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[taler-taler-ios] 143/204: prepare split
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gnunet |
Subject: |
[taler-taler-ios] 143/204: prepare split |
Date: |
Thu, 05 Dec 2024 23:51:51 +0100 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
marc-stibane pushed a commit to branch master
in repository taler-ios.
commit 845312ce2cbb9451f665bb1bb058629eeb10cf40
Author: Marc Stibane <marc@taler.net>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 20 07:43:01 2024 +0100
prepare split
.../Views/Actions/Peer2peer/RequestPayment.swift | 192 ++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Actions/Peer2peer/RequestPayment.swift
index f89b9f9..cf38e96 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Actions/Peer2peer/RequestPayment.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Actions/Peer2peer/RequestPayment.swift
@@ -74,23 +74,19 @@ struct RequestPayment: View {
.padding(.bottom, 4)
- RequestPaymentContent(stack: stack.push(),
- balance: $balance,
- balanceIndex: $balanceIndex,
- amountLastUsed: $amountLastUsed,
- amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
- summary: $summary)
+ if let balance {
+ RequestPaymentContent(stack: stack.push(),
+ balance: balance,
+ amountLastUsed: $amountLastUsed,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ summary: $summary)
+ } else { // TODO: Error no balance - Yikes
+ Text("No balance. There seems to be a problem with the
+ }
} // ScrollView
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
- .onAppear {
- DebugViewC.shared.setViewID(VIEW_P2P_REQUEST, stack:
- symLog.log("❗️ \(navTitle) onAppear")
- }
- .onDisappear {
- symLog.log("❗️ \(navTitle) onDisappear")
- }
.task { await viewDidLoad() }
.task(id: balanceIndex + (1000 * controller.currencyTicker)) {
await newBalance() }
@@ -110,8 +106,7 @@ struct RequestPayment: View {
struct RequestPaymentContent: View {
private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
let stack: CallStack
- @Binding var balance: Balance?
- @Binding var balanceIndex: Int
+ let balance: Balance
@Binding var amountLastUsed: Amount
@Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount
@Binding var summary: String
@@ -128,9 +123,7 @@ struct RequestPaymentContent: View {
@State private var shortcutSelected = false
@State private var amountShortcut = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
// Update currency when used
@State private var amountZero = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
// needed for isZero
- @State private var exchange: Exchange? = nil
// wg. noFees
- @State private var scopeInfo: ScopeInfo = ScopeInfo.zero()
+ @State private var exchange: Exchange? = nil
// wg. noFees and tosAccepted
private func shortcutAction(_ shortcut: Amount) {
amountShortcut = shortcut
@@ -162,63 +155,82 @@ struct RequestPaymentContent: View {
private func computeFee(_ amount: Amount) async -> ComputeFeeResult? {
- if exchange == nil {
- if let url = scopeInfo.url {
- exchange = try? await model.getExchangeByUrl(url: url)
- }
- }
if amount.isZero {
return ComputeFeeResult.zero()
- do {
- let baseURL = exchange?.exchangeBaseUrl
- let ppCheck = try await model.checkPeerPullCredit(amount, scope:
scopeInfo, viewHandles: true)
- let raw = ppCheck.amountRaw
- let effective = ppCheck.amountEffective
- if let fee = fee(raw: raw, effective: effective) {
- feeStr = fee.formatted(scopeInfo, isNegative: true)
- symLog.log("Fee = \(feeStr)")
- peerPullCheck = ppCheck
- return ComputeFeeResult(insufficient: false,
- feeAmount: fee,
- feeStr: feeLabel(feeStr),
- numCoins: ppCheck.numCoins)
- } else {
- peerPullCheck = nil
+ if exchange == nil {
+ if let url = balance.scopeInfo.url {
+ exchange = try? await model.getExchangeByUrl(url: url)
+ }
- } catch {
- // handle cancel, errors
- symLog.log("❗️ \(error), \(error.localizedDescription)")
- switch error {
- case let walletError as WalletBackendError:
- switch walletError {
- case .walletCoreError(let wError):
- if wError?.code == 7027 {
- return ComputeFeeResult.insufficient()
- }
- default: break
- }
- default: break
+ do {
+ let baseURL = exchange?.exchangeBaseUrl
+ let ppCheck = try await model.checkPeerPullCredit(amount,
scope: balance.scopeInfo, viewHandles: true)
+ let raw = ppCheck.amountRaw
+ let effective = ppCheck.amountEffective
+ if let fee = fee(raw: raw, effective: effective) {
+ feeStr = fee.formatted(balance.scopeInfo, isNegative: true)
+ symLog.log("Fee = \(feeStr)")
+ peerPullCheck = ppCheck
+ let feeLabel = feeLabel(feeStr)
+// announce("\(amountVoiceOver), \(feeLabel)")
+ return ComputeFeeResult(insufficient: false,
+ feeAmount: fee,
+ feeStr: feeLabel,
+ numCoins: ppCheck.numCoins)
+ } else {
+ peerPullCheck = nil
+ }
+ } catch {
+ // handle cancel, errors
+ symLog.log("❗️ \(error), \(error.localizedDescription)")
+ switch error {
+ case let walletError as WalletBackendError:
+ switch walletError {
+ case .walletCoreError(let wError):
+ if wError?.code == 7027 {
+ return ComputeFeeResult.insufficient()
+ }
+ default: break
+ }
+ default: break
+ }
- }
return nil
} // computeFee
+ @MainActor
+ private func newBalance() async {
+ let scope = balance.scopeInfo
+ symLog.log("❗️ task \(scope.currency)")
+ let ppCheck = try? await model.checkPeerPullCredit(amountToTransfer,
scope: scope, viewHandles: false)
+ if let ppCheck {
+ peerPullCheck = ppCheck
+ var baseURL = ppCheck.scopeInfo?.url ?? ppCheck.exchangeBaseUrl
+ if let baseURL {
+ if exchange == nil || exchange?.tosStatus != .accepted {
+ symLog.log("getExchangeByUrl(\(ppCheck.exchangeBaseUrl))")
+ exchange = try? await model.getExchangeByUrl(url: baseURL)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
var body: some View {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
let _ = symLog.vlog() // just to get the # to compare it with
.onAppear & onDisappear
- if let balance {
- Group { if scopeInfo != nil {
- let coinData = CoinData(details: peerPullCheck)
+ Group {
+ let coinData = CoinData(details: peerPullCheck)
// let availableStr = amountAvailable.formatted(currencyInfo,
isNegative: false)
// let amountVoiceOver =
amountToTransfer.formatted(currencyInfo, isNegative: false)
- let feeLabel = coinData.feeLabel(scopeInfo, feeZero:
String(localized: "No payment fee"),
- isNegative: false)
+ let feeLabel = coinData.feeLabel(balance.scopeInfo,
+ feeZero: String(localized: "No fee"),
+ isNegative: false)
let inputDestination = P2PSubjectV(stack: stack.push(),
- scope: scopeInfo,
+ scope: balance.scopeInfo,
feeLabel: feeLabel,
feeIsNotZero: feeIsNotZero(),
outgoing: false,
@@ -226,7 +238,7 @@ struct RequestPaymentContent: View {
summary: $summary,
expireDays: $expireDays)
let shortcutDestination = P2PSubjectV(stack: stack.push(),
- scope: scopeInfo,
+ scope: balance.scopeInfo,
feeLabel: nil,
feeIsNotZero: feeIsNotZero(),
outgoing: false,
@@ -237,27 +249,45 @@ struct RequestPaymentContent: View {
NavLink($buttonSelected) { inputDestination }
NavLink($shortcutSelected) { shortcutDestination }
- let amountLabel = minimalistic ? String(localized: "Amount:")
- : String(localized: "Amount to
- AmountInputV(stack: stack.push(),
- scope: scopeInfo,
- amountAvailable: $amountZero, // incoming needs no
- amountLabel: amountLabel,
- amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
- amountLastUsed: amountLastUsed,
- wireFee: nil,
- summary: $summary,
- shortcutAction: shortcutAction,
- buttonAction: buttonAction,
- feeIsNegative: true,
- computeFee: computeFee)
- .background(actions)
- } } // if, Group
- .task {
- scopeInfo = balance.scopeInfo
- }
- } else { // no balance - Yikes
- Text("No balance. There seems to be a problem with the
+ let tosAccepted = (exchange?.tosStatus == .accepted) ?? false
+ if tosAccepted {
+ let amountLabel = minimalistic ? String(localized:
+ : String(localized: "Amount
to request:")
+// Text(amountLabel)
+ AmountInputV(stack: stack.push(),
+ scope: balance.scopeInfo,
+ amountAvailable: $amountZero, // incoming needs
no available
+ amountLabel: amountLabel,
+ amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer,
+ amountLastUsed: amountLastUsed,
+ wireFee: nil,
+ summary: $summary,
+ shortcutAction: shortcutAction,
+ buttonAction: buttonAction,
+ feeIsNegative: true,
+ computeFee: computeFee)
+ .background(actions)
+ } else {
+ if let peerPullCheck {
+ var baseURL = peerPullCheck.scopeInfo?.url ??
+ ToSButtonView(stack: stack.push(),
+ exchangeBaseUrl: baseURL,
+ viewID: VIEW_P2P_TOS, // 31
WithdrawTOSView TODO: YIKES might be withdraw-exchange
+ p2p: false,
+ acceptAction: nil)
+ .padding(.top)
+ } else {
+ Text("No baseURL") // need $some view otherwise
task will not run
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .task(id: balance) { await newBalance() }
+ .onAppear {
+ DebugViewC.shared.setViewID(VIEW_P2P_REQUEST, stack: stack.push())
+ symLog.log("❗️ onAppear")
+ }
+ .onDisappear {
+ symLog.log("❗️ onDisappear")
} // body
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