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Re: The use of some symbols within a paragraph

From: Jordán
Subject: Re: The use of some symbols within a paragraph
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 11:53:16 -0300
User-agent: Icedove Mail

El 22/9/2024 a las 21:58, G. Branden Robinson escribió:
> Hi Jordán,
> At 2024-09-22T21:51:08-0300, isf (Jordán) wrote:
>> When I use some symbols like \ or \* apparently perform a function
>> that do not normally allow to appear in the formatted text. How can I
>> make such symbols appear as if mere words?
> As with the shell and C languages, in *roff the backslash is an "escape
> character".
> Here is a table from the groff_char(7) man page that explains how to get
> some of the characters you might want.
>    +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
>    | Keycap   Appearance and meaning   Special character and meaning   |
>    +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
>    | "        " neutral double quote   \[dq] neutral double quote      |
>    | '        ' closing single quote   \[aq] neutral apostrophe        |
>    | -        - hyphen                 \- or \[-] minus sign/Unix dash |
>    | \        (escape character)       \e or \[rs] reverse solidus     |
>    | ^        ^ modifier circumflex    \[ha] circumflex/caret/"hat"    |
>    | `        ` opening single quote   \(ga grave accent               |
>    | ~        ~ modifier tilde         \[ti] tilde                     |
>    +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> So if you want a backslash, type "\[rs]".
> Please let me know if this helps, or does not.
> Regards,
> Branden

Thank you very much for your comprehensive answer, I resolved my doubt
and I have been able to continue the work. Thank you all.
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