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Re: [gpsd-users] GPSD issues on Raspberry Pi running Raspbian

From: Pedro Vaz Teixeira
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] GPSD issues on Raspberry Pi running Raspbian
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 11:49:09 -0500

Gary --  the issue was indeed that gpsd was not being run with sudo. Could I perhaps suggest to change the NTP microserver tutorial accordingly?
David -- thank you for those links (and putting those online). After I got it to work last night (offsets are now consistently below 500us) I started looking into your pages, and especially the performance plots.



On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 4:30 AM, David J Taylor <address@hidden> wrote:

I am trying to setup a raspberry pi (model B rev 1.0) as a Stratum 1 microserver, and am following the procedure described in [1]. So far, I've had mixed results: while I've had to change some of the build commands [2], I have been able to build both gpsd and ntpsec on the raspi. The one issue blocking me right now is that I am unable to have gpsd output time notifications via shared memory (confirmed by ntpshmmon showing no output and ntpq -p showing a reach of zero for both gps and pps sources).
Thanks in advance, and kind regards,


You may find form useful notes here - using the reference implementation of NTP.

More background and how it developed over time:

I get excellent performance from a model B Raspberry Pi with gpsd/ntp:

Having it in an unheated cupboard undoubtedly helps!

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