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[taler-exchange] branch master updated: fix test-9

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-exchange] branch master updated: fix test-9
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 22:38:12 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

grothoff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository exchange.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 264d92ee5 fix test-9
264d92ee5 is described below

commit 264d92ee564668d67aee26fdf40cb7f80eabbd63
Author: Christian Grothoff <>
AuthorDate: Mon Sep 16 22:38:08 2024 +0200

    fix test-9
 src/auditor/ | 44 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/auditor/ b/src/auditor/
index c86394d65..8ec49a986 100755
--- a/src/auditor/
+++ b/src/auditor/
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ function test_8() {
     echo -n "Modifying $OLD_ID ..."
     echo "UPDATE libeufin_bank.taler_exchange_incoming SET 
reserve_pub='$NEW_WTID' WHERE exchange_incoming_id='$OLD_ID';" \
-        | psql "${DB}" -q \
+        | psql "${DB}" -At \
         || exit_fail "Failed to update taler_exchange_incoming"
     echo "DONE"
@@ -1037,40 +1037,34 @@ function test_8() {
 # Test wire origin disagreement!
-# FIXME: test-9 not implemented
 function test_9() {
     echo "===========9: wire-origin disagreement==========="
     # Technically, this call shouldn't be needed, as libeufin should already 
be stopped here.
-    #TODO: see FIXME
-    echo "FIXME: test needs update to new libeufin-bank schema"
-    #exit 0
-    #OLD_ID=$(echo "SELECT id FROM NexusBankTransactions WHERE amount='10' AND 
currency='TESTKUDOS' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;" | psql "${DB}" -Aqt)
-    #OLD_ACC=$(echo 'SELECT "incomingPaytoUri" FROM TalerIncomingPayments 
WHERE payment='"'$OLD_ID';" | psql "${DB}" -Aqt)
-    #echo "UPDATE TalerIncomingPayments SET 
WHERE payment='$OLD_ID';" \
-    #    | psql "${DB}" -q
+    OLD_ID=$(echo "SELECT bank_transaction FROM 
libeufin_bank.taler_exchange_incoming JOIN 
libeufin_bank.bank_account_transactions ON 
(bank_transaction=bank_transaction_id) WHERE (amount).val=10 ORDER BY 
bank_transaction LIMIT 1;" | psql "${DB}" -Aqt) \
+        || exit_fail "Failed to SELECT FROM 
+    OLD_ACC=$(echo "SELECT debtor_payto_uri FROM 
libeufin_bank.bank_account_transactions WHERE bank_transaction_id='$OLD_ID';" | 
psql "${DB}" -Aqt)
+    echo -n "Modifying $OLD_ID ..."
+    echo "UPDATE libeufin_bank.bank_account_transactions SET 
debtor_payto_uri='payto://iban/DE144373' WHERE bank_transaction_id='$OLD_ID';" \
+        | psql "${DB}" -At
-    #TODO: fix helper wire
-    #echo -n "Testing inconsistency detection... "
-    #AMOUNT=$(jq -r .misattribution_in_inconsistencies[0].amount < 
-    #if test "x$AMOUNT" != "xTESTKUDOS:10"
-    #then
-    #    exit_fail "Reported amount wrong: $AMOUNT"
-    #fi
-    #AMOUNT=$(jq -r .total_misattribution_in < test-audit-wire.json")
-    #if test "x$AMOUNT" != "xTESTKUDOS:10"
-    #then
-    #    exit_fail "Reported total amount wrong: $AMOUNT"
-    #fi
-    echo PASS
+    echo -n "Testing inconsistency detection... "
+    check_report \
+        misattribution-in-inconsistency \
+        "amount" "TESTKUDOS:10"
+    echo -n "Testing balance update... "
+    check_balance \
+        "total_misattribution_in" \
+        "TESTKUDOS:10" \
+        "Reported total_misattribution_in wrong"
     # Undo database modification
-    #echo "UPDATE TalerIncomingPayments SET \"incomingPaytoUri\"='$OLD_ACC' 
WHERE payment='$OLD_ID';" \
-    #    | psql "${DB}" -q
+    echo "UPDATE libeufin_bank.bank_account_transactions SET 
debtor_payto_uri='$OLD_ACC' WHERE bank_transaction_id='$OLD_ID';" \
+        | psql "${DB}" -Atq

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