On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Szymon Janc <address@hidden> wrote:
Dnia wtorek 16 luty 2010 o 14:44:45 Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko
+ #define VLI_MAX_DIGITS 9
Are you sure it's 9? It gives only 63 and not 64 bits
It is a limitation of xz format.
+ if (! test_header(file) || ! test_footer(file))
+ {
Seeking to the end of file is very expensive on pxe. Can it be skipped?
xz stores uncompressed data size at the end of file, without it file size can't
be set.
gzio has same issue, it reads last 4 bytes of file to determine uncompressed
data size.
Then maybe use of a more sensible format should be strongly
encouraged. For sequentially accessed devices like tape, it may be
expensive to return to the header to add the size. For flash memory,
it may require an overwrite (and flash memory has fast random access,
this is pretty much the only case to prefer a footer). And formats
which support pipelining of course can't rewind to update a header.
But in general the archive will be read many times for each time it is
created, so it's best to put the size in the place which is best for
the decompressor.
Since gzip format allows decompression in pipeline mode, it's a
virtual certainty that nothing from the footer is required for