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[taler-cashless2ecash] branch master updated: fix: support required exch

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-cashless2ecash] branch master updated: fix: support required exchange config
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 15:23:55 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joel-haeberli pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cashless2ecash.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 75562a6  fix: support required exchange config
75562a6 is described below

commit 75562a6d5d6044a059d63e376cfd6ec396284dd8
Author: Joel-Haeberli <>
AuthorDate: Fri May 31 15:23:47 2024 +0200

    fix: support required exchange config
 c2ec/api-bank-integration.go        |  38 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 c2ec/c2ec-config.conf               |   4 ++++
 c2ec/c2ec-config.yaml               |   1 +
 c2ec/config.go                      |   7 +++++++
 docs/content/results/discussion.tex |   3 ++-
 docs/thesis.pdf                     | Bin 1782605 -> 1782643 bytes
 simulation/c2ec-simulation          | Bin 8321149 -> 8332607 bytes
 simulation/sim-terminal.go          |   1 +
 simulation/sim-wallet.go            |  19 +++++++++---------
 9 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c2ec/api-bank-integration.go b/c2ec/api-bank-integration.go
index 863659b..bb16ef6 100644
--- a/c2ec/api-bank-integration.go
+++ b/c2ec/api-bank-integration.go
@@ -52,15 +52,16 @@ type BankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse struct {
 type BankWithdrawalOperationStatus struct {
-       Status        WithdrawalOperationStatus `json:"status"`
-       Amount        string                    `json:"amount"`
-       CardFees      string                    `json:"card_fees"`
-       SenderWire    string                    `json:"sender_wire"`
-       WireTypes     []string                  `json:"wire_types"`
-       ReservePubKey EddsaPublicKey            `json:"selected_reserve_pub"`
-       Aborted       bool                      `json:"aborted"`
-       SelectionDone bool                      `json:"selection_done"`
-       TransferDone  bool                      `json:"transfer_done"`
+       Status           WithdrawalOperationStatus `json:"status"`
+       Amount           string                    `json:"amount"`
+       CardFees         string                    `json:"card_fees"`
+       SenderWire       string                    `json:"sender_wire"`
+       WireTypes        []string                  `json:"wire_types"`
+       ReservePubKey    EddsaPublicKey            `json:"selected_reserve_pub"`
+       RequiredExchange string                    `json:"required_exchange"`
+       Aborted          bool                      `json:"aborted"`
+       SelectionDone    bool                      `json:"selection_done"`
+       TransferDone     bool                      `json:"transfer_done"`
 func bankIntegrationConfig(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
@@ -386,15 +387,16 @@ func formatWithdrawalOrErrorStatus(w *Withdrawal) 
([]byte, int) {
                        return nil, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                } else {
                        withdrawalStatusBytes, err := 
-                               Status:        w.WithdrawalStatus,
-                               Amount:        FormatAmount(amount, 
-                               CardFees:      FormatAmount(fees, 
-                               SenderWire:    fmt.Sprintf("payto://%s/%d", 
operator.PaytoTargetType, w.ProviderTransactionId),
-                               WireTypes:     
-                               ReservePubKey: 
-                               Aborted:       w.WithdrawalStatus == ABORTED,
-                               SelectionDone: w.WithdrawalStatus == SELECTED,
-                               TransferDone:  w.WithdrawalStatus == CONFIRMED,
+                               Status:           w.WithdrawalStatus,
+                               Amount:           FormatAmount(amount, 
+                               CardFees:         FormatAmount(fees, 
+                               SenderWire:       fmt.Sprintf("payto://%s/%d", 
operator.PaytoTargetType, w.ProviderTransactionId),
+                               WireTypes:        
+                               ReservePubKey:    
+                               RequiredExchange: CONFIG.Server.ExchangeBaseUrl,
+                               Aborted:          w.WithdrawalStatus == ABORTED,
+                               SelectionDone:    w.WithdrawalStatus == 
+                               TransferDone:     w.WithdrawalStatus == 
                        if err != nil {
                                LogError("bank-integration-api", err)
diff --git a/c2ec/c2ec-config.conf b/c2ec/c2ec-config.conf
index 9728d74..4f831c4 100644
--- a/c2ec/c2ec-config.conf
+++ b/c2ec/c2ec-config.conf
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ UNIXPATH_MODE = 660
 # forced when PROD = true
+# This exchange will be sent to the wallet in order 
+# to allow the withdrawal through it.
 # The account where the exchange receives payments
 # of the providers. Must be the same, in the providers
 # backend.
diff --git a/c2ec/c2ec-config.yaml b/c2ec/c2ec-config.yaml
index 9928c69..713377b 100644
--- a/c2ec/c2ec-config.yaml
+++ b/c2ec/c2ec-config.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ c2ec:
   unix-socket-path: "c2ec.sock"
   unix-path-mode: 660
   fail-on-missing-attestors: false # forced if prod=true
+  exchange-base-url: "";
   credit-account: "payto://IBAN/CH50030202099498" # this account must be 
specified at the providers backends as well
   currency: "CHF"
   currency-fraction-digits: 2
diff --git a/c2ec/config.go b/c2ec/config.go
index af0cf38..e8f10ae 100644
--- a/c2ec/config.go
+++ b/c2ec/config.go
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ type C2ECServerConfig struct {
        UnixSocketPath         string                `yaml:"unix-socket-path"`
        UnixPathMode           int                   `yaml:"unix-path-mode"`
        StrictAttestors        bool                  
+       ExchangeBaseUrl        string                `yaml:"exchange-base-url"`
        CreditAccount          string                `yaml:"credit-account"`
        Currency               string                `yaml:"currency"`
        CurrencyFractionDigits int                   
@@ -168,6 +169,12 @@ func ParseIni(content []byte) (*C2ECConfig, error) {
                                return nil, err
+                       value, err = s.GetKey("EXCHANGE_BASE_URL")
+                       if err != nil {
+                               return nil, err
+                       }
+                       cfg.Server.ExchangeBaseUrl = value.String()
                        value, err = s.GetKey("EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT")
                        if err != nil {
                                return nil, err
diff --git a/docs/content/results/discussion.tex 
index 0b862c8..0c0e72d 100644
--- a/docs/content/results/discussion.tex
+++ b/docs/content/results/discussion.tex
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The implementation of the existing Bank-Integration and 
Wire-Gateway API were a
 A challenge which was encountered during the implementation of the terminal 
application and the C2EC component, was the concurrency of processes. To make 
the withdrawal flow as easy and useful as possible to the user, a lot of tasks 
need to be covered in the background and run in parallel. This added the 
technical requirement to decouple steps and leverage retries to increase the 
robustness of the process. 
-Towards the end of the implementation it became obvious that a simple 
authorization was not enough to imitate the real time feeling of the 
withdrawal. Other Requests were necessary to do so. To findout which requests 
needed to be filed against the Wallee backend some investigation had to be 
made. The documentation does explain which states exists in Wallee's 
transaction scheme but it does not explain, which operation do trigger the 
transition of one state to another. This made the invest [...]
+Towards the end of the implementation it became obvious that a simple 
authorization was not enough to imitate the real time feeling of the 
withdrawal. Other requests were necessary to do so. To findout which requests 
needed to be filed against the Wallee backend some investigation had to be 
made. The documentation does explain which states exists in Wallee's 
transaction scheme but does not explain, which operation must be triggered to 
transition states. This made the investigation somewh [...]
 For the analysis of the security of the system I was happy to find STRIDE 
which gave me some boundaries and guided me through the process. I found it 
hard to identify real threats and not loosing time about threats which were out 
of scope. In the end I think the solution is quite secure in terms of money. Of 
course you can steal terminals and wreck the nerves of the terminal operators 
but you won't be able to somehow manipulate the payment process which will 
allow you to 
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ C2EC introduces new ways to access digital cash using GNU 
Taler. Due to the shor
+    \item Wallet integration: the integration of the wallet needs to be 
further tested
     \item Run the existing implementation as part of the BFH Taler CHF-Exchange
     \item Paydroid app: Run a Wallee terminal on behalf of the BFH. 
     \item C2EC: Remove doubled provider structures. Currently providers are 
saved to the database and must be configured in the configuration. To make the 
setup and management easier, the providers could only be configured inside the 
diff --git a/docs/thesis.pdf b/docs/thesis.pdf
index 9f51529..c598258 100644
Binary files a/docs/thesis.pdf and b/docs/thesis.pdf differ
diff --git a/simulation/c2ec-simulation b/simulation/c2ec-simulation
index 550e75b..7ee15cf 100755
Binary files a/simulation/c2ec-simulation and b/simulation/c2ec-simulation 
diff --git a/simulation/sim-terminal.go b/simulation/sim-terminal.go
index 6a3215e..626df96 100644
--- a/simulation/sim-terminal.go
+++ b/simulation/sim-terminal.go
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ func Terminal(in chan *SimulatedPhysicalInteraction, out 
chan *SimulatedPhysical
+               fmt.Printf("TERMINAL: wallet should use exchange=%s\n", 
                awaitSelection <- response
diff --git a/simulation/sim-wallet.go b/simulation/sim-wallet.go
index 2cb6d4a..33e2848 100644
--- a/simulation/sim-wallet.go
+++ b/simulation/sim-wallet.go
@@ -173,13 +173,14 @@ type BankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse struct {
 type BankWithdrawalOperationStatus struct {
-       Status        WithdrawalOperationStatus `json:"status"`
-       Amount        string                    `json:"amount"`
-       CardFees      string                    `json:"card_fees"`
-       SenderWire    string                    `json:"sender_wire"`
-       WireTypes     []string                  `json:"wire_types"`
-       ReservePubKey EddsaPublicKey            `json:"selected_reserve_pub"`
-       Aborted       bool                      `json:"aborted"`
-       SelectionDone bool                      `json:"selection_done"`
-       TransferDone  bool                      `json:"transfer_done"`
+       Status           WithdrawalOperationStatus `json:"status"`
+       Amount           string                    `json:"amount"`
+       CardFees         string                    `json:"card_fees"`
+       SenderWire       string                    `json:"sender_wire"`
+       WireTypes        []string                  `json:"wire_types"`
+       ReservePubKey    EddsaPublicKey            `json:"selected_reserve_pub"`
+       RequiredExchange string                    `json:"required_exchange"`
+       Aborted          bool                      `json:"aborted"`
+       SelectionDone    bool                      `json:"selection_done"`
+       TransferDone     bool                      `json:"transfer_done"`

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