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[taler-merchant] branch master updated: list build dependencies in READM

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-merchant] branch master updated: list build dependencies in README
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 12:04:45 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

grothoff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository merchant.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new cb7b80b5 list build dependencies in README
cb7b80b5 is described below

commit cb7b80b59bbf3309256348f3829e315da563e277
Author: Christian Grothoff <>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 15 12:04:40 2024 +0100

    list build dependencies in README
 README | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index 1cb79a41..be673fb1 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -29,20 +29,64 @@ instructions on how to do so at
 We are looking forward to hacking with you!
-libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen 
and other individuals
-libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation
-postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The 
-Global Development Group
-libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V.
-libqrencode: LGPL v2.1+, Copyright Kentaro Fukuchi
+Build tools for compiling Taler merchant from source:
+- gcc or clang
+- autoconf           >= 2.69        (building from git)
+- automake           >= 1.11.1      (building from git)
+- recutils           >= 1.0         (building from git)
+- libtool            >= 2.2
+- makeinfo           >= 4.8
+- make[*3]
+- pkgconf or pkg-config
+- sphinx
+- sphinx-rtd-theme
+- sphinx-multiversion
-Source guide
-'src/' contains the "backend", a C piece of software which implements crypto 
+Direct dependencies
+These are the direct dependencies for running a Taler exchange:
+- GNU Taler exchange >= 0.14.0
+- PostgreSQL         >= 15.0
+- libqrencode
+Project structure
+   contains the "backend", a C piece of software which implements crypto 
    and communication with the 'exchange'
-'doc/' contains documentation files, like TeXinfo
+   contains the database interactions (for now only PostgreSQL)
+   contains a C API to talk to the REST API of merchant backend
+   common utility functions
+   utility functions to talk to the Taler bank revenue API to
+   reconcile transactions
+   contains helper programs to setup or manipulate the merchant backend
+   contains test cases for the merchant backend
+   contains documentation files, like TeXinfo
+   contains the single-page-app (Web interface) as a submodule,
+   as well as CI/CD logic.

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