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[taler-taler-ios] 88/204: cleanup
From: |
gnunet |
Subject: |
[taler-taler-ios] 88/204: cleanup |
Date: |
Thu, 05 Dec 2024 23:50:56 +0100 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
marc-stibane pushed a commit to branch master
in repository taler-ios.
commit 1f02c74dd02d0cbc3b6c0680e8dcac5337b318e2
Author: Marc Stibane <marc@taler.net>
AuthorDate: Sun Nov 3 07:53:42 2024 +0100
TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift | 8 +-
.../Fonts/Nunito/{OFL.txt => Nunito-OFL.txt} | 0
TalerWallet1/Views/Overview/OverviewRowV.swift | 125 ------------
TalerWallet1/Views/Overview/OverviewSectionV.swift | 224 ---------------------
4 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 354 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
index 0649927..6fb0f0c 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
@@ -27,11 +27,9 @@ import os.log
// MARK: - Main View
public let VIEW_EMPTY_WALLET = 10 // 10
public let VIEW_BALANCES = VIEW_EMPTY_WALLET + 1 // 11
-public let VIEW_OVERVIEW = VIEW_BALANCES + 1 // 12
-public let VIEW_SETTINGS = VIEW_OVERVIEW + 1 // 13
-public let VIEW_ABOUT = VIEW_SETTINGS + 1 // 14
-public let VIEW_BANKING = VIEW_ABOUT + 1 // 15
-//public let VIEW_PENDING = VIEW_BANKING + 1 // 16
+public let VIEW_SETTINGS = VIEW_BALANCES + 1 // 12
+public let VIEW_ABOUT = VIEW_SETTINGS + 1 // 13
+public let VIEW_BANKING = VIEW_ABOUT + 1 // 14
// MARK: Transactions
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Fonts/Nunito/OFL.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from TalerWallet1/Fonts/Nunito/OFL.txt
rename to TalerWallet1/Fonts/Nunito/Nunito-OFL.txt
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Overview/OverviewRowV.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index ac437ad..0000000
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Overview/OverviewRowV.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-24 Taler Systems S.A.
- * See LICENSE.md
- */
- * @author Marc Stibane
- */
-import SwiftUI
-import taler_swift
-struct CurrenciesCell: View {
- let stack: CallStack
- @Binding var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo
- let amount: Amount
- let sizeCategory: ContentSizeCategory
- let rowAction: () -> Void
- let balanceDest: LazyView<TransactionsListView>?
- @Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme
- @Environment(\.colorSchemeContrast) private var colorSchemeContrast
- @AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
- /// Renders the Balance button. "Balance" leading, amountStr trailing. If
it doesn't fit in one row then
- /// amount (trailing) goes underneath "Balance" (leading).
- var body: some View {
- let amountV = AmountV(stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- amount: amount,
- isNegative: nil, // don't show the + sign
- strikethrough: false,
- large: true)
- .foregroundColor(.primary)
- let hLayout = amountV
- .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .trailing)
- let balanceCell = Group {
- if minimalistic {
- hLayout
- } else {
- let balanceText = Text("Balance:", comment: "Main view")
- .talerFont(.title2)
- .foregroundColor(WalletColors().secondary(colorScheme,
- let vLayout = VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
- balanceText
- hLayout
- }
- if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
- ViewThatFits(in: .horizontal) {
- HStack(spacing: HSPACING) {
- balanceText
- hLayout
- }
- vLayout
- }
- } else { vLayout } // view for iOS 15
- }
- }
- NavigationLink { balanceDest } label: {
- balanceCell
- .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
- .accessibilityHint(String(localized: "Will go to main
transactions list."))
-// .accessibilityLabel(balanceTitleStr + " " + amountStr) //
TODO: CurrencyFormatter!
- }
- }
-/// This view shows the currency row in a currency section, and two action
buttons below
-/// Balance: amount
-/// [Send Money] [Request Payment]
-struct OverviewRowV: View {
- let stack: CallStack
- @Binding var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo
- let amount: Amount
- let sendAction: () -> Void
- let recvAction: () -> Void
- let rowAction: () -> Void
- let balanceDest: LazyView<TransactionsListView>?
- @Environment(\.sizeCategory) var sizeCategory
- @EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
- @AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
- @AppStorage("myListStyle") var myListStyle: MyListStyle = .automatic
- var body: some View {
- VStack (alignment: .trailing, spacing: 6) {
- CurrenciesCell(stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- amount: amount,
- sizeCategory: sizeCategory,
- rowAction: rowAction,
- balanceDest: balanceDest)
-// .border(.red)
- }
- }
-// MARK: -
-#if DEBUG
-struct OverviewRowV_Previews: PreviewProvider {
- @MainActor
- struct StateContainer: View {
- @State private var currencyInfoD: CurrencyInfo =
- @State private var currencyInfoT: CurrencyInfo =
- var body: some View {
- let test = Amount(currency: TESTCURRENCY, cent: 123)
- let demo = Amount(currency: DEMOCURRENCY, cent: 123456)
- List {
- Section {
- OverviewRowV(stack: CallStack("Preview"), currencyInfo:
$currencyInfoD, amount: demo,
- sendAction: {}, recvAction: {}, rowAction: {},
balanceDest: nil)
- }
- OverviewRowV(stack: CallStack("Preview"), currencyInfo:
$currencyInfoT, amount: test,
- sendAction: {}, recvAction: {}, rowAction: {},
balanceDest: nil)
- }
- }
- }
- static var previews: some View {
- StateContainer()
-// .environment(\.sizeCategory, .extraExtraLarge) Canvas Device
- }
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Overview/OverviewSectionV.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bc4d8..0000000
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Overview/OverviewSectionV.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-23 Taler Systems S.A.
- * See LICENSE.md
- */
-import SwiftUI
-import taler_swift
-import SymLog
-/// This view shows a currency section
-/// Currency Name
-/// [Send Coins] [Receive Coins] Balance
-/// tapping on Balance leads to completed Transactions (.done)
-/// optional: Pending Incoming
-/// optional: Pending Outgoing
-/// optional: Suspended / Aborting / Aborted / Expired
-struct OverviewSectionV {
- private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
- let stack: CallStack
- let balance: Balance // this is the currency to
be used
- let sectionCount: Int
- @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount // does still have the
wrong currency
- @Binding var summary: String
- @Binding var shouldReloadBalances: Int
- @EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
- @Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme
- @Environment(\.colorSchemeContrast) private var colorSchemeContrast
- @EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
-#if DEBUG
- @AppStorage("developerMode") var developerMode: Bool = true
- @AppStorage("developerMode") var developerMode: Bool = false
- @AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
- @State private var showSpendingHint = true
- @State private var isShowingDetailView = false
- @State private var completedTransactions: [Transaction] = []
- @State private var recentTransactions: [Transaction] = []
- @State private var pendingTransactions: [Transaction] = []
- @State private var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo = CurrencyInfo.zero(UNKNOWN)
- @State private var currencyName: String = UNKNOWN
- @State private var currencySymbol: String = UNKNOWN
- func reloadOneAction(_ transactionId: String, _ viewHandles: Bool) async
throws -> Transaction {
- return try await model.getTransactionByIdT(transactionId, viewHandles:
- }
- @State private var sectionID = UUID()
- @State private var shownSectionID = UUID() // guaranteed to be different
the first time
- func loadRecent(_ stack: CallStack) async -> () {
- if let transactions = try? await model.transactionsT(stack.push(),
- scopeInfo:
-// filterByState: .done,
// TODO: .done
- includeRefreshes: false) {
- let recent = WalletModel.completedTransactions(transactions)
- // TODO: only load the MAXRECENT most recent transactions
- let slice = recent.prefix(MAXRECENT) // already sorted
- withAnimation { recentTransactions = Array(slice) }
- }
- }
- func loadCompleted(_ stack: CallStack) async -> () {
- if let transactions = try? await model.transactionsT(stack.push(),
- scopeInfo:
-// filterByState: .final,
// TODO: .final
- includeRefreshes: developerMode) {
- let completed = WalletModel.completedTransactions(transactions)
- withAnimation { completedTransactions = completed }
- }
- }
- func loadPending(_ stack: CallStack) async -> () {
- if let transactions = try? await model.transactionsT(stack.push(),
- scopeInfo:
- filterByState: .nonfinal,
- includeRefreshes: developerMode) {
- withAnimation { pendingTransactions =
WalletModel.pendingTransactions(transactions) }
- }
- }
-extension OverviewSectionV: View {
- var body: some View {
- let _ = Self._printChanges()
- let _ = symLog.vlog() // just to get the # to compare it with
.onAppear & onDisappear
- let scopeInfo = balance.scopeInfo
- let currency = scopeInfo.currency
-// let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
-// let currencyName = currencyInfo.scope.currency
- Section {
- if scopeInfo.type == .exchange {
- let baseURL = scopeInfo.url?.trimURL ?? String(localized:
"Unknown Payment Provider", comment: "exchange url")
- Text(baseURL)
- .talerFont(.headline)
- .listRowSeparator(.hidden)
- }
- CurrenciesNavigationLinksV(symLog: symLog,
- stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- balance: balance,
- amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer, //
does still have the wrong currency
- summary: $summary,
- completedTransactions: $completedTransactions,
- reloadAllAction: loadCompleted,
- reloadOneAction: reloadOneAction)
- if pendingTransactions.count > 0 {
- BalancesPendingRowV(//symLog: symLog,
- stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- balance: balance,
- pendingTransactions: $pendingTransactions,
- reloadPending: loadPending,
- reloadOneAction: reloadOneAction)
- .padding(.leading, ICONLEADING)
- }
- } header: {
- BarGraphHeader(stack: stack.push(),
- scopeInfo: scopeInfo,
- currencyName: $currencyName,
- currencySymbol: $currencySymbol,
- shouldReloadBalances: $shouldReloadBalances)
- }.id(sectionID)
- .task(id: controller.currencyTicker) {
- currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
- currencyName = currencyInfo.scope.currency
- currencySymbol = currencyInfo.altUnitSymbol ?? currencyName
- }
- .task(id: shouldReloadBalances + 1_000_000) {
- symLog.log(".task for OverviewSectionV - load
- await loadRecent(stack.push(".task - load recent"))
- await loadCompleted(stack.push(".task - load completed"))
- await loadPending(stack.push(".task - load pending"))
- shownSectionID = sectionID
- }
- /// if there is only one currency, then show MAXRECENT recent
- if sectionCount == 1 && recentTransactions.count > 0 {
- Section {
- let _ = symLog.log("recent transactions")
- TransactionsArraySliceV(symLog: symLog,
- stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- scopeInfo: scopeInfo,
- transactions: $recentTransactions,
- reloadAllAction: loadRecent,
- reloadOneAction: reloadOneAction)
- .padding(.leading, ICONLEADING)
- } header: {
- if !minimalistic {
- let recentHeader = recentTransactions.count > 1
- ? String(localized: "Recent transactions", comment:
"section header plural")
- : String(localized: "Recent transaction", comment:
"section header singular")
- Text(recentHeader)
- .talerFont(.title3)
- .foregroundColor(WalletColors().secondary(colorScheme,
- }
- }
- } // recent transactions
- } // body
-} // OverviewSectionV
-// MARK: -
-fileprivate struct CurrenciesNavigationLinksV: View {
- let symLog: SymLogV?
- let stack: CallStack
- @Binding var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo
- let balance: Balance
-// let sectionCount: Int
- @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount // does still have the
wrong currency
- @Binding var summary: String
- @Binding var completedTransactions: [Transaction]
- let reloadAllAction: (_ stack: CallStack) async -> ()
- let reloadOneAction: ((_ transactionId: String, _ viewHandles: Bool) async
throws -> Transaction)
-// @EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
- @State private var buttonSelected: Int? = nil
- func selectAndUpdate(_ button: Int) {
- let currency = balance.scopeInfo.currency
- amountToTransfer.setCurrency(currency) // replace wrong currency
- symLog?.log("balance.scopeInfo.currency: \(currency)")
- buttonSelected = button // will trigger NavigationLink
- // while navigation animation runs, contact Exchange to update Fees
-// Task { // runs on MainActor
-// do {
-// try await model.updateExchange(scopeInfo: balance.scopeInfo)
-// } catch { // TODO: error handling - couldn't updateExchange
-// symLog.log("error: \(error)")
-// }
-// }
- }
- var body: some View {
- let scopeInfo = balance.scopeInfo
- HStack(spacing: 0) {
- let balanceDest = LazyView {
- TransactionsListView(stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- navTitle: String(localized: "Transactions",
comment: "ViewTitle of TransactionList"),
- scopeInfo: scopeInfo,
- transactions: $completedTransactions,
- reloadAllAction: reloadAllAction,
- reloadOneAction: reloadOneAction)
- }
- NavigationLink(destination: balanceDest, tag: 3, selection:
- { EmptyView() }.frame(width: 0).opacity(0).hidden()
// TransactionsListView
- OverviewRowV(stack: stack.push(),
- currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- amount: balance.available,
- sendAction: {
- selectAndUpdate(1) // trigger SendAmount
- }, recvAction: {
- selectAndUpdate(2) // trigger RequestPayment
- }, rowAction: {
- buttonSelected = 3 // trigger TransactionList
- }, balanceDest: balanceDest)
- }
- }
To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
- [taler-taler-ios] 75/204: cleanup, (continued)
- [taler-taler-ios] 75/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 80/204: scope from balance, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 79/204: -Binding, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 81/204: iterate over balances, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 82/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 90/204: Onboarding, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 100/204: Minimalistic date, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 93/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 103/204: add amount, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 76/204: CurrencySpecification, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 88/204: cleanup,
gnunet <=
- [taler-taler-ios] 74/204: - currencyName, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 83/204: Comments, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 89/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 92/204: take out scroll-end-buttons, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 96/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 86/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 91/204: scope instead of currencyInfo, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 94/204: wording, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 98/204: - LazyView, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 95/204: - proposalId, gnunet, 2024/12/05