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branch master updated: Fix badge display.
From: |
Mathieu Othacehe |
Subject: |
branch master updated: Fix badge display. |
Date: |
Fri, 28 May 2021 08:17:45 -0400 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mothacehe pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guix-cuirass.
The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
new e6bfa48 Fix badge display.
e6bfa48 is described below
commit e6bfa48061b39594e548386f406754c3d1207076
Author: Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
AuthorDate: Fri May 28 14:11:42 2021 +0200
Fix badge display.
* src/static/images/badge-running.svg: Remove it.
* Makefile.am (dist_images_DATA): Ditto.
* src/cuirass/database.scm (db-get-latest-evaluation,
db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary): New procedures.
* src/cuirass/http.scm (url-handler): Fix badge display.
* src/cuirass/templates.scm (badge-svg): Adapt it.
* tests/database.scm ("db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary",
"db-get-latest-evaluation"): New tests.
* doc/cuirass.texi (Badges): Adapt it.
Makefile.am | 1 -
doc/cuirass.texi | 6 +-
src/cuirass/database.scm | 24 ++++-
src/cuirass/http.scm | 6 +-
src/cuirass/templates.scm | 41 +++------
src/static/images/badge-running.svg | 179 ------------------------------------
tests/database.scm | 14 +++
7 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index c0de526..2b7e053 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ dist_fonts_DATA = \
dist_images_DATA = \
src/static/images/badge-error.svg \
src/static/images/badge-per.svg \
- src/static/images/badge-running.svg \
src/static/images/guix.png \
dist_js_DATA = \
diff --git a/doc/cuirass.texi b/doc/cuirass.texi
index 1a252dc..1e3c2d3 100644
--- a/doc/cuirass.texi
+++ b/doc/cuirass.texi
@@ -306,10 +306,8 @@ your favorite forge.
@item @url{http://cuirass-url/jobset/spec/badge}
Generates a badge for the @code{spec} specification. The badge
represents the percentage of successful jobs for the latest evaluation
-of the @code{spec} specification. If the latest evaluation is still
-being processed, a @code{running} badge is generated. If no
-evaluation could be found for the @code{spec} specification, an
-@code{error} badge is generated.
+of the @code{spec} specification. If no evaluation could be found for
+the @code{spec} specification, an @code{error} badge is generated.
@end itemize
diff --git a/src/cuirass/database.scm b/src/cuirass/database.scm
index ee866a7..0f752cb 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/database.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/database.scm
@@ -97,8 +97,10 @@
+ db-get-latest-evaluation
+ db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary
@@ -1491,6 +1493,16 @@ SELECT MAX(id) FROM Evaluations
WHERE specification=" spec))
((max) (and max (string->number max))))))
+(define (db-get-latest-evaluation spec)
+ "Return the latest successful evaluation for the given specification SPEC."
+ (with-db-worker-thread db
+ (match (expect-one-row
+ (exec-query/bind db "
+SELECT max(id) FROM Evaluations
+WHERE status = 0 AND specification = " spec
+" GROUP BY Evaluations.specification;"))
+ ((eval) (and eval (string->number eval))))))
(define (db-get-latest-evaluations)
"Return the latest successful evaluation for each specification."
(with-db-worker-thread db
@@ -1537,12 +1549,20 @@ ORDER BY Evaluations.id ASC;"))
(#:scheduled . ,(or (string->number scheduled) 0))))
(else #f))))
+(define (db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary evaluation)
+ (expect-one-row
+ (db-get-evaluations-absolute-summary (list evaluation))))
(define (db-get-evaluations-absolute-summary evaluations)
(define eval-ids
(format #f "{~a}"
- (map number->string
- (map (cut assq-ref <> #:id) evaluations))
+ (map (lambda (eval)
+ (number->string
+ (if (number? eval)
+ eval
+ (assq-ref eval #:id))))
+ evaluations)
(define (number n)
diff --git a/src/cuirass/http.scm b/src/cuirass/http.scm
index 10c60bd..dd70ad8 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/http.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/http.scm
@@ -1076,10 +1076,8 @@ passed, only display JOBS targeting this SYSTEM."
(('GET "jobset" spec "badge")
(let* ((params (request-parameters request))
- (summary
- (match (db-get-evaluations-build-summary spec 1 #f #f)
- ((summary) summary)
- (else #f))))
+ (summary (db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary
+ (db-get-latest-evaluation spec))))
(badge-svg badge-string summary))))
diff --git a/src/cuirass/templates.scm b/src/cuirass/templates.scm
index fb83fda..ac5b678 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/templates.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/templates.scm
@@ -1931,29 +1931,18 @@ text-dark d-flex position-absolute w-100"))
"Return the badge SVG for the specification with the given SUMMARY. The
BADGE-STRING procedure takes a badge name as input an returns the badge
content as a string."
- (define complete?
- (eq? (assq-ref summary #:status) 0))
- (cond
- ((not summary)
- (badge-string "badge-error.svg"))
- (complete?
- (let* ((succeeded
- (assq-ref summary #:succeeded))
- (failed
- (assq-ref summary #:failed))
- (scheduled
- (assq-ref summary #:scheduled))
- (percentage
- (nearest-exact-integer
- (* 100
- (/ succeeded
- (+ succeeded failed scheduled)))))
- (percentage-str
- (string-append
- (number->string percentage) "%")))
- (string-replace-substring
- (badge-string "badge-per.svg")
- "X%" percentage-str)))
- (else
- (badge-string "badge-running.svg"))))
+ (if summary
+ (let* ((succeeded
+ (assq-ref summary #:succeeded))
+ (total
+ (assq-ref summary #:total))
+ (percentage
+ (nearest-exact-integer
+ (* 100 (/ succeeded total))))
+ (percentage-str
+ (string-append
+ (number->string percentage) "%")))
+ (string-replace-substring
+ (badge-string "badge-per.svg")
+ "X%" percentage-str))
+ (badge-string "badge-error.svg")))
diff --git a/src/static/images/badge-running.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4b096..0000000
--- a/src/static/images/badge-running.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/tests/database.scm b/tests/database.scm
index 21a6fa8..2662417 100644
--- a/tests/database.scm
+++ b/tests/database.scm
@@ -329,6 +329,16 @@ timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES ('guix', 0, 0,
0, 0);")
(assq-ref summary #:scheduled)))
+ (test-equal "db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary"
+ '(0 1 0)
+ (let ((summary
+ (db-get-evaluation-absolute-summary
+ (db-get-latest-evaluation "guix"))))
+ (list
+ (assq-ref summary #:succeeded)
+ (assq-ref summary #:failed)
+ (assq-ref summary #:scheduled))))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations-absolute-summary"
'((0 1 0) (0 1 0))
(let* ((evaluations
@@ -358,6 +368,10 @@ timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES ('guix', 0, 0,
0, 0);")
(db-get-evaluations-id-max "foo"))
+ (test-equal "db-get-latest-evaluation"
+ 4
+ (db-get-latest-evaluation "guix"))
(test-equal "db-get-latest-evaluations"
(match (db-get-latest-evaluations)
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- branch master updated: Fix badge display.,
Mathieu Othacehe <=