Problem with booting any non-linux iso from grub2 menu
Alejandro González de Aguilar
Problem with booting any non-linux iso from grub2 menu
Tue, 20 Dec 2011 21:09:48 +0100
Dear Grub2's developer team,
I've spent several days trying to do something I get using grub4dos:
- booting a Windows 7 Installer ISO (with bootmgr) from the menu and... - booting a Hiren's Boot Cd ISO also from the menu
Other ISO's (any linux-based iso) work fine.
Could you, please, tell me exactly what I have to write in the .cfg file to boot a Windows 7 (and XP, if it is not much..) ISO ? And what about Hiren's Boot CD??
I have to say that I've looked for those topics on Google, and there isn't anybody who solves the problem...or that is my conclusion after hours and hours looking by Google...And in the official manuals (and non-official others) I've found for Grub or Grub2, also say nothing to respect.