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Re: What's the current state of HURD on Guix?

From: Omar Radwan
Subject: Re: What's the current state of HURD on Guix?
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:36:25 -0700

>However, the good news is: you can >help!  :-)  Help is very much welcome
>in this area, either on the packaging/>Guix side, or on the Hurd and libc
>side, or in Guix’s stand-alone >operating system support.

I would very much love to help with anything. Except I'm not much of a programmer at all.

On Sep 11, 2014 7:19 AM, "Ludovic Courtès" <address@hidden> wrote:
Omar Radwan <address@hidden> skribis:

> Will it be usable by Guix stable?

Eventually, yes.

But as you can see, this is work in progress, and there are still lots
to be done.  So it may be more than 6 months or a year before there’s a
Guix-based GNU/Hurd you can boot into.

However, the good news is: you can help!  :-)  Help is very much welcome
in this area, either on the packaging/Guix side, or on the Hurd and libc
side, or in Guix’s stand-alone operating system support.


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