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Re: using guile like a awk filter in a C program.

From: Simon Tournier
Subject: Re: using guile like a awk filter in a C program.
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 12:39:05 +0200

Hi Pierre,

> I want to call scheme from C.

Well, I would start with:

Then maybe:

Personally, I have never done that.  The memory management can be
painful.  And instead of directly using libguile, my first attempt would
be a very simplistic approach: call system() or popen(), i.e., start
Guile this way and process some script.  If that is not doable because
the objects to process are alive inside only the C program, that’s an
indication it will not be straightforward. ;-)

Somehow, I do not know about your question. :-)


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