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Re: [PATCH] file depends upon itself!

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: [PATCH] file depends upon itself!
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 14:01:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130007 (Ma Gnus v0.7) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

John Darrington <address@hidden> skribis:

> The file command is somewhat unusual in that it depends upon a natively 
> compiled
> version of itself.

Like Guile.  Initially I added this field for this purpose:

  (self-native-input? #t)

But what you did is better, and is enough to get rid of

However, the patch doesn’t apply on ‘master’.  Could you check
what’s going on?

Also, make sure the commit log specifies the changes (like “Add
‘native-inputs’ field”) rather than the rationale (info "(standards)
Change Log Concepts").


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