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Re: The new patch method and mit-krb5

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: The new patch method and mit-krb5
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 22:35:55 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130007 (Ma Gnus v0.7) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Andreas Enge <address@hidden> skribis:

> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 07:15:32PM +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
>> The notion of phases is internal to the build system, so we can’t really
>> do that.
> Well, the phases are part of the package object. So should it not be able
> to extract them? Or does the source field not have any access to the
> arguments field?

First <origin> objects are distinct from <package> object, and there’s
no connection from the <origin> to the containing <package> (if any).

Second, the ‘arguments’ field is passed as-is, uninterpreted, to the
build system.  And most of the time the ‘arguments’ field has no
#:phases argument anyway.

Just to say that the current design wouldn’t lend itself to this sort of

Perhaps phases should be a more fundamental thing, imposed on all build
systems, but thinking through such a change would require a stronger
incentive, IMO.  :-)


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