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Re: GNUstep documentation

From: bruce
Subject: Re: GNUstep documentation
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2022 22:29:11 -0800

I’ve discovered my problem, and it’s not with GNUstep, nor the documentation, but with the Linux desktop. After trying several versions of Ubuntu (I’m using to install GNUstep) I’ve found that only the vanilla version of Ubuntu desktop with Gnome works without errors, and the examples I find work the way they should. I don't really like Gnome... but oh well.

The original reason for trying Linux at all is that on recent versions of FreeBSD, GNUstep has stopped working - and according to the FreeBSD freshports website, it’s no longer supported. It seems to me that the real issue is not that the GNUstep project is dying, but that your habitat is.

This is unfortunate - I’ve spent time over the last 2 years learning Objective-c, and find I really like it. I guess I need a new hobby… or a mac…

On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 3:46 PM Riccardo Mottola <> wrote:
Hi Bruce,

bruce wrote:
> I’m using FreeBSD, which has pre-built GNUstep packages, and they seem
> to work well, but the problem I run into is finding documentation for
> the current version. For example, Gorm. I’ve found this tutorial
> (
> but it doesn’t match the current version of Gorm. The fields available
> on my screen don’t match the screens in the tutorial. I try to wing
> it, but no matter what I select, the menu items for subsequent steps
> are grayed out. So the section titled Adding outlets & actions is not
> usable Are there any more recent instructions that match the current
> version?

That tutorial should match current version, I updated it. There are no
significant changes to gorm that should affect the usage the way you
describe it, maybe you are missing some detail.

> To be honest, I don’t like gui designers that much, and would prefer
> just to write it all from source. To that end, I’ve been using
> a starting point.
> These all work on a Mac I borrowed, but I have some issues getting
> them to work on GNUstep. In one case - the ComboBox example, the
> screen reacts to the controls so slowly that it’s not really usable.
> Again, the documentation I can find is not very helpful. Mostly it
> seems the documentation is for older versions of the API. Is there any
> current documentation for the GNUstep Cocoa API?

You can do everything by instantiating things by code yourself, if you
prefer. GORM is a convenience, it is a little bit more than just a GUI
designer, since it is capable of instantiating objects, setting messages
receiver and setters (the acronym stants for Graphical/GNUstep object
relationship manager).

A further alternative would be using renaissance, describing your gui
with XML style, if you prefer.
Unfortunately, the current backup website lost these documents, I hope
to be able to restore the full website soon. Luckily there is a full CVS

> I’m starting to wonder if the project is still alive. I see the main
> web page has been republished -
> <> - but most of the links I click on in it
> are dead. Help!

Sorry, there is some dust, we are changing hosting and it is taking
longer than supposed, currently a back-up site is online.



Bruce Davidson

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