payment mean owned by the user, two systems are 
involved and within each system two components are required to fulfill the 
task. The Taler ecosystem which represents the Taler wallet and the Taler 
Exchange (C2EC is a part of the Exchange) involved in the withdrawal process. 
In the terminal system, the terminal and the backend system of the terminal 
manufacturer are leveraged in the process.
@@ -19,26 +19,25 @@ The component diagram shows the components involved by the 
withdrawal using the
-The \autoref{fig-diagram-all-components} shows a high level overview of the 
components involved and how they interact. In an initial step (before the 
process is effectively started as depicted), the customer or owner of the 
terminal selects the \textit{Exchange}, which shall be used for the withdrawal. 
The process is then started. The numbers in the diagrams are picked up by the 
description of the steps what is done between the different components:
+\autoref{fig-diagram-all-components} shows a high level overview of the 
components involved and how they interact. In an initial step (before the 
process is effectively started as depicted), the customer or owner of the 
terminal selects the Exchange, which is to be used for the withdrawal. The 
process is then started. The numbers in the diagrams are picked up by the 
description of the steps what is done between the different components:
-    \item Wallee Terminal requests to be notified when parameters are 
\textit{selected} by C2EC.
-    \item The Wallet scans the QR code at the Terminal.
-    \item The Wallet registers a reserve public key and the \textit{WOPID}.
-    \item The Bank-Integration API of C2EC notifies the Terminal, that the 
parameters were selected.
-    \item The POS initiates a payment to the account of the GNU Taler 
Exchange. For the payment the POS terminal requests a payment card and a PIN 
for authorizing the payment.
-    \item The Terminal triggers the payment at the Wallee Backend.
-    \item The Terminal receives the result of the payment.
+    \item Wallee terminal requests to be notified when parameters are 
\textit{selected} by C2EC (step 0).
+    \item The wallet scans the QR code at the terminal (step 1).
+    \item The wallet registers a reserve public key and initializes the 
mapping to the \textit{WOPID} (step 2).
+    \item The Terminals API of C2EC notifies the terminal, that the parameters 
were selected (step 3).
+    \item The POS initiates a payment to the account of the GNU Taler 
Exchange. For the payment the POS terminal requests a payment mean and the 
verification such as a pin code to authorize the payment (step 4).
+    \item The terminal triggers the payment through the Wallee backend (step 
+    \item The terminal receives the result of the payment (step 6).
         \item successful
         \item unsuccessful
-    \item The Terminal sends the payment notification to the Bank Integration 
API of C2EC.
-    \item The C2EC component approves the payment by requesting the 
transaction of the Wallee Backend.
-    \item C2EC updates the database by either setting the status of the 
withdrawal operation to \textit{confirmed} or \textit{abort} (depending on the 
response of the Wallee Backend).
-    \item Now decoupled from each other the Exchange-Wirewatch asks the Wire 
Gateway API of C2EC for a list of transactions and the Bank-Integration API 
sends a \textit{confirmed} or \textit{abort} message to the wallet.
-    \item The Wallet asks the Exchange to be notified, when a reserve with the 
reserve public key becomes available.
-    \item The Exchange can send the digital cash back to the Wallet.
+    \item The terminal sends a payment confirmation request to the Bank 
Integration API of C2EC (step 7).
+    \item The C2EC component seeks confirmation for the payment by requesting 
the transaction of the Wallee backend (step 8).
+    \item C2EC updates the database by either setting the status of the 
withdrawal operation to \textit{confirmed} or \textit{abort}, depending on the 
response of the Wallee backend (step 9).
+    \item The Exchange-Wirewatch asks the Wire Gateway API of C2EC for a list 
of transactions. Confirmed transaction will lead to the generation of a reserve 
at the Exchange (step 10)
+    \item The wallet asks the Exchange to be notified, when a reserve with the 
reserve public key becomes available. The digital cash is then withdrawn by the 
wallet (step 11)
@@ -48,29 +47,29 @@ The \autoref{fig-diagram-all-components} shows a high level 
overview of the comp
-The diagram in \autoref{fig-diagram-all-sequence} shows the high level flow to 
withdraw digital cash using the credit card terminal and Taler. It shows when 
the components of \autoref{fig-diagram-all-components} interact with each 
other. It shows the implementation of the flow. Terminal, Wallet and Exchange 
are linked leveraging a \textit{WOPID} initially generated by the terminal and 
presented to the Exchange by the withdrawing Wallet accompanied by a reserve 
public key. 
+The diagram in \autoref{fig-diagram-all-sequence} shows the high level flow to 
withdraw digital cash using the credit card terminal and Taler. It shows when 
the components of \autoref{fig-diagram-all-components} interact with each 
other. It shows the implementation of the flow. terminal, wallet and Exchange 
are linked leveraging a \textit{WOPID} initially generated by the terminal and 
presented to the Exchange by the withdrawing wallet accompanied by a reserve 
public key. 
-The process requires the Terminal, the Wallet, the C2EC component and the 
Exchange which interact with each other. In this section the highlevel process 
as showed in \autoref{fig-diagram-all-sequence} is explained.
+The process requires the terminal, the wallet, the C2EC component and the 
Exchange which interact with each other. In this section the highlevel process 
as showed in \autoref{fig-diagram-all-sequence} is explained.
-\subsection{The Terminal}
+\subsection{The terminal}
-The Terminal initiates the withdrawal leveraging an application which works as 
+The terminal initiates the withdrawal leveraging an application which works as 
     \item At startup of the application, the terminal loads the C2EC 
-    \item When a user wishes to do a withdrawal, the owner of the terminal 
opens the application and initiates a new withdrawal. A withdrawal is basically 
a funds transfer to the IBAN account of the \textit{Exchange}.
+    \item When a user wishes to do a withdrawal, the owner of the terminal 
opens the application and initiates a new withdrawal. A withdrawal is basically 
a funds transfer to the IBAN account of the Exchange.
-        \item Terminal sets up a withdrawal by aksing C2EC to setup a 
-        \item The application starts long polling at the C2EC and awaits the 
selection of the reserve parameters mapped to the \textit{WOPID}. The 
parameters are sent by the Wallet to C2EC. 
+        \item terminal sets up a withdrawal by aksing C2EC to setup a 
+        \item The application starts long polling at the C2EC and awaits the 
selection of the reserve parameters mapped to the \textit{WOPID}. The 
parameters are sent by the wallet to C2EC. 
         \item \textit{WOPID} is packed into a QR code (with Exchange and 
amount entered by the terminal owner)
-           \item Terminal calculates fees and shows summary and the Terms of 
Service (ToS) of Taler.
+           \item terminal calculates fees and shows summary and the Terms of 
Service (ToS) of Taler.
        \item The user accepts the offer, agrees with the ToS
         \item QR code is displayed
-    \item The user now scans the QR Code using his Wallet.
+    \item The user now scans the QR Code using his wallet.
     \item The application receives the notification of the C2EC, that the 
parameters for the withdrawal were selected.
-    \item The Terminal executes the payment (after user presented their credit 
card, using the Terminal Backend). 
-    \item The terminal initiate the fund transfer to the \textit{Exchange}. 
The customer has to authorize the payment by presenting his payment card and 
authorizing the transaction with his PIN. The terminal processes the payment 
over the an available connector configured on the \textit{Wallee Backend}. 
Possible connectors are Master Card, VISA, TWINT, Maestro, Post Finance, and 
others \cite{wallee-available-connectors}.
+    \item The terminal executes the payment (after user presented their credit 
card, using the terminal backend). 
+    \item The terminal initiate the fund transfer to the Exchange. The 
customer has to authorize the payment by presenting his payment card and 
authorizing the transaction with his PIN. The terminal processes the payment 
over the an available connector configured on the Wallee backend. Possible 
connectors are for example Master Card, VISA, TWINT, Maestro, Post Finance, and 
others \cite{wallee-available-connectors}.
            \item It presents the result to the user.
            \item It tells the C2EC, that the payment was successful.
@@ -79,11 +78,11 @@ The Terminal initiates the withdrawal leveraging an 
application which works as f
 \subsection{The C2EC}
-The C2EC component manages the withdrawal using a third party provider (e.g. 
Wallee) and seeks guarantees in order to create a reserve containing digital 
cash which can be withdrawn by the Wallet.
+The C2EC component manages the withdrawal using a third party provider (e.g. 
Wallee) and seeks guarantees in order to create a reserve containing digital 
cash which can be withdrawn by the wallet.
     \item C2EC retrieves setup request for withdrawal which will lead to 
generation of the \textit{WOPID}.
-    \item C2EC retrieves a long polling request for a \textit{WOPID} (from the 
+    \item C2EC retrieves a long polling request for a \textit{WOPID} (from the 
     \item C2EC retrieves a request including a \textit{WOPID} and a reserve 
public key. 
     \item C2EC validates the request and adds the key to the mapping. This 
establishes the \textit{WOPID} to reserve public key mapping.
     \item C2EC ends the long polling from the terminal.
@@ -94,11 +93,11 @@ The C2EC component manages the withdrawal using a third 
party provider (e.g. Wal
 \subsection{The Wallet}
-The Wallet must attest its presence to the terminal by registering a 
\textit{WOPID} and belonging reserve public key which will hold the digital 
cash that can eventually be withdrawn by the Wallet.
+The wallet must attest its presence to the terminal by registering a reserve 
public key with the respective \textit{WOPID} which will hold the digital cash 
that can eventually be withdrawn by the wallet. The process of the wallet is 
already implemented through the Bank-Integration API \cite{wallet-withdrawal} 
and only documented  for completeness.
-    \item The Wallet scans the QR Code (\textit{WOPID}, Exchange information 
and amount) on the Terminal
+    \item The wallet scans the QR Code (\textit{WOPID}, Exchange information 
and amount) on the terminal
     \item It creates a reserve key pair
-    \item The Wallet sends the reserve public key and the scanned 
\textit{WOPID} to the C2EC
-    \item The Wallet can withdraw digital cash from the created reserve.
+    \item The wallet sends the reserve public key to the C2EC using the 
\textit{WOPID} to pin the public key to a withdrawal operation.
+    \item The wallet can eventually withdraw digital cash from the created 
diff --git a/docs/content/architecture/wallee.tex 
index 19e757b..f123a81 100644
--- a/docs/content/architecture/wallee.tex
+++ b/docs/content/architecture/wallee.tex
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ The \textit{Transaction Service} is used by C2EC to attest a 
transaction was suc
 The \textit{Refund Service} is used by C2EC in case of a refund. Therefore the 
C2EC gets notified by the \textit{Exchange} that the transaction shall be 
refunded. To trigger the refund process at the Wallee backend, the \texttt{POST 
/api/refund/refund} is used.
 \subsubsection{Wallee Transaction State}
-In order to decide if a transaction was successful, the states of a 
transaction within Wallee must be mapped to the world of Taler. This means that 
a reserve shall only be created, if the transaction is in a state which allows 
Taler not having any liabilities regarding the transaction and that Wallee 
could process the payment successfully. The documentation states that 
\textit{only} in the transaction state \textit{fulfill}, the delivery of the 
goods (in case of withdrawal this means, th [...]
+To decide if a transaction was successful, the states of a transaction within 
Wallee must be mapped to the world of Taler. This means that a reserve shall 
only be created, if the transaction is in a state which allows Taler not having 
any liabilities regarding the transaction and that Wallee could process the 
payment successfully. The documentation states that \textit{only} in the 
transaction state \textit{fulfill}, the delivery of the goods (in case of 
withdrawal this means, that the re [...]
diff --git a/docs/content/architecture/wallet.tex 
deleted file mode 100644
index 483d49c..0000000
--- a/docs/content/architecture/wallet.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-\section{Taler Wallet}
-The \textit{Taler Wallet} is responsible to create a reserve key pair which 
will allow him the withdrawal using the \textit{Exchange} using the reserve 
public key of the key pair.
-The reserve public key is created by the \textit{Taler Wallet} and sent to 
C2EC to establish the mapping between the \textit{wopid} and the reserve public 
key. The reserve public key is used to eventually create a reserve at the 
exchange which contains the digital cash. The \textit{Taler Wallet} can then 
withdraw the digital cash from this reserve using the withdrawal process of the 
wallet \cite{wallet-withdrawal}. The process for the case of C2EC is slightly 
different from the present p [...]
-\subsection{Taler Wallet Perspective}
-From the perspective of the Wallet, the system looks as follows:
-    \item Uses the QR Code displayed on the \textit{Wallee Terminal} to 
identify nonce and read exchange information.
-    \item Uses the Bank-Integration API of \textit{C2EC} to register the 
reserve public key and retrieve information about the confirmation of the 
-    \item Uses the \textit{Exchange} to withdraw the digital cash.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex 
index 98d04e0..e57c6ab 100644
--- a/docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex
+++ b/docs/content/implementation/b-terminal.tex
@@ -75,22 +75,24 @@ When the transaction was processed successfully, the 
summary of the transaction
-\subsection{Abortion Handling}
+\subsection{Abort Handling}
-During the flow various steps can fail or lead to the abortion of the 
withdrawal. Therefore these edge cases must be considered and handled the right 
way. Generally we can split the abortion handling on the terminal side into two 
different phases. The implementation of the Wallee POS Terminal therefore 
follows a strict \textit{abort on failure} strategy. This means that if 
anything goes wrong the withdrawal is aborted and must be started again. 
Generally the abortion handling strategy is [...]
+During the flow various steps can fail or lead to the abort of the withdrawal. 
These edge cases must be considered and handled the right way. Generally we can 
split the abort handling on the terminal side into two different phases. The 
implementation of the Wallee POS Terminal follows a strict \textit{abort on 
failure} strategy. This means that if anything goes wrong the withdrawal is 
aborted and must be started again. Generally the abort handling strategy is to 
abort the withdrawal when [...]
-\subsubsection{Abortion before authorization}
+\subsubsection{Abort before authorization}
-The first phase are abortions \textit{before} the payment is authorized. In 
this case the withdrawal operation can be aborted using the \textit{abort} 
operation described in \autoref{sec-implementation-terminal-api}. Every problem 
which cannot be recovered or not further processed must therefore lead to the 
abortion of the withdrawal. 
+The first phase are abortions \textit{before} the payment is authorized. In 
this case the withdrawal operation can be aborted using the \textit{abort} 
operation described in \autoref{sec-implementation-terminal-api}. Every problem 
which cannot be recovered or not further processed must lead to the abort of 
the withdrawal. 
-\subsubsection{Abortion after authorization}
+\subsubsection{Abort after authorization}
 When the transaction was authorized, the process is a little bit more complex. 
The customer has two possibilities. The first one is automatically covered with 
the given implementation, while the second is not guaranteed and needs manual 
interaction of the customer with the Taler Exchange operator.
 \textbf{Wait for automatic refund due to closing of the reserve}
-The Taler Exchange configures a duration for which a reserve is kept open (and 
therefore can be withdrawn). When the configured duration exceeds the reserve 
is closed autmatically and the money transferred back to the customer. In the 
case of Wallee payments, this is realized through a refund request at the 
provider backend upon receiving a transfer request at the wire-gateway API 
\autoref{sec-implementation-wire-gateway-api} of the C2EC component.
+The Taler Exchange configures a duration for which a reserve is kept open (and 
can be withdrawn). When the configured duration exceeds the reserve is closed 
autmatically and the money transferred back to the customer. In the case of 
Wallee payments, this is realized through a refund request at the provider 
backend upon receiving a transfer request at the wire-gateway API 
\autoref{sec-implementation-wire-gateway-api} of the C2EC component.
 \textbf{Manual request to refund money}
 Depending on the operator of the Taler Exchange it might be possible to 
somehow manually trigger a refund and get back the money spent for the 
+% TODO new section for Authorize -> Complete -> Execute Final Balance flow
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/content/introduction/goal.tex 
index 96d83d3..d8d9cb9 100644
--- a/docs/content/introduction/goal.tex
+++ b/docs/content/introduction/goal.tex
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
-The goal of this thesis is to propose a framework for cashless withdrawals and 
implement the process which allows withdrawing Taler using a credit card at a 
terminal of the terminal provider \textit{Wallee}.
+The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a framework for cashless 
withdrawals of digital cash in GNU Taler. The implementation of the process 
which allows withdrawing digital cash in GNU Taler at a terminal of an 
established payment service provider shows how the framework can be used. The 
withdrawal process on the side of the provider terminal shall be implemented on 
the Paydroid platform supplied by the payment provider \textit{Wallee}.
+The framework aims to achieve the following key objectives:
+    \item Finality: Liability for the money is not on the side of the Taler 
+    \item Convenience: The user-experience follows established patterns
+    \item Abort: Robust and secure payment flow allowing abort handling 
without loss of money
-Therefore a new component, named C2EC, will be implemented as part of the 
Taler Exchange. C2EC will mediate between the Taler Exchange and the terminal 
provider. This includes checking that the transaction of the debitor reaches 
the account of the Exchange and therefore the digital currency can be withdrawn 
by the user, using its Wallet.
+To achieve these goals a new component named cashless2ecash (C2EC) is 
implemented as part of the Taler. C2EC mediates between the Taler Exchange and 
the terminal provider. This includes checking that the transaction of the 
debitor reaches the account of the Exchange and the digital cash can be 
withdrawn by the user using their Wallet.
+\subsection{Paydroid POS Terminal}
-\subsection{Wallee POS Terminal}
-The Wallee payment terminal, also called Point of Sales (POS) terminal, 
interfaces with payment cards (Credit Cards, Debit Cards) to make electronic 
fund transfers, i.e. a fund transfer to a given GNU Taler Exchange. For our 
purpose, we will extend the functionality of the terminal to initiate the 
corresponding counter payment from the exchange to the GNU Taler wallet of the 
+The Wallee payment terminal, also called Point of Sales (POS) terminal, 
interfaces with payment cards (Credit Cards, Debit Cards) and other means of 
payment (e.g. Twint) to make electronic fund transfers, i.e. a fund transfer to 
a given GNU Taler Exchange. For our purpose, we extend the functionality of the 
terminal to initiate the corresponding counter payment from the Exchange to the 
GNU Taler wallet of the payee.
diff --git a/docs/content/introduction/introduction.tex 
index 5c6ff0e..9ef97f4 100644
--- a/docs/content/introduction/introduction.tex
+++ b/docs/content/introduction/introduction.tex
@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
 Which payment systems do you use in your daily live and why? Probably one you 
know it is universally accepted, reliable, secure and the payment goes through 
more or less instantly.
-The \textbf{universal acceptance} was identified as one of the most important 
aspects in a report which was published on behalf of the ECB (European Central 
Bank) in march 2022 as result of a focus group concerning the acceptance of a 
digital euro \cite{panetta-speech-march-30} as new payment system. The 
universal acceptance was even identified as \textit{the} most important 
property amongst the general public and tech-savvy people in the report 
+An \textbf{easy onboarding} was identified as one of the most important 
aspects in a report which was commissioned by the ECB (European Central Bank) 
in march 2022 as result of a focus group concerning the acceptance of a Digital 
Euro \cite{panetta-speech-march-30} as new payment system. With the possibiliy 
of an easy onboarding of new users, the universal acceptance can be increased. 
The universal acceptance was identified as \textit{the} most important property 
amongst the general publ [...]
-In a world, where everything is connected and everything is accessible from 
everywhere (one might think), it is therefore very important to make it as easy 
as possible to on-board people on a product. This is also the case for Taler. 
For a wide acceptance of the payment system Taler, it is important that various 
ways exist to withdraw digital cash in Taler.
+In a world, where everything is connected and everything is accessible from 
everywhere (one might think), it is therefore very important to make it as easy 
as possible to on-board people on a product. This is also the case for GNU 
Taler. For a wide acceptance of the payment system Taler, it is important that 
various ways exist to withdraw digital cash in Taler.
-This is where this thesis hooks in. Currenlty it is possible to withdraw 
digital cash using Taler at a Bank which runs a \textit{Taler Exchange} and 
integrates the respective API. At time of this writing only one Bank is in the 
process of running a \textit{Taler Exchange}. At the Berner Fachhochschule an 
\textit{Exchange} is operated and digital cash can be withdrawn at the 
secretariat using cash.
+This is where this thesis hooks in. Currently it is possible to withdraw 
digital cash using Taler at a Bank which runs a Taler Exchange and integrates 
the respective API. At time of this writing only one Bank is in the process of 
running a Taler Exchange. At the Berner Fachhochschule an Exchange is operated 
and digital cash can be withdrawn at the secretariat using cash.
-To make the access to digital cash using Taler easier and allow faster 
spreading of the payment system Taler, a framework for cashless withdrawal of 
digital cash is proposed and implemented in order to open new doors for the 
integration and adoption of the Taler payment system within the society.
+To make the access to digital cash using Taler easier and allow a faster 
uptake of the payment system Taler, a framework for cashless withdrawal of 
digital cash is proposed and implemented in order to open new doors for the 
integration and adoption of the Taler payment system within the society.
-To make the withdrawals using a credit card possible, various loose ends must 
be put together within the Taler ecosystem and the terminal provider.
+To make the withdrawal using a credit card or other means of payment possible, 
various loose ends must be put together. These loose ends must enable the 
communication between the Taler ecosystem and payment service providers and 
their terminals.
-Therefore a new component C2EC shall help, establishing a trustworthy 
relationship, which makes it possible for the \textit{Exchange} to issue 
digital cash to a customer. Therefore the \textit{Exchange} is not putting his 
trust on cash received but rather on the promise of a trusted third party (a 
terminal provider) to put the received digital cash in a location, controlled 
by the \textit{Exchange} eventually (e.g. a bank account owned by the 
+The a new component C2EC shall help, establishing a trustworthy relationship, 
which makes it possible for the Exchange to issue digital cash to a customer. 
Therefore the Exchange is not putting his trust on cash received but rather on 
the promise of a trusted third party (a terminal provider) to put the received 
digital cash in a location, controlled by the Exchange eventually (e.g. a bank 
account owned by the Exchange).
 This enables a broader group of people to leverage Taler for their payments. 
Which eventually leads to a wider adoption of the payment system Taler.
-During the initial analysis of the task, three areas of work were discovered. 
One is the \textit{Taler Exchange}, one the Application for the terminal and 
the (Taler) \textit{Wallet}. This led to different views on the system by two 
different players within it. To allow a more concise view on the system and to 
support the readers and implementer, two perspectives shall be kept in mind. 
They have different views on the process but need to interact with each other 
+During the initial analysis of the task, three areas of work were discovered. 
One is the Taler Exchange, one the Application for the terminal and the Taler 
wallet. This led to different views on the system by two different players 
within it. To allow a more concise view on the system and to support the 
readers and implementer, two perspectives shall be kept in mind. They have 
different views on the process but need to interact with each other seamlessly.
 \subsection{Taler Exchange (C2EC)}
-The perspective of the \textit{Taler Exchange} includes all processes within 
C2EC component and the interaction with the terminal application, terminal 
backend and the wallet of the user. The \textit{Taler Exchange} wants to allow 
withdrawal of digital digital cash only to users who pay the equivalent value 
to the \textit{Exchange}. The \textit{Exchange} wants to stay out of any legal 
implications at all costs.
+The perspective of the Taler Exchange includes all processes within C2EC 
component and the interaction with the terminal application, terminal backend 
and the wallet of the user. The Taler Exchange wants to allow withdrawal of 
digital digital cash only to users who pay the equivalent value to the 
Exchange. The Exchange wants to stay out of any legal implications at all costs.
 \subsection{Terminal Application}
-The perspective of the terminal application includes all processes within the 
application which interacts with the user, their \textit{Wallet} and credit 
card allowing the withdrawal of digital cash. The terminal application wants to 
conveniently allow the withdrawal of digital cash and charge fees to cover its 
costs and risks.
+The perspective of the terminal application includes all processes within the 
application which interacts with the user, their wallet and credit card 
allowing the withdrawal of digital cash. The terminal application wants to 
conveniently allow the withdrawal of digital cash and charge fees to cover its 
costs and risks.
-\subsection{Taler Wallet}
-The \textit{Wallet} holds the digital cash owned by the customer. The 
\textit{Wallet} wants to eventually gather the digital cash from the 
\textit{Taler Exchange}. The owner of the \textit{Wallet} must therefore 
present their credit card at a \textit{Terminal} of the terminal provider and 
pay the \textit{Exchange} as well accept the fees of the provider.
+\subsection{Taler wallet}
+The wallet holds the digital cash owned by the customer. The wallet wants to 
eventually collect the digital cash from the Taler Exchange. The owner of the 
wallet must present their credit card at a terminal of the payment service 
provider and pay the Exchange as well accept optional fees of the provider. 
Fees must be considered, since the withdrawal process is a service which costs 
the payment service provider money in form of integration and maintenance 
efforts. To cover its costs, the  [...]
diff --git a/docs/pictures/diagrams/c2ec.png b/docs/pictures/diagrams/c2ec.png
index 6260a13..ef53c6d 100644
Binary files a/docs/pictures/diagrams/c2ec.png and 
b/docs/pictures/diagrams/c2ec.png differ
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index efa520a..6fb679e 100644
Binary files a/docs/pictures/diagrams/system_overview.png and 
b/docs/pictures/diagrams/system_overview.png differ
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index 9e79b1b..26ab596 100644
Binary files a/docs/thesis.pdf and b/docs/thesis.pdf differ
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index 096aacf..c3a368a 100644
--- a/docs/thesis.tex
+++ b/docs/thesis.tex
@@ -196,7 +196,6 @@
diff --git a/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.pdf b/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.pdf
index effb4ba..247e267 100644
Binary files a/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.pdf and 
b/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.pdf differ
diff --git a/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.tex b/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.tex
index ce60151..264088b 100644
--- a/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.tex
+++ b/poster/cashless2ecash_poster.tex
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
-                       %showframe, %Gitter einblenden. Für Platzierung häufig 
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@
+        \space
                \begin{posterboxenv}[title=C2EC is extensible]{name=Integrate 
your platform, column=1,row=8,span=5,rowspan=1}
diff --git a/simulation/c2ec-simulation b/simulation/c2ec-simulation
index 2491488..8d3d881 100755
Binary files a/simulation/c2ec-simulation and b/simulation/c2ec-simulation 
diff --git a/specs/c2ec.plantuml b/specs/c2ec.plantuml
index fd21957..f724974 100644
--- a/specs/c2ec.plantuml
+++ b/specs/c2ec.plantuml
@@ -13,32 +13,30 @@ User -> TerminalOwner: "Hi, I want to withdraw 20 CHF using 
Taler with my Credit
 TerminalOwner -> Terminal: start Taler Withdrawal Application and enters amount
 Terminal -> Terminal: Generate WOPID 
 Terminal -> C2EC: (0) Setup Withdrawal
-Terminal -> C2EC: (1) Start long polling (WOPID)
+Terminal -> C2EC: Start long polling (WOPID)
 activate C2EC
 Terminal -> Terminal: Create QR code (WOPID, Exchange, Amount)
-Terminal -> Wallet: (2) Scan QR code
+Terminal -> Wallet: (1) Scan QR code
 activate Wallet
 Wallet -> Wallet: If ToS for Exchange not yet accepted, do here.
 Wallet -> Wallet: Create Reserve Key-Pair
-Wallet -> C2EC: (3) Register reserve public key
+Wallet -> C2EC: (2) Register reserve public key
 C2EC -> C2EC: Link WOPID to reserve public key
-C2EC --> Terminal: (4) End long polling (selected)
+C2EC --> Terminal: (3) End long polling (selected)
 deactivate C2EC
-Terminal -> Terminal: Show summary with Fees (if any)
-User -> Terminal: (5) Approve and authorize transaction
-Terminal -> TerminalBackend: (6) Execute transaction
-TerminalBackend --> Terminal: (7) transaction response (success/failure)
+Terminal -> Terminal: Show summary with Fees (optional)
+User -> Terminal: (4) Approve and authorize transaction
+Terminal -> TerminalBackend: (5) Execute transaction
+TerminalBackend --> Terminal: (6) transaction response (success/failure)
+Terminal -> C2EC: (7) Send Confirmation Request (SUCCESS)
+C2EC -> TerminalBackend:  (8) Verify transaction
 alt transaction successful
-    Terminal -> C2EC: (8) Send Confirmation Request (SUCCESS)
-    C2EC -> TerminalBackend:  (9) Verify transaction
-    C2EC -> C2EC: (10) confirm or abort withdrawal
-    Exchange -> C2EC: (11) get transaction history
+    C2EC -> C2EC: (9a) confirm withdrawal
+    Exchange -> C2EC: (10) get transaction history
     Exchange -> Exchange: Create Reserve with amount and reserve public key.
-    Wallet -> Exchange: (12) Await creation of the reserve
-    Wallet -> Exchange: (13) Withdraw digital cash
+    Wallet -> Exchange: (11) Withdraw digital cash when reserve is ready
     deactivate Wallet
 else transaction not successful
-    Terminal -> C2EC: (8) Send Confirmation Request (UNSUCESSFUL)
-    C2EC -> C2EC: Transition withdrawal to abort state.
+    C2EC -> C2EC: (9b) abort withdrawal
diff --git a/specs/system_overview.odg b/specs/system_overview.odg
index 77a87f8..f161341 100644
Binary files a/specs/system_overview.odg and b/specs/system_overview.odg differ

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