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Re: GUILE_QUIET=1 guile → suppress REPL welcome message (fixed message f

From: Matt Wette
Subject: Re: GUILE_QUIET=1 guile → suppress REPL welcome message (fixed message format)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2024 08:48:28 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 10/2/24 6:48 AM, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
Matt Wette <> writes:

On 3/11/24 6:50 AM, Matt Wette wrote:
On 3/10/24 6:01 PM, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:

It’s been two months now, did anyone get to review this patch?

It’s small and it gives an instant improvement when using Guile in Emacs
orgmode babel sourceblocks that get evaluated on export.

Best wishes,

I did look at it.  Another solution, I prefer, is generate a global
urrent-info-port object and
provide a command-line option to make that a file or /dev/null. Send
the welcome and
auto-compile messages to (current-info-port).

I had a patch for this at one time, but can't find it right now.
I found it.  Here is a link:
The patch looks almost good to go to me.

But this looks wrong:

@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ scm_set_current_input_port (SCM port)
  scm_set_current_output_port (SCM port)
-#define FUNC_NAME "scm-set-current-output-port"
+#define FUNC_NAME "set-current-output-port"
    SCM ooutp = scm_fluid_ref (cur_outport_fluid);
    port = SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (port);
If you compare to the input-port and error-port analogs you may come to the conclusion I did. Also, I think some of this code is no longer used.   There may be opportunity to remove some.

There’s also whitespace changes mixed in.

I apologize for that.  I had  (add-to-list 'write-file-functions 'delete-trailing-whitespace) in my emacs init file.  I have since removed this feature to remove trailing whitespace.

modified   module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
@@ -190,6 +190,13 @@ This is handy for tracing function calls, e.g.:
    (newline (current-warning-port))
    (car (last-pair stuff)))
+(define (info . stuff)
+  (newline (current-info-port))
+  (display ";;; FYI " (current-info-port))
+  (display stuff (current-info-port))
+  (newline (current-info-port))
+  (car (last-pair stuff)))

The canonical prefix is INFO, I think. So maybe

+  (display ";;; INFO " (current-info-port))

These sound fine to me.   Thanks for the consideration.


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