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Re: NSSound Reimplementation

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: NSSound Reimplementation
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:54:55 +0100

On 7 Jun 2009, at 02:10, Christopher Armstrong wrote:

Hi Stefan

I don't purport to be an expert on sound APIs, but I've played around a lot with asynchronous APIs (marshalling in Java with Swing and multithreaded APIs).
On 07/06/2009, at 2:01 AM, address@hidden wrote:
* PulseAudio - Pros: Cross-platform, Powerful/large API, used by  
project, a simple API is available, is a sound server.  Cons:  
Requires a
dedicated mainloop for the asynch API, I still don't understand how  
it works
(the asynch API, the simple API is pretty straight forward).
Calling PulseAudio cross-platform is a stretch.  As far as I can tell,  
it works moderately-well with Ubuntu, less-well with other Linux  
distributions, and is a mess everywhere else.
Looking at pulse audio's documentation, it appears that with the asynchronous API, you call some functions which run an exclusive event loop for pulseaudio on a separate thread. I'm not sure if you will need to spawn a separate thread for them, or if they start a thread themselves. You could alternatively integrate with the poll() mechanism, which may be simpler or more difficult depending on what GNUstep uses.
See NSFileHandle for how to get notifications from file descriptors.

David A. also mentioned the possibility of a streaming architecture, which I like because it makes NSSound a lot more useful. With current NSSound code, and my original submission, NSSound simply read the file/data whole, storing it in a NSData object and later playing that. Streaming would allow us to keep nothing but a pointer to the file/data (still in a NSData object) and decoding it as we're playing. This is the design of all sound applications
I've had the pleasure of using.
A streaming architecture sounds like a good idea, even if it  
requires some extra plumbing, like an NSData subclass. This way we  
know we can scale to large files e.g. alot of MP3 music I have is  
whole sets that run upto 2 hours long (~100-300MB), and this would  
be impractical to load completely into memory.
This is what mmap() is for.  NSData already has a subclass on GNUstep  
that wraps mmap(), so you only need 300MB of address space - not  
excessive even on a 32-bit platform - and the OS will handle loading  
and evicting the data when required.
If you need a streaming API, you shouldn't be using NSSound, you  
should be using something like Étoilé's MediaKit or Apple's QTKit.
No matter what I do, it looks like a separate thread is going to have to be spawned to do the streaming. Problem there is that I've never programmed
with threads before, interesting for me since it'll be a learning
experience. The easiest library to use is libao, it includes output every thing out there (from ALSA to PulseAudio to WINMM). OpenAL is also very nice, but it's asynchronous by design and doesn't lend it self very well for streaming. I also really like the idea of loadable bundles/plug- ins, this would allow quite a bit of flexibility, not only to GNUstep but to the application programmer. Lastly, moving the code to GNUstep-back, like suggested by David C., seems like a good idea (specially with the plug-in based setup) removing the dependency on the -gui library but pushing it over
to -back.

A plugable architecture would be ideal. On platforms where the kernel exposes a sane interface (e.g. FreeBSD, Solaris) you don't have any extra dependencies, because the OSS APIs are just open()/read()/ write()/ioctl() calls on the device[1]. On platforms with a second- rate sound subsystem in the kernel you can fall back to something like libao.

[1] See:

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