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Oversized Tables - how to produce non-truncated PDF?

From: Oliver Corff
Subject: Oversized Tables - how to produce non-truncated PDF?
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 22:07:33 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Dear All,

after a long period of silence I return. The publication project
containing so many tables (yes, my friendly tbl primer waits to be
finished) is finally coming to a positive end. Currently, I am going
through the last stages of proofreading. There is one problem I fail to
solve: some of the huge tables which in my original sources spread over
two book pages, appear truncated by the PDF, no matter what papersize I
try to set (e.g. like A3).

I attach an example of material cut off at the right margin

Arguably, the material displayed in this table could also be expressed
in other ways, e.g. as an html table (thank you, Ingo, for helping me
with the conversion from tbl to html!), but there are a few more
oversized tables in my material and for a multitude of reasons,
including fidelity to the sources, I do not want to reshuffle the
appearance of these tables while preserving only their content.

Thank you for any hint!

Best regards,


Dr. Oliver Corff
Wittelsbacherstr. 5A
10707 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-85727260

Attachment: 1985_1006_Politbuero.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: 1985_1006_Politbuero.tbl
Description: Text document

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