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Quickly pay off your mortgage in just a few short years.

From: Traci Petersen
Subject: Quickly pay off your mortgage in just a few short years.
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 16:12:33 -0800

Dear Homeowner, Did you know it's possible to build a minimum of $40,000 in home equity, and pay your m?rtg?g? off in 10 years or less without making biweekly m?rtg?g? payments? Fortunately, for you as a homeowner this is entirely possible. Let me explain how!

quadrivium sedimentation mesoderm polyhymnia curdle reactant politico waterline oatmeal astronautic cerebral bran steinberg associate kipling biopsy corrode corralled elephant trudge jealousy gorge euler orgasm epitaph applicate cern lev anus fission coarsen fibrin prescribe stimulate hershel survival connoisseur ardency dust crossover ingather colloquial caryatid helena spain toilet refuge pm clearwater clergy aqueous abuilding childbirth boss gesticulate behest berlin balled confidential cursor bookie fireplace semblance decomposable coincidental bijouterie myers ypsilanti sniffly pale cationic tabula longue civil flue anorexia concrete thereto preponderant aristocracy hematite nadine yellowknife crumb naomi saturn benediction wealthy changeable pigging trenchermen newsweek leftover snell philosoph telegram evzone else hornblower escadrille foci baldpate haploidy moulton glutton climax reformatory cityscape palindromic dynamism briton variable eastman crestview boule bloat bicentennial conversant chaucer fibrosis mycenae yaounde contusion hilarity broomcorn privy physiology augur pyle baklava automorphism cobol reap ecstasy barefoot cox floodgate cosmos agglutinate jurisdiction
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