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1) too big kernel on 1.92. 2) unrecognized: %lex-param.

From: Jeff Chua
Subject: 1) too big kernel on 1.92. 2) unrecognized: %lex-param.
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 19:16:37 +0800 (SGT)

I got this message trying to boot linux using grub2 on a Dell Optiplex 
GX620 which has 4GB RAM. The same kernel booted fine on a IBM notebook 
using the same grub2 with 2GB RAM.
version is Grub2 1.92.

"Too big kernel"


I tried to use the latest CVS, but got the following errors when compiling ...

include/grub/script.h:27:29: No such file or directory

bison -d -p grub_script_yy -b grub_script ./normal/parser.y
./normal/parser.y:54: unrecognized: %lex-param
./normal/parser.y:54:    Skipping to next %
./normal/parser.y:55: unrecognized: %parse-param
./normal/parser.y:55:    Skipping to next %


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