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Re: [ART] Website mockup rev2

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: [ART] Website mockup rev2
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 14:56:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)


Luis Felipe López Acevedo <address@hidden> skribis:

> Here is a revision of the last mockup for the website [1]. This time
> aimed at a techie audience.

Very nice design again!

> Note that some sections that are currently available in
> <> are not present in this mockup. I'm
> not suggesting to remove them, though. In the image I have of the future
> website, I think these sections could be located in appropriate pages.
> For example:
> - Status and Downloading. These could be in the Download page.
> - Getting involved. This would go in Contribute. And I'd suggest to use
> a simple layout such as the one used in the GNOME website
> <>.
> - Maintainer and Licensing. These could be in the About page.
> What do you think?

Agreed on these points.

I have some more specific comments.

There’s some informal wording that I dislike; for instance, I would:

  - remove “We need skilled people”
  - change “Know the system...” to “Discover GuixSD”
  - change “Some screenshots...” to “Screenshots”
  - change “We have some news...” to “News”
  - change “Get in touch...” to “Contact” (?)
  - change “The devs are working hard...” to “Latest Development News”.

I would rather not have a Web interface to connect to the IRC channel.
The technical audience we’re targeting may know how to do that anyway.

Regarding the section at the bottom, I wonder whether/how it could be
implemented in practice.  For instance, we’re not going to move to
GitHub just for that, and I’d rather not call out to or
similar to get stats.  Yet, I’m not sure the cgit/gitweb instances at
Savannah provide a JSON API to extract this kind of data.  What are your
thoughts on this?

Maybe the answer is that we’ll have to work with the Savannah hackers to
add whatever service provides such an API to Savannah, and in the
meantime live without that section.

One thing we need to decide is whether we keep the GuixSD web site
separate from  I tend to think that it should be
separate (we can ask for, with the Guix web page mostly
unchanged, but I’m slightly concerned about overlap and the risk of
bitrot.  WDYT?

How can we make progress from here?  Would you be able to do the
CSS/HTML implementation of the web site?  What else is needed?

Thank you!


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