Well, generally what you want to do is impossible in a context-
insensitive grammar (like the ones Grammatica handles). However,
you can implement the context-sensitive parts of the grammar in
source code form inside your Analyzer subclass. If the grammar
looks like this:
Reference = aLetter+ ;
You'd then write something like:
protected Node exitReference(Production node)
throws ParseException {
if (node.getChildCount() > 3) {
throw new ParseException(ParseException.ANALYSIS_ERROR,
"reference code too long",
... check that token children are identical ...
return node;
So, this takes away some of the nice code/grammar separation
that Grammatica attempts to uphold, but it also greatly reduces
the complexity of the grammar language itself.
On thu, 2005-03-17 at 10:20 -0700, Anant Mistry wrote:
Hopefully, this question is not going to be a stupid as the last one I
posted :)
In my grammar definition I want to represent a part of a doc number
that could be a sequence of the same letter (only A-Z), but not more
than three.
e.g. A or AA or AAA or B or BB or BBB
So I have a token defined for every letter and then built a grammar
a = "A"
b = "B"
c = "C"
reference = a [a[a]] | b[b[b]] | c[c[c]] | .... etc.
There are other places I want to use the token
aLetter = <<[A-Z]>>
Obviously, the two conflict. Is there a way I can define the
requirement for multiples of the same letter just using a production
of the aLetter token?
Anant Mistry
Director of Infrastructure Technology
Information Handling Services
15 Inverness Way East
CO 80112
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