Hi David,
The latest version of Monet with an additional phone string text area is available in the source tree. Intonation support has also been added to the text to speech server. These are both currently only available in the source tree. I haven't yet made a new OS X gnuspeech binary distribution with these changes. I'll wait a bit on this and make some additional modifications first...
Best, dalmazio
On 4-Apr-09, at 9:31 PM, David Hill wrote: Hi Marcelo,
Many thanks for the feedback & good suggestion. The one advantage of having *both* fields in the window would be that the formatted posture string could be displayed for whatever input text might be entered. That would be useful for several purposes.
We probably need to think about posting some of these exchanges to the mailing list.
Warm regards.
-------- On Apr 4, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Marcelo Yassunori Matuda wrote: Hi David / Dalmazio,
My suggestion is to use the same text field for english text and for postures. But the posture list must start with "/" (or other marker).
Regards, Marcelo