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Re: Brasero, or gnome without gnome

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Brasero, or gnome without gnome
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 22:01:09 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130007 (Ma Gnus v0.7) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Aljosha Papsch <address@hidden> skribis:

> Am Donnerstag, den 03.10.2013, 13:07 +0200 schrieb Andreas Enge:
>> That is true. But I feel about GNOME as you feel about KDE, and am not
>> overly
>> motivated to do more work on it, so it would be good if some volunteer
>> GNOME users stepped forward to take over.
> I'm a GNOME user (and occasional contributor) and may start packaging
> once I'm done with PHP (it already installs).


> While it should be possible to provide a full GNOME experience (with gdm
> and gnome-shell) at the moment, I guess it will be quite a bit of work,
> also maintaining it, since GNOME assumes more and more systemd behavior:

Yeah, that is not encouraging, but we’ll see.

Adding features to dmd, such as satisfying the assumption “that an init
system will also clean up any processes it started”, may be doable,
though it seems unlikely that dmd will catch up on all of systemd’s
bells and whistles.

Yet, systemd’s Linux-only stance is a no-go for the GNU system, IMO.
It’s C-only approach is also a hindrance to extensibility.

I think we’re in a position to propose new ideas in terms of OS
integration and practical computing freedom enhancement, so let’s just
push them as far as we can.


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