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Re: [ART] Website mockup rev1

From: Amirouche Boubekki
Subject: Re: [ART] Website mockup rev1
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 14:41:59 +0000

On Wed Feb 18 2015 at 12:29:43 AM Luis Felipe López Acevedo <address@hidden> wrote:

Here is a revision of the last website mockup [1].

White header

Black header

Adam Pribyl commented, "The other thing is that the page design
outperforms the state of the distribution - sorry to say that, but while
page feel very user friendly, the distribution has a way to go..." [2]

I understand Adam's worry, but I think that a global message box could
be used to warn the readers:

Or, instead of the global message box, the same message could be used in
the Download page.

What do you think?

I'm not sure.

+ Alpha software is alpha software and should be understood as such. 

+ The message blend nicely with the page and also invite the user to join the project, so it can be a better option than alpha alone which can be understood as it's fully broken, with no support and it will delete all your data including connected usb devices...



Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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