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Re: Problem No space left on device

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Problem No space left on device
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:59:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130011 (Ma Gnus v0.11) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)


Luis Souto Graña <address@hidden> skribis:

> Hello, could you help me? I have tried to install several times GNU guix
> using QEMU, but I always end up with the following error: "No space left on
> device".
> My latest attempt, step by step:
> $ qemu-img create -f raw gnuguix.img 30G
> $ qemu-img create -f raw swap.img 10G
> $ qemu-system-i386 -hda gnuguix.img -hdb swap.img -m 2048 -net
> nic,model=e1000 -net user -vga std -usb -usbdevice
> disk:format=raw:gnuusbinstall07.raw -boot menu=on


> # deco start cow-store /mnt/gnuguix
> service cow-store has been started
> fuse: bad mount point '/.rw-store': No such file or directory

It seems like the mount failed, which is fishy.  Does /.rw-store exist
after that?  Normally ‘deco start cow-store’ creates it, and then
immediately mounts a unionfs on it, and moves it to /gnu/store.

> #guix system init /mnt/gnuguix/config.scm /mnt/gnuguix --no-substitutes
> After 30 hours:
> libbackend.a: No space left on device
> Makefile:1776:recipe for target 'libbackend.a' failed
> Leaving directory 'tmp/nix-build-gcc-cross-boot0-4.8.3.drv-0/build/gcc

Using ‘--no-substitutes’ means that everything will be built locally,
which may take a lot of time.

Did you try without ‘--no-substitutes’?  You may get a message about being unresponsive, which means that the server is a bit
slow, which is unfortunately often the case currently.  This is an
annoyance, but should not prevent installation.


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