Adam Pribyl <address@hidden> skribis:
I am testing the 0.8 Guix release as announced. Installation went
pretty smooth from USB. Noticed network devices are now renamed to
"unique" names. Fine, but one should be careful when starting
networking and "eth0" is missing.
Right, we should probably add a note in the manual.
Just tried
guix package -i mc
to test it. Without substitutes this fails after long build at
dependency "perl after 3600 seconds of silent". There is plenty of
disk space this time (200GB) but I am probably still missing something
essential to use guix as source based distro.
From substitutes "mc" installs OK.
It sounds that either mc or one of its dependencies deadlocks,
presumably in a non-deterministic fashion.
Can you still see which build failed exactly? You may be able to find
it out using “bzgrep -r silence /var/log/guix/drvs/”.