Hi Oliver,
Oliver Corff wrote on Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 11:44:02AM +0100:
Here is another, and I'm afraid to confess, newbie question:
I try to use .PSPIC inside a table.
.PSPIC mypic.ps
in a file compiled with the ms macros works perfectly as expected, but
putting the same command in a table cell like
l c l.
A cell @.PSPIC mypic.ps @Another cell
Macros need to be at the beginning of logical input lines.
only shows ".PSPIC mypic.ps" as center cell, not the desired image.
That is expected because ".PSPIC" is not a macro but plain text
in your example.
I am quite sure there is a logical flaw in my setup akin to using eqn
inside tables which requires a certain processing order in the pipeline.
The following minimal example works for me:
$ cat tmp.roff
initial text
allbox tab(@);
l lw(2i) l.
.PSPIC -L build/gnu.eps
final text
$ groff -t tmp.roff > tmp.ps
$ gv tmp.ps
$ man 7 tbl
In place of any data cell, a text block can be used. It starts with T{
at the end of a physical input line. Input line breaks inside the text
block neither end the text block nor its data cell. It only ends if T}
occurs at the beginning of a physical input line and is followed by an
end-of-cell indicator.
$ man 1 tbl
A text block can be used to enter data as a single entry which would be
too long as a simple string between tabs. It is started with 'T{' and
closed with 'T}'. The former must end a line, and the latter must
start a line, probably followed by other data columns (separated with
tabs or the character given with the tab global option).