Any program (person), that produces man pages, should check its content for defects by using groff -mandoc -t -ww -b -z -K utf8 The same goes for man pages that are used as an input. For a style guide use mandoc -T lint -.- So any generator should check its products with the above mentioned 'groff' and additionally with 'nroff ...'. This is just a simple quality control measure. The generator may have to be corrected to get a better man page, the source file may, and any additional file may. Common errors: Not removing trailing spaces (in in- and output). The reason for these trailing spaces should be found and eliminated. Not beginning each input sentence (that is not confined to a markup) in the first column. Line length should thus be reduced. -.- The difference between the formatted outputs can be seen with: nroff -mandoc > nroff -mandoc > diff -u and for groff, using "printf '%s\n%s\n' '.kern 0' '.ss 12 0' | groff -mandoc -Z - " instead of "nroff -mandoc" Add the option "-t", if the file contains a table. Read the output of "diff -u" with "less -R" or similar. -.-. If "man" (man-db) is used to check the manual for warnings, the following must be set: The option "-warnings=w" The environmental variable: export MAN_KEEP_STDERR=yes (or any non-empty value) or (produce only warnings): export MANROFFOPT="-ww -z" export MAN_KEEP_STDERR=yes (or any non-empty value) -.-. Output from "mandoc -T lint": (possibly shortened list) mandoc: WARNING: skipping paragraph macro: PP empty mandoc: WARNING: skipping paragraph macro: PP empty -.-. Output from "test-groff -b -mandoc -rF0 -rHY=0 -K utf8 -t -ww -z ": troff: backtrace: file '':184 troff::184: warning: trailing space in the line troff: backtrace: file '':188 troff::188: warning: trailing space in the line troff: backtrace: file '':189 troff::189: warning: trailing space in the line