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[Grammatica-users] GetParent question
From: |
Luc Morin |
Subject: |
[Grammatica-users] GetParent question |
Date: |
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 13:26:21 -0500 |
I'm trying to create an Analyzer for the following simple grammar:
DESCRIPTION = "A grammar for Eplan 21 Format Strings."
AUTHOR = "Luc Morin"
VERSION = "1.0"
DATE = "9 December 2003"
SPACE = <<[ ]+>>
NUMBER = <<[0-9]+>>
WHITESPACE = <<[\t\n\r]+>> %error unexpected token%
ALPHA = <<[a-zA-Z]+>> %error
unexpected token%
Property = LEFT_BRACKET NUMBER [Index] [IndirectProperty] RIGHT_BRACKET ;
IndirectProperty = Property ;
I'm overriding some of the Exit functions in my own Analyzer, for example
ExitProperty(Production node).
Here's a printout of the parse tree for the input string "<5<10>>"
LEFT_BRACKET(1001): "<", line: 1, col: 1
NUMBER(1004): "5", line: 1, col: 2
LEFT_BRACKET(1001): "<", line: 1, col: 3
NUMBER(1004): "10", line: 1, col: 4
RIGHT_BRACKET(1002): ">", line: 1, col: 6
RIGHT_BRACKET(1002): ">", line: 1, col: 7
I need to know if a property(2001) has an IndirectProperty(2003) parent, as the
treatment is different. The problem is that within ExitProperty(), the
Production cannot access its parent node. A call to node.GetParent() always
returns null.
Is this a normal behavior?
How can I access the parent node of a Production ?
Luc Morin
Electrical Designer
Wulftec / M.J. Maillis Group
Ph.: (819) 838-4232 ext. 232
Fx.: (819) 838-5539
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- [Grammatica-users] GetParent question,
Luc Morin <=