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branch go-team created (now 6f0c1a439b)

From: guix-commits
Subject: branch go-team created (now 6f0c1a439b)
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 16:17:05 -0500 (EST)

sharlatan pushed a change to branch go-team
in repository guix.

      at 6f0c1a439b gnu: Add git-spice.

This branch includes the following new commits:

     new ddc8bd42b4 gnu: Remove go-github-com-calmh-xdr.
     new 09fb75ebf6 gnu: Remove go-github-com-dustin-gojson.
     new d427e51854 gnu: go-github-com-russross-blackfriday: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 4cafe99454 gnu: go-github-com-go-md2man: Update to 2.0.5.
     new 2e86a4558b gnu: go-github-com-kylelemons-godebug: Improve style.
     new a3bd680739 gnu: go-github-com-kylelemons-godebug: Move to golang-xyz.
     new c98f4e0370 gnu: go-github-com-cyphar-filepath-securejoin: Update to 
     new 7e02cec4eb gnu: go-github-com-spf13-afero: Update to 1.6.0.
     new 3dc52f4ce3 gnu: go-github-com-spf13-cast: Update to 1.7.0.
     new 401ec73372 gnu: go-github-com-spf13-pflag: Add a maintenance note.
     new cbd117ba73 gnu: go-github-com-spf13-viper: Update to 1.8.1.
     new d3bf2b9eab gnu: go-github-com-spf13-afero: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 988d5dd0a3 gnu: go-github-com-spf13-afero: Run all tests.
     new 01aaedf23a gnu: go-github-com-spf13-cast: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 1be7b2715b gnu: go-github-com-spf13-jwalterweatherman: Move to 
     new c7623d16cd gnu: go-github-com-spf13-jwalterweatherman: Improve 
     new 35c47c9a41 gnu: go-github-com-spf13-pflag: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 79dfd5eb2b gnu: go-github-com-spf13-viper: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 967eb10914 gnu: go-github-com-nxadm-tail: Update to 1.4.11.
     new e90dee923c gnu: go-github-com-nxadm-tail: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 1359874052 gnu: go-github-com-twpayne-go-vfs: Update to 5.0.4.
     new 80ab6d4ca7 gnu: go-github-com-twpayne-go-vfs: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 89cd48703a gnu: go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar: Simplify package.
     new a49c086fbe gnu: go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar-v2: Enable tests.
     new edcf04d904 gnu: go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar-v3: Enable tests.
     new 9b8c3eac49 gnu: go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar-v4: Update to 4.7.1.
     new aae585d271 gnu: go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 15990095f4 gnu: go-github-com-mitchellh-mapstructure: Move to 
     new ff55725725 gnu: go-github-com-olekukonko-tablewriter: Update to 0.0.5.
     new d2a2ffe231 gnu: go-github-com-olekukonko-tablewriter: Move to 
     new be5d6d8433 gnu: Add go-csv2table.
     new 82310c6c75 gnu: packages/textutils: Remove golang module.
     new f9e622bdea gnu: Add go-github-com-xrash-smetrics.
     new f553380724 gnu: go-github-com-urfave-cli: Update to 1.22.16.
     new 0bc5566589 gnu: go-github-com-urfave-cli-v2: Update to 2.27.5.
     new a1a947980e gnu: go-github-com-urfave-cli: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 88b2a98bb6 gnu: go-github-com-xdg-go-scram: Update to 1.1.2.
     new 40291fab71 gnu: go-github-com-xdg-go-scram: Move to golang-xyz.
     new d7fd52e283 gnu: go-github-com-miolini-datacounter: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 756ac23d8f gnu: restic-rest-server: Update to 0.13.0.
     new 1359cd4248 gnu: go-github-com-aki237-nscjar: Update to 
     new 913846fe13 gnu: go-github-com-aki237-nscjar: Move to golang-web.
     new af1cfa057a gnu: go-github-com-alsm-ioprogress: Update to 
     new 5acc4121d6 gnu: go-github-com-alsm-ioprogress: Move to golang-xyz.
     new d826e9fcfb gnu: kurly: Improve package style.
     new d7e2693f1a gnu: packages/curl: Remove golang module.
     new 2ffa90eed0 gnu: Add go-github-com-xuanwo-go-locale.
     new 3f54d482f4 gnu: lf: Update to 33.
     new 1e9bc59012 gnu: go-github-com-gdamore-tcell: Update to 1.4.0.
     new becea5f1a3 gnu: go-github-com-gdamore-tcell-v2: Simplify package.
     new 3ab1cea552 gnu: go-github-com-gdamore-tcell: Move to golang-xyz.
     new 16cf21e06b gnu: packages/disk: Remove golang module.
     new 897ed4e2d7 gnu: Remove go-github-com-kylelemons-godebug-pretty.
     new 4d3059d880 gnu: Rename go-github-com-gizak-termui.
     new 51341c91c9 gnu: ghq: Update to 1.7.1.
     new af0fdc824b gnu: go-github-com-golang-glog: Update to 1.2.3.
     new bb1d74656c gnu: go-github-com-vishvananda-netlink: Simplify package.
     new 371eeab4fa gnu: go-github-com-vishvananda-netlink: Update to 1.3.0.
     new 09055eeb1c gnu: go-github-com-vishvananda-netlink: Move to golang-web.
     new f29c8657c6 gnu: go-github-com-google-gopacket: Adjust inputs.
     new 61565f9f39 gnu: go-github-com-vishvananda-netns: Update to 0.0.5.
     new fd34ca4058 gnu: go-github-com-vishvananda-netns: Move to golang-web.
     new f803f9a190 gnu: packages/linux: Remove golang-build module.
     new ee239c6052 gnu: go-github-com-spf13-cobra: Adjust inputs.
     new 7d4a75836a gnu: go-gopkg-in-check-v1: Disable tests.
     new 33e7b7f7ce gnu: go-github-com-frankban-quicktest: Disable failing 
     new d9a6e2c080 gnu: go-github-com-charmbracelet-lipgloss: Remove examples.
     new 4548247131 gnu: go-github-com-muesli-termenv: Remove examples.
     new 1072365952 gnu: Add go-go-abhg-dev-requiredfield.
     new 46dbf0abd4 gnu: Add go-gopkg-in-dnaeon-go-vcr-v3.
     new ce69c2e016 gnu: Add go-github-com-shurcool-graphql.
     new 098451091b gnu: Add go-github-com-shurcool-githubv4.
     new 3e9507d141 gnu: Add go-github-com-buildkite-shellwords.
     new a5d0561a89 gnu: Add go-github-com-erikgeiser-coninput.
     new 773fa21060 gnu: Add go-github-com-sebdah-goldie-v2.
     new ee5447f385 gnu: Add go-github-com-vito-midterm.
     new a41e9c8e13 gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-log.
     new 71b6f53596 gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-x-windows.
     new 48392f6468 gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-x-input.
     new 07e7c4011e gnu: go-github-com-charmbracelet-x-exp-golden: Sort.
     new bb3a51727a gnu: Add go-github-com-cli-browser.
     new a630ddd64f gnu: Add packages/golang-vcs module.
     new fd8a4d2361 gnu: Add go-github-com-xanzy-go-gitlab.
     new 714eea83fb gnu: go-github-com-alecthomas-kong: Update to 1.5.1.
     new c32b03b89e gnu: Add go-go-abhg-dev-komplete.
     new 5c04b84c76 gnu: Add go-gopkg-in-dnaeon-go-vcr-v4.
     new 7b3087815f gnu: Add go-go-abhg-dev-testing-stub.
     new 6f0c1a439b gnu: Add git-spice.

The 88 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

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